24. Secret

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Warm Pov

Why is this enigma acting like a goody-two-shoes when he has ruined my life completely?

I had lost my sorceress powers the moment he entered my body and now I am pregnant!

How am I supposed to deal with something this big?

"Warm, please listen to me na." The enigma pleads.

I don't even know how this guy found me. I had escaped from the estate when he had passed out after rut.

I never expected him to show up in my bedroom, growling 'Pup'. 

"Leave me alone! " I throw a pillow at him. I don't want to see him. I don't want to hear him. His presence only reminds me of the humiliation and helplessness when he assaulted me during those days. 

"Warm, let's go see a doctor na." He catches the pillow and throws it aside.

" For what? To announce to the whole world that the one who was supposed to be the next sorceress of the pack is carrying a bastard in his stomach? " I yell back. 

"Don't address our child as a bastard! " He growls at me. "I know what happened between us was an accident but just don't use that term on our child. You are his mother! "

"What our child? It's my child! I am the one who is carrying it. I am the one who will be giving birth to it. You have no business here! So, leave!" I would never want my child to be associated with an enigma.

I don't want my child to live a life of fear like Chain. I don't want my child to be targeted by the enigma's mates. I want my child to be safe.

"You didn't make the child by yourself, Warm. You have all the reasons to hate me. But you can't stop me from seeing my child!" The enigma is angry now.

I know I have no ability to stop him from seeing my child. I have no ability to stop anyone from seeing my child. Without my sorceress powers, I am just an ordinary omega now, the lowest tier of the werewolves. Even a random werewolf would be able to overpower me.

Enigma takes a few breaths in and calms himself. Maybe he realized that both of us being angry is not going to get this issue anywhere near solved.

"Warm, we have to consult a doctor. This is your first pregnancy and..." He sighs.

"I already told you that I am not stepping out of this house," I understand his concern towards his pup. But I can leave this house. At least not until either my parents or Aunt Lita gets back.

I need to get their opinion and advice before I do anything. I am not going to rely on an outsider, who is a complete stranger to me in this situation.

I might sound stubborn to you but I have my reasons. The biggest reason is my pack's safety.

The first thing I did after getting out of the estate and coming back to our pack's territory was to visit the Sorceress temple of our pack. I had to apologize and beg for forgiveness for getting myself polluted and betraying my pack's trust in me.

When I got there, the light from the great sorceress lamp had dimmed significantly. You might not know what that means, right?

The light of the great sorceress lamp indicates the power of the great sorceress. Every generation has only one great sorceress and the current great sorceress of our pack is Aunt Lita.

Even though I address her as an aunt, she is actually old enough to be my grandmother.

The dimming of the lamp means her powers are reducing. The light from the lamp was very dim compared to the last time I visited the temple.

I don't know what happened to Aunt Lita that the light dimmed so much but I know what that implies.

It implies that she might die soon. The powers of the sorceresses are directly related to their lifespan. From the brightness of the light, I can say that there aren't many years left for Aunt Lita.

Her life span was supposed to be longer. The last time I visited the temple, she was supposed to live for at least three decades more. I don't know how she lost this much power, and her life is in line now.

In our generation, there were only seven unmated omegas, including me. I am not including Chain as he is not actually blood-related to the  Siralet family.

Among the seven of us, only six got the sorceress awakening. The eldest of the six of us didn't want to be a sorceress as she felt that it was too lonely, and she didn't want to live a life without a mate. 

She is already married and has two pups now.

What was left was the five of us. Among the five, two more followed the eldest and found mates as their sorceress powers were very low, leaving the responsibility to the rest of us.

So, in short, there were only three great sorceress candidates in this generation, out of which I was the strongest. The other two aren't even half as powerful as I was.

That was the reason why Aunt Lita chose me as her successor. Nobody had any objections as they knew how powerful I was.

If I step out of my house in my current condition and visit a doctor, they will find out that I am pregnant and that I have lost my powers. It would only be a matter of time until the news spreads inside and outside the pack.

The moment that happens, I am sure our pack will be attacked. 

Thanks to the powers bestowed upon us by the Moon Goddess, our pack had become the most powerful pack up the north. We have a lot of resources at our disposal.

This is why a lot of packs have set their eyes on us. But they dare not attack us as they fear the powers of the sorceresses of the pack. Instead, they had formed alliances with our pack, letting their pack members marry into our pack so that they could get a chance to access our resources.  

In such a scenario, when they find out that I have lost my powers and the other two sorceresses of the generation are weak, wouldn't they attack directly? All they have to do is gang up on Aunt Lita.

If another pack were to attack our pack now, Aunt Lita might not be able to hold them back by herself. If something like that happens, she would definitely die mid-battle.

Then, it would be a walk in the park to wipe out our pack. The remaining two sorceresses won't be able to hold the territory for us.

I am not looking down on both of them. But I know that their strength. They wouldn't last long in a real-life battle.

Thus, I have to keep my pregnancy a secret for the time being. I just hope that Aunt Lita can come back home quickly. 

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