22. Forgiveness

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Chain Pov

Does this stupid enigma seriously think that I have forgiven him for what he did to me?

I admit, I was a bit excited to see him. Don't blame me for that. It was just a kind of reflex, alright?

Just imagine being trapped in the desert for days without water and one day you manage to find an oasis. How would you feel? That is exactly what I felt when I saw him follow me to my home.

It was more of relief than happiness that day when I saw him again.

The other reason why I acted as if I forgave him was that I needed his help to look for Warm. He had been gone for days and we still have no idea where he is.

He did tell me that he might take a few days in the estate to gather everything. But I am getting this bad feeling that something might have happened to him there.

The three of us, me, that brainless enigma, and Aunt Lita are on our way to the estate. Normally the route to the estate isn't that long but the bridge on the way there had broken down. The river's width was really big so, even the enigma couldn't just jump across it.

We had to travel all the way back and take the roundabout way to the estate through the jungle. 

The terrain was hilly and slippery. With a boost of the heavy rain, it was terrible taking that path. We had to halt several times because of the rain.

That stupid enigma, he turns out to be a spoiled rich brat who has no practical knowledge. (I should have seen this coming since he didn't even think twice before marking me.)

Now I have to babysit this grown-ass baby all the way through.

If not for the fact that Aunt Lita wasn't in her best condition, I would have ditched him halfway and gone ahead.

Aunt Lita's condition is really bad and the reason for it is me. She saw how miserable I had been in the past few weeks because of the enigma's marking, she cast an enchantment on the tea and fed him.

Casting an enchantment on an enigma isn't an easy task. Enigmas are normally five times as powerful as alphas. This is why I fear and loathe the existence of enigmas.

Aunt Lita had to use five times her strength to cast this very powerful enchantment on him. I am really thankful to her. It could have cost her, her life, but still, she did it for me. 

Maybe it is her maternal instincts towards me that she went to this extent to make sure that I am safe.

Only if I had been more careful that day and carried suppressants, I would have ended in a situation like this. Nor Warm or Aunt Lita.

Initially when that enigma told me about the tea and enchantment, I thought Aunt Lita was just messing around with him. She has the habit to bluffing things and making people believe it.

But during the trip, we had to halt in the mountain villages due to the rain. The betas and alphas of that village were throwing themselves to this enigma.

Especially, this one alpha girl, she is really pretty. She had her eyes set on the enigma and she was trying to seduce him, and she almost did.

If he hadn't felt funny in the stomach and ran to the washroom before he soiled his pants, I am sure that the enigma would have spent the night with her. I am damn sure.

It's all thanks to Aunt Lita's enchantment, or else, I would have spent the whole night in pain while he would be having fun with that female alpha.

Son of a damn *****.

I usually don't curse at people. But I have lost count of the times I have cursed at this enigma in my mind.

The last ounce of good impression I had of him vanished from my heart without trace after yesterday. 

He was aroused by the female alpha, that was why he had loose bowels. Look at his audacity. He was right in front of my eyes. 

Just imagine what would have happened to me if Aunt Lita hadn't put the enchantment on him. Asshole! I am never forgiving him. I did rather have a painful heat and live the rest of my life alone that submitting to an asshole like him.

"In, taste this dessert. It is delicious," The enigma is standing in front of me with a plate of kanom tuay, the rice floor pancakes.

Why the heck is he addressing me as 'In'. Are we close? No, we are not. This enigma is really thick skinned.

"Did Khun Chenchira make this?" I ask smilingly.

Chenchira is the name of that bitchy female alpha.

"Yes, how did you guess that?" He is smiling so widely. "She is so good at cooking. This is really tasty." He sits down next to me.

Can I punch this guy? He is getting on my nerves.

"I ate too much in the main course. I don't have space for desserts." I lie. I always have extra space for desserts in my tummy. But I don't want to eat the dessert made by her.

"Oh? That's sad. You are missing out on such delicious dessert," He says stuffing his mouth with a pancake.

What the fuck is he smiling like an idiot after eating her pancakes? 

I stand up. I don't want to sit next to him anymore.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I need to check on Aunt Lita," I leave him without another word.

Outside, Aunt Lita is with the kids of the village. As always, Aunt Lita had managed to win their hearts. 

Maybe it is the specialty of the sorceress, they have the ability to win the hearts and trust of people around them. I have seen and felt it in Warm. He will surely be a good Great sorceress in the future.

"In, come here." Aunt Lita beckons me as soon as she spots me.

My bad mood is gone seeing her smile. Her smile has the ability to put everyone's heart to ease.

I walk over to her and the bunch of children. Every one of them were radiating happiness.

"Phi Khrab, try these rot duan," one of the children offers me the deep-fried bamboo worms.

These bamboo worms are my favorite. Paired with the cold drink that the village chief just handed me, it tastes heavenly.

I eat a hole bunch without realizing it. It's so yum, I can't help myself.

The villagers saw how much I was enjoying the bamboo worms that they made another batch of it for me. 

God bless these people.

Everything was good until I spotted that enigma staring at me from distance with a weird expression. Is he mad at me for not eating the dessert his beloved made for him?

Even if he is, I don't care. I don't give a damn about how he feels anymore. I know he doesn't give a damn about my feelings as well.

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