1. Heat.

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Chain Pov

"No! Not here!" I could only scream internally as I made my way out of the dance floor.

I can feel the familiar feeling of discomfort growing inside me. Nobody had to specifically tell me what this feeling is, for I know that it is my heat.

Before I tell you anything further about my situation let me introduce myself my name is Chain, Chain Aniroot Siralet. I am a freshman in sociology major and I am an omega, if you hadn't already figured it out after seeing the term 'heat'. 

I was planning to celebrate the end of the semester with my human friends. I am currently at a party organised by one of them.

But my heat just arrived and ruined everything for me. This is one of the main reasons I hate being an omega.

When I was young everyone used to think that I would be an alpha or at least a beta given my physique. Yet when I turned out to be an omega, everyone was beyond shocked.

My biological mom was a beta and my father... I was told that he was an enigma. But I don't know. I am not sure because I have never seen him. My aunt once told me that my father left my mom when she got pregnant with me.

My mom died when I was around seven years old or it would be better to say she was killed. Not only her but our whole pack was killed. I was the only surviving member of the pack.

My aunt was married to the Snow Moon Pack. She took me in, changing my surname to her husband's. She lied to other members of the pack that I was her son's twin so that my real identity could be kept hidden. To date, only three people my aunt, her husband and my cousin know my real identity.

But I trust them. They would never do anything to put me in danger. They always treated me like their own child. They never made me think that I am an orphan who lost both his parents as a kid.

"Argh" The pain is getting more and more prominent. I shut myself inside the cornermost room in the farmhouse where the party was being held.

I know I have to get out of her as my heat is going to last for another three to six days. But the question is... how? I have no suppressants on me and my phone is dead.

I can clearly smell a lot of alphas around me. I know that I won't be able to get out completely unharmed with so many of them.

I am a dominant omega. So, I do have the ability to repel them even when I am in heat. That is the only advantage I have as the son of an enigma.

But the situation is not in my favour. My heat had always been irregular and this time around, it is coming after a break of three whole months. It may have been due to the stress I had been through in the past few months. 

My body is very weak now and repelling so many of them in this condition is going to be difficult. The enormous kinds varieties of smells assaulting my nostrils are driving me crazy.

It is only a matter of time before they smell the pheromones I am currently releasing and come find me. The door and the lock are not going to save me from them. They would smash the door if they got my smell from the room.

Who would have thought that there would be so many werewolves living in disguise in between the humans and most of them would be alphas who posed a potential danger to me?

Now, there are only two ways out for me. One, select one of them for the night and use him to beat the heat for tonight. I know if I do that I can get out of this place and get to my place without much danger.

But the problem is that I don't like the scent from any of the alphas here. It's so nauseating that I have to sleep with someone whose scent I can't even stand to get out of this place. I definitely didn't want to do that.

So, I opted to go with the second option which is a much less feasible option. I stand under the shower, letting the cold water flow from my head to toe. The water is cooling my insides down. Reducing the amount of pheromones I am releasing. But I know that I can't do this for long.

I can't help but touch myself. I can already feel my denim trousers getting higher with every passing second as I am getting aroused from the heat.  

My hands subconsciously reach out for my cock that is trapped inside my boxers. I dare not pull it out in fear that if an alpha barges in then I would be in a much more vulnerable condition if do that.

I slowly stroke myself, biting my lips. A moan escapes my lips as the tip of my cock gets exposed to the cold air of the bathroom cubicle.

I so wish that I listened to my cousin and carried suppressants everywhere I went. I was so stubborn that I wouldn't need them. But now I realise how important they are after being stuck in the bathroom, jerking myself off all alone.

I don't know if it is because I was desperate that I found a scent that was extremely appealing to me. The scent of dark chocolate and cinnamon. The scent was strong and salivating. It overpowered all the other smells.

I am trying to concentrate on that smell. I can't clearly locate from where the smell is coming from but I know I want that alpha tonight.

My hands are moving faster than before as I take bigger sniffs of the scent and before I know it I climaxed, letting out a whole lot of my load than I ever have before.

I turn off the shower and slide down to the floor as my legs are feeling weak. This is the first time I am feeling like this. I am still feeling the heat but am somewhat exhausted.

I try to concentrate the release of my pheromones in the direction in which the alpha whose scent I smelt before. I want him to come over and take me. I am sending him an invitation hoping that he doesn't already have a mate and he will make me his for the night. 

I can't think of anything other than wanting the alpha at this moment. I find myself hardening up for the second time.

This was also the first time I am getting hard for the second time in a few minutes after my first release.

I am panting and stroking myself for the second round on the cold floor, leaning against the glass wall.

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