14. Blessings

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Terk Pov

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Eve asks him for the umptieth time. "We have a lot of tourist attractions too, you know." 

I shake my head. "I am sure I am not coming with you."

"But why? My mom really wants to meet you." She whines.

"Maybe next time, Eve. I am staying here for business." I can't actually be telling a girl about my rut.

Not that I am ashamed of it or anything. But ruts are the times when I can be very unstable. Fewer people should know of it.

"Just leave him alone, Eve. He already said that he doesn't want to come." Safe places the tray of food in front of us. He knows about my rut.

Eve sighs and digs to the food.

"By the way, since you are staying here..." She looks at me mischievously. "How about finding the details of that omega?"

I frown in response. The omega has been inside my head for the last few days. But that was not interest or anything like Eve defines it. It's just that I find it intriguing. I am really curious about how that omega did that. I haven't been around omegas, so I don't have much knowledge about them.

"Au? Don't act like that na. You said you are not interested because he is a human. Now that you know that he is not a human but an omega, why don't you give it a try?" She nudges.

"Give it a rest, Eve. Terk can't have him even if he wants to. That little guy is a sorceress omega." Safe sips his cola.

"How did you know that?" Eve sounds horrified.

"Didn't you see how he buried those werewolves with plant roots? Normal omegas can't do that." Safe answers.

Eve's high spirits are instantly dampened. 

"What's a sorceress omega?" I ask. This is the first time I am hearing of that.

"Oh, you don't know since you are not from around." Safe sets down his empty glass. "They are a bunch of powerful omegas, practically they can be called witches."

"Witches?" I am shocked. How can such a cute guy be a witch?

"Stop making them sound evil, Safe." Eve smacks him and turns to me. "Let me explain to you. Have you heard of the Snow moon pack of Lamphun?"

"Yes. Isn't that the pack that is famous for producing omegas?" I have heard of it from my dad when I was young. One of his close friends were from the pack.

"Right. Do you know why they have so many omegas?"

I shake my head as I have no idea.

"There are many theories behind that but the most believable one is that their genes were exposed to some kind of mutation and the pack members couldn't produce many alphas and betas. The alphas and betas currently in the pack are the one that were married into the clan."

"I am not interested in knowing the population count of the pack, Eve. Just tell me what this sorceress thing is." I am almost done with food, yet she hasn't explained what sorceresses are.

"They are like the guardian angels of the Snow Moon Pack." Eve says in between slurping her noodles.

"Guardian angels?"

Eve hums in agreement. "It is said that in the past, the pack was attacked by many other packs  as they mainly consisted of omegas alone. More than half of them were killed in the attack. Few omegas were even raped to death. Only a quarter of the pack was able to escape. They took refugee in the moon goddess temple."

"Moon goddess temple? Is it allowed to go there when at times other than lunar days?" 

Lunar days are the full moon days of every month, that has a special meaning for us werewolves. On this day we are supposed to visit the moon goddess temple. Especially the young  ones who are yet to find their mates.

"Yes, normally they shouldn't. But in the situation, they didn't have much choice. The temple was the only place where they would be safe. It was just a group of omegas and children. There was no way they could fend off if they got attacked."

"Then? Didn't anyone go there to find them?" Normally when a pack is attacked, the attackers will make sure that none of the pack members escaped. Every single one of them would be hunted down.

"They were found out by a few alphas. But all of them were killed by the omegas and the children."

"Wow!" I exclaim. 

"Yes, wow indeed. It's said that the ones who killed the alphas, performed a ritual in front of Moon goddess to help them find solution for the injustice they had suffered. The Moon goddess was really pleased with ritual and blessed them." Eve turns to Safe. "Which family was it, Safe?"

"Siralet family" He burps.

"Yes, the Siralet family! The omegas who performed the rituals were from the Siralet family. They were blessed with both knowledge and power to become sorceresses. With this blessings, the omegas annihilated the intruders and claimed back their land, re-establishing their territory." She concludes.

I am awestruck by the story. It reminds me of the freedom struggles of some countries that I have read in history books.

"Because of the tremendous strength, many packs tried to be allies with them rather than enemies." Safe sets down his chopsticks. "Most of the packs sent alphas to be wedded into that pack."

"Wedded into that pack?" For an alpha to be wedded into a pack that too for an omega is considered shameful. 

"Yes, wedded into that pack. But their descendants could never be the ruler of the pack. The ruler of the pack will always be the descendants of the alphas of the pack. That is the descendants of the children who escaped to the temple with the omegas and turned out to be alphas when they hit puberty."

"Slowly, the clan gains back its former glory and thanks to the blessings from the Moon Goddess, they became the most advanced pack of werewolves." Eve too was done with her food.

"If they are that advanced, why aren't they trying to expand the pack?" I ask in confusion. Typically, if a pack is strong, they would definitely try to expand the territories.

"That's because they are peace loving." Eve picks up a tissue to wipe her oil-stained lips. "They don't want any other pack to undergo what they had to because of the attack. As long as their territories are not attacked, they are very calm and loving people. But if one attacks them, they will make sure that they dig even your ancestor's grave."

"That sounds dangerous." I chuckle.

"They are. Didn't you see how quickly that omega killed a whole bunch of alphas and betas and buried them? Even you as an enigma, would have had a hard time doing that." Eve reminds me.

"Yeah" Come to think of it, the omega is really scary. "Then, what does me wanting to chase him have to do with him being a sorceress? Are you scared that I will be no match for his powers?"

"No, Terk. It's just that sorceresses never mate." Eve whispers.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I am confused.

"The unmated omegas of the Siralet families are the ones who becomes the sorceresses. It is believed that they should remain virgin for their whole lives and cannot find a mate." Safe explains.

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