11. Hypnotize

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Chain Pov

"Why would you suddenly look at the topic of enigmas?" I question seeing his frenzy.

Warm had been going through these books ever since he came back, and I know for sure that his sudden interest in enigmas wasn't because of me.

"I met an enigma on the bus that I took back home from Bangkok and he..." Warm suddenly pauses as if realizing something. He looks at me and mutters "He hypnotized you!"


"The Enigma! I think the enigma had hypnotized you before he marked you. The enigma that I met had hypnotized everyone on the bus that day. He made all of them follow his command without any resistance. I was really terrified by his power!" He explains.

I blink, finally connecting the dots in the puzzle. 

Warm must be guessing it correctly. The enigma must have hypnotized me that day! Or else I would have left the place the very moment I found that he was not an ordinary alpha as I thought.

I loathe the very existence of enigmas and there is no way I would spend another night at his place.

Coming to think of it, I have no memory of what happened on the second half of the last day of my heat. All I remember is seeing the enigma's glowing yellow eyes and then nothing. It's blank. My memory is blank.

I had assumed that I had passed out of exhaustion when I woke up the next day but now I think of it, it is really odd.

"In, are you okay?" Warm squeezes my shoulder.

"How am I supposed to be okay, Warm? I got marked by that son of a bitch!" I scream. I really want to punch that guy.

"Keep your voice low, In" He scolds "If Mom and Dad get a wind of it both of us going to end up in trouble."

"Warm, I think you are right. That bastard must have hypnotized me!" My hatred towards enigmas is reaching higher levels now. 

First my father and then this bastard. I don't understand why there are only douchebag enigmas entering my life.

"In, just calm down and tell me what all happened between the two of you" He pats me gently.

Warm is always like this, like a mother. He would pamper me sometimes, scold me when I did something wrong, and console me when I was sad. I am damn sure that he would be the best mother one day (I know it's impossible, but I wish he gives birth to a few nephews and nieces for me.)

I end up telling him everything, starting from me suddenly getting heat midst the human party and how the enigma saved from there to the amazing sex we had. I didn't miss any detail as I didn't have to feel any sense of shame in front of Warm. 

"Too much info. I better go clear my ears" Warm groans.

"Everything was good until I found out that he is an enigma. The atmosphere was good, the sex was mind-blowing... everything went down the drain when he showed me his golden eyes. Damn it!" I curse.

"From what you said, there are high chances the enigma hypnotized you." He concludes. "Maybe he commanded you to reply to me when I kept calling you. My calls must have disturbed him."

I sit on the bed like an inflated balloon. I realize how badly I had screwed up. I can't run away from that enigma. I will need him during my heat every month.

"What should I do, Warm?" I confide in him.

"I have no idea, In"

I can see the lines of worry on his face.

A knock interrupts our conversation. Mom opens the door and enters.

"Good thing that you two patched up," She says with a smile.

The smile soon turns into a frown as she stares at us. "What were you two doing?"

"Nothing, Mom. Just talking about stuff" Warm immediately replies.

"Stuff?" She eyes both of us suspiciously. I am sure she can sense my tension.

"Mom, why did you come in?" Warm asks trying to divert Mom's attention from me. He knows that if she keeps staring at me, I am going spill everything in front of her and end up in trouble.

"I just wanted to check on you two." Her face is back to normal again. "You two haven't been talking to each other for days now. Is everything alright between the two of you?"

"Khrab, Mom. Everything is fine." Warm answers. 

"Good." She nods. "It's already late. Go to bed. Don't stay up like night owls."

"Khrab." We say in unison.

"Good night, babies" She kisses both of us on our forehead.

"Good night, mom." We reciprocate the gesture by kissing her cheeks.

Mom closes the door and leaves. Silence engulfs the bedroom again.

"In, I think we should go to bed. We can figure a way out tomorrow morning when our brain is fresh." Warm suggests. "Now both of us are too tense to think straight. Let's calm down first and analyze things tomorrow, alright?"

I don't oppose his suggestion as I know that the only thing going on inside my head is to find a way to murder that damn enigma. I want to cut him into pieces and feed it to my fellow packmen.

"Hey, go get some sleep." Warm coaxes me.

"Can I sleep here?" I don't want to be alone right now. I don't want to be disturbed either. But I know I need Warm with me now as I feel both angry and terrified at the same time. 

I am scared, to be honest. Scared because I have no idea what I am going to do now or what is going to happen to me.

Both of us climb to Warm's bed. The bed is not that big but not too small. Both of us can fit into it just fine. 

He hugs my waist. "Don't think too much. Just go to sleep. We will figure things out tomorrow."

I hug him back, inhaling his scent. His scent is so soothing and always puts me at ease. I feel my eyelids turning heavy and I drift off to dreamland.

There was thick smoke covering the area. Heat radiating from the flames that were engulfing the buildings spread across the area. Screams of horror and helplessness echoed throughout the whole place as everyone was trying to run away.

A teenage boy changed into his wolf form and stood in front of his two younger siblings, as a bunch of werewolves surrounded. 

Those werewolves had clear killing intent in their eyes. Their grey and brown coats were shimmered in the blood of the werewolves they slaughtered that night.

The teenage boy, though was an alpha, looked vulnerable in front of the ferocious bunch.

The bunch attacked the teenager and his siblings together. The teenage boy tried to put on a fight but failed miserably.

The werewolves bite off their limps, tearing them apart from their body.

The little boy who had witnessed the whole thing sitting inside a broken garbage can was horrified as the fresh blood of the teenager and his siblings splashed on his face.

Someone covered his mouth from behind so that he wouldn't scream out in horror.

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