21. Breaking In

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Terk POV

Do you remember that house I told you about last time? The one near the Great Sorceress's house? 

I have been observing that house for the last one week.

Yes, one week. I have been staying in the Snow Moon Pack for a week now. The great sorceress is not back yet and nobody knows where she is.

As the matter at hand is really important, I can't go back without meeting her. Hence, here I am wasting my vacation away cooped up in here.

Of course, there are places I can visit as a tourist, but given the seriousness of the situation, I don't think I will be able to enjoy the visits.

Back to the topic of the house. I had been observing that house for a few days and externally it seems like there is no one staying there. I asked the neighbors as well; they said that the family is out of town for the time being.

But I don't believe it. There is someone living there. 

Remember the smell I told you about, it is still there. You must be thinking that since I am an enigma, my nose is sensitive and that is how I can smell it. But no, I can feel the smell getting thicker and thicker with each day.

If there was no one living in that house, then wouldn't the smell be decreasing as the days go by?

It is really fishy. 

That is why I am doing this. I am going to break into someone's house. My curiosity is killing me. 

No, I am not being nosy. My enigma growls every time we smell the scent coming from the house. This is the first time he has done something like that, and I need to know why.

I leap over the boundary wall of the house. I am in my half-wolf half-human form, and I have already activated my shield so that no ordinary werewolf can detect my presence. I don't want to alert anyone.

The moment I stepped inside the compound of the house, I realized that the fence had many enchantments. The fence had been blocking the majority of the smell coming from the house.

No wonder no one else could smell the scent. No one else but me.

I sniff around a bit and follow the scent. I see that a window on the second floor of the house is slightly open. That is where the scent is leaking from.

I climb the wall and open the window wider to slip into the house. Once I am inside, I am being by the thick wave of the delicious scent.

My Enigma is being restless, and so am I. The scent is so alluring and familiar.

I look around. The room I am in looks like someone's bedroom. There is a scent of another person in this room, maybe the one who owns this room.

My eyes fell on the photo frame on the nightstand. I pick it up for closer examination. I have to use my phone's flashlight as it is night, and I can't turn on the lights.

The photo took me completely by surprise. The two faces in the photo are familiar to me. One of them is Gym's omega, Chain, and the other one... is the sorceress omega that I met on the bus that day.

That explains how the house has so many enchantments.

Seeing the way the two omegas are hugging each other in the picture, they seem to be close. Are they siblings or something? 

If they are, it's good news. Chain would have the other omega to protect him as well. The little omega I met was a really powerful one. I think he would be able to take down at least a few bunches of my uncle's men if they attacked the pack.

 I look around and see more of those photos. Most of them were Chain's pictures. So, I assume that this room belongs to Chain.

I slowly open the door. It is dark outside.

I use my phone flashlight to look around. The huge family photo on the wall caught my eye. It had a male alpha, a female beta, and the two omegas.

From the looks of it, the alpha and beta are Chain's parents and the omega I met is his sibling.

My enigma urges me to focus on the source of the scent.

The scent is coming from the room opposite the room I just exited. The door to the room is closed.

I walk over and try to open the door, but it is closed, closed from inside. I have no option but to use my enigma abilities to unlock the door. So, I did.

I made sure not to make any noise. I pushed the door open and the sweet smell waft out the room. 

My enigma howled out loud inside my head. It is being hysterical. I am having a hard time keep my mind working straight with the enigma acting like this.

Normally, my enigma is very obedient. I don't know why it is acting like this now. This is the first time my enigma is trying to go against my will.

I step into the room quietly. My gaze falls on the little omega who is currently in his wolf form, curling up in the middle of the bed.

The beautiful white fur of the omega looks even more enchanting under the moonlight that is filtering in through the glass window.

He was sound asleep. It seemed like he had been crying for a while as I can see tear stains on his face and a wet patch on the bed which is probably the resultant of the tears.

I take a step closer. This omega, it is the source of the scent I was after.

The scent that had been driving my enigma crazy.

The other day, when I saw him take his omega form, I hadn't found him this cute. Looking at him right now he looks adorable and cuddly. Even his little paws and nose looks cute. 

How could someone this cute decide to be a sorceress and live his whole life without a mate? Isn't that daylight robbery? He is robbing others of the chance of having such a cute mate.

Why am I even thinking this? Even if he was not a sorceress, I didn't stand a chance anyway. Enigmas can't mate with an omega, which now, I find extremely unfair.

That is when it hit me... the reason why my enigma was acting weird... that is because this omega was the person who came to the estate when I was in rut.  This omega was the one I knotted with...

What the fuck have I done!!!

You must be wondering how I realized that, right?

I realized that because, the scent coming from the omega is not his alone. It has a hint of mine as well. 

No, it is not a smell that comes from marking him. I haven't marked him (yet. I would like to).

The mixture of our smells only tells me one thing- he is pregnant... with my pup. 

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