15. Estate

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Terk Pov

I wave goodbye to my friends and hire a taxi to go to my dad's estate. I hadn't been to that place for years. Not even once after my dad's death. I would not have come this time either, if not for my rut.

You must be wondering why I have to hide during my rut. I will explain it to you.

As you all know, I am an Enigma. Enigmas naturally have a higher sexual drive than other varieties of werewolves. So do I.

I think I have already told you about my not-so-active sex life. For an Enigma, it is a big no. Enigmas are supposed to be sexually active throughout the year. Sometimes this makes me feel like a breeding machine.

Anyway, since I don't follow the usual norms of the Enigmas, at the times of the year when I get into a rut, I am very horny, aggressively horny. I don't even know if the word 'horny' would be the right term for it. I tend to be violent and hurt the people around me. I practically turn into a lust-driven beast.

Around the time I hit puberty, and my secondary gender was revealed to be an Enigma, my mom and her family were really happy.

When I experienced my first rut, my uncle sent a few women to me. I wasn't really interested in them, but my hormones were controlling me back then. I could only give in. 

But in the end, their pheromones were too irritating for me. Those pheromones made me lose my control. By the time my rut was over, every single woman who was sent to me was dead. They couldn't take me and my strength and had died on the bed during the coitus with me.

I was really terrified of myself. Back then, my uncle pacified me by saying that this was natural to happen for new enigmas. He told me that new enigmas often lost control over their hormones and that the same had happened to him when he was my age as well.

But that wasn't the end of it. When I got rut for the second time after almost six whole months, the same exact thing happened. I realized that the pheromones of those women would only drive me crazier than my hormones already were, and I was mortified. I couldn't get it out of my head that all those women died because of me.  

Since then, whenever I get rut, I isolate myself. I cut contact with the rest of the world and go somewhere there is no one around. I don't want to hurt any more people.

Thankfully, my dad had many estates like the one I am going to today. There was one in Bangkok as well. Usually, I would hide there at this time of the year. But this time, I wanted a change of scenery.

Just kidding. My beloved mother found out that I hid there and started sending women there. If not for the fact that the staff there was loyal to me, those women might have successfully entered the estate and got themselves killed by me.

She had been pestering me saying that it was already due time I had my first mate. I had argued back with her stating my cousin, Gym, who is also an enigma who was yet to find a mate of his own, as example.

But, there was no way she was going to listen to me. My mother has the tendency of doing things what she things that are good for me. My opinions don't matter to her. 

I treat her the same way she treats me. Her opinions don't matter to me as well. I rarely contact her. After having reached adulthood, I have completely cut contact with her and the rest of her family.

Reaching the estate made me realize how actual isolation feels like. There is a bungalow in the middle of the estate and that is were I will be spending my next week.

I had already informed the people taking care of the estate that I will be coming. They have cleaned the whole bungalow and stocked food that I might need for my stay.

It wasn't difficult to tell them about my situation as all of them were my Dad's staff. My Dad often used to isolate himself in his estates during his ruts.

He didn't want to touch anyone other than his mate during his rut. He had only two mates in his life time. One was my mother, who was arranged by his family to be his mate.

The second one was the love of his life, a beta. After having met and marked that beta, my dad had never touched anyone else, including my mother.  He had been loyal to the beta until his last birth.

If you are wondering that why I do not feel bad for my mother, I will tell you this. My dad never wanted to mate with my mother. It was a forced, arranged mating.

My mother is way too possessive and restricting. She wouldn't even let my dad breathe properly. I have personally seen her bullying a werewolf from the neighboring pack who was interested in my dad.

My dad had run away from her and had met his love.

Dad had told me a lot of stories about their love. The sweet fluffy romance between an enigma and a beta. 

At that time, I too believe in love and really liked hearing their love story. But my belief turned to ashes when my dad had to die because of his love.  

My dad was murdered by my uncle on behalf of my mother for falling in love with the beta. I heard that the beta was also killed. 

Back then, I was too young to do anything. My secondary gender was yet to wake. I was completely useless.

Years later, I managed to find my Dad's will, which had two letters attached to it. One of them were addressed to me and the other had no name on it.

When I went through the letter, I got to know that my Dad had a child with the beta. He was requesting me to go find the child and shelter the child.

He also added that he had never even had the chance to see the child. He wanted me to hand the letter to the child on his behalf when I found my half-sibling.

I went to look for the child in that beta's pack. That was when I found out that my uncle had completely erased the beta's pack.

After paying a little money to one of his henchmen, I got to know that they had killed the beta but the child had somehow escaped.

I was releaved and troubled at the information. No one knew the child's name, its gender or any relevant information that might have been of help in finding the kid.

If that kid is alive, it would have started going to an university. It's secondary gender should be alpha or beta, since no more enigmas were reported to the government system till now. 

Well, these are all my guesses. I hope that one day I could find my sibling and keep him safe, especially from the clunctes of my mother and uncle.

They wouldn't think twice before killing him if they found him before me.

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