31. Unmark

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What on earth is wrong with these people? Seriously! Why do they look down on enigmas so much?

All my life, I have only been respected for being an enigma's son. Later when my secondary gender was revealed to be an enigma, the respect had only tripled. 

People have been fawning over me left, right, and center since then. Why wouldn't they? I am handsome, rich, and an enigma to boot. 

Alphas, betas, and omegas had been crawling into my bed all day and all night. Still, I chose Chain.

I understand they might have reservations about me because Chain himself is yet to accept me as his mate. But isn't it too absurd to say that I am unsuitable for Chain just because I am an enigma and directly ask me to unmark him?

Is being an enigma a sin to these people?

I was supposed to be in Mauritius, enjoying my vacation with some chicks now. I ditched all that and came here for this omega and this is how they are treating me. 

Do you know how much I have been trying to adjust after coming here? This house is so small that I don't know if calling the rooms here rooms or little matchboxes.

Chain's whole bedroom isn't as big as my bathroom back home. They don't have a closet or a good tub for me to soak myself in. The place is so cramped.

Plus, they don't have maids or servants here! I have never washed the plate I ate before coming here nor have I done any kind of household chores myself. Now, not only am I learning to do all that but also have been adjusting to every single thing here.

Yes, I did break a few plates, got the drainage clogged, and left some stains not completely cleaned while wiping the floor. I am just a beginner. It's my first time doing all these and I thought others understood that. Or at least I thought my omega understood that I was trying my best. It seems I was wrong.

I know that his parents had spoken to him about us and whatever his dad said must be things he agreed upon as well.

But I really can't really why I am given an ultimatum like this rather than a chance to prove myself. I have to choose between unmarking my mate and making a blood oath.

I don't know what blood oath is but I do know what unmarking is. Unmarking is similar to divorces in the human world. Just that only enigmas have the ability to unmark their mates. If I am not wrong, it is due to the fact that enigma mating is incomplete and is one-sided. 

You must be wondering how I know about unmarking when I don't know other stuff related to enigmas. Well, it is because of the big drama that happened in my family.

Uncle Auan, Terk's dad had unmarked my Aunt aka Terk's mom, just a few months after he was born. It had been a big deal and my aunt had thrown a huge tantrum then.

I don't know why Uncle Auan did that or what happened, but I do remember him coming back to stay with Terk even though he never marked my aunt again.

Whatever the reason they had, I am sure that I and Chain have no such reasons. I didn't even utter a word when I got to know that Aunt Lita had cast some weird spell on me.

I understood that the reason behind her actions was to prevent Chain from getting hurt. I found it reasonable as I too don't want my omega to be in pain because of me.

But unmarking, isn't it too much?

I had long made up my mind that Chain was going to be my only mate till the end. There's no way I am going to unmark him. That's why when his dad asked me to take a blood oath, I was about to agree with him.

I really don't know why Chain stopped me from agreeing to that.

Speak of the devil and devil is here. Chain walks up to me with a glass of water. He offers the glass to me, and I take it.

He looks pissed and I wonder why.

 "Why did you stop me from agreeing to your dad?" I ask while sipping the water.

He looks angrier now. "Do you even know what blood oath is?"

"No." I shrug. "I don't think that I need to know what it is. As far as I am concerned, he wants me to be loyal to you and our children. That is something I would promise anyway."

He scoffs as if I had just said the biggest joke. "You? Remain loyal to me?" He laughs.

What does that mean? Why is he laughing? I am being dead serious now. What makes him think that I wouldn't be loyal to him?

Would it be weak of me to feel hurt by Chain's attitude? Enigmas are supposed to be strong right? Maybe I am not as strong as I thought I was.

"What else do you want me to do? Unmark you?" I ask. I am trying my best to keep my voice and tone normal.

He turns quiet and looks away.

Of course, that is what he wants, to be unmarked by me. As for the reason behind it, I don't know.

I know for sure that the reason is not me being an enigma like his dad said. It is something else.

How do I know? Because of Terk.

In the past few days, Terk and Chain had gotten a lot closer. They talk and laugh every time for some inside joke. They go shopping together, clean the attic together, and whatnot. It was as if they had known each other for a long time.

I did try to join them but neither of them let me. They would always drive me away. Especially Chain.

If being an enigma was the problem, wouldn't it apply to Terk as well? He is an enigma too. Why isn't Chain disgusted at Terk as he was disgusted at me? This question had been haunting me for days.

"You want me to unmark you?" I look at him. "For what? To be marked by Terk?"

I know I am being an ass here by asking such a sick question. But I can't help it. Call me jealous if you want. I don't care.

I came here so that I can strengthen our relationship. Yet he wouldn't even talk to me properly much less spend time. If I try to get his attention somehow, he would be annoyed.

But it's a whole different case for Terk. He would give all his attention to Terk. He won't get annoyed at all.

It feels like shit every time I see him smiling sweetly at Terk.

"What did you say?" He stares at me with a shocked expression.

"Do you want me to unmark you so that Terk can mark you?" I ask again.

He sneers. "Yeah. He is better than you."

'He is better than me'? 

How is Terk better than me? Chain didn't even try to get to know me before jumping to such a conclusion.

Heck, this hurts!

Can't he at least give me a chance? 

My enigma's possessiveness is clouding my consciousness. I let the enigma take over me. I don't think that I can handle this situation anymore.

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