41. Oath

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Gym Pov

"Why did you do that?" He looks enraged. Cutely enraged. I know I am not supposed to find him cute when he is actually pissed at me. But I can't help it.

"Calm down, baby," I try to calm him down.  I really want to pinch his cheeks. But I know that if I do, he will kick me in my crib. It's not an advisable option since I am looking forward to having a bunch of cute pups with him. 

"Don't baby me now, Hia!" He pushes my hands away. "I clearly told you that you shouldn't take the blood oath. It's not right. I told you that I would talk to them about this. Why did you go behind my back and do the blood oath."

This is a good sign, right? He cares about me! He is concerned that the blood oath might end up hurting me. Does this mean that he accepts me as his mate? It's hard being treated like an asshole by the person you like.

Yes, I admit it. I like him. So what? Can't an enigma grow to like a person? 

I know. I know. All the bullshit about having a long lifespan and needing to be beyond any attachment and stuff that enigmas are 'supposed' to be doing. But it's not like they are all rules written down in stone, right?

The enigma ancestors might have made such decisions and followed them through to prevent themselves from getting hurt.

That doesn't mean that I have to do the same. I won't be doing the same.

I have already deviated from their guidelines by marking an omega as my mate and I plan on following through with my actions. I am not going to turn a blind eye to my mate's pain and leave him alone.

"In, I know you are saying this because you are concerned about me. I didn't do it just because your parents asked me to. I did it because I wanted to. Please try to understand that na."

"You wanted to?" He crosses his hands across his chest. "Why would you want to make the blood oath? Aren't you proud of being an enigma?"

"I am. But you are not proud of being an enigma's mate." I caress his cheeks. "I know that both you and your family have concerns about me being an enigma. And I know that the concern is valid. I hope that I can do something that would give you and your family an assurance."

He pouts, fiddling with my shirt's buttons. "But Warm and P' Terk told me that it might have some side effects on you."

"Don't worry. I can handle it na." I run my hand through his thick black locks.

He wraps his hands around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.

He doesn't say anything but that hug speaks louder than words. It's so warm and I love this feeling.

Growing up in a household like mine is nothing less than surviving on a battlefield. With all of Dad's concubines and step-siblings, it was so much like a warzone. A place where only the strongest had a say.

Life did become much easier for me my mother after I hit puberty, my second gender was revealed as an enigma. But that is not the case for any of my step-siblings and their mothers.

I don't want Chain or any of my offspring to feel the way or spend their whole lives being treated like dirt. No matter what the second gender of my pups is, I want them to feel loved. I want them to feel the warmth of a family, something that I never experienced till I met Chain.

I swore that in my blood oath as well. I am going to keep my family safe.

"Ahem. Ahem." We hear fake coughs and see Chain's parents.

"Mom, Dad." We step apart. Yes, I do address them as Mom and Dad, just the way Chain does and it feels oddly natural. 

"Are you guys done with the packing?" Mom asks with a fond grin on her lips.

Our vacation is almost over, and we need to go back to Bangkok. "Khrab."

"You two would be staying at Terk's place, no?" Dad enquires. 

"Khrab," I answer him. 

Truth be told, I still can't believe that Terk actually invited us to stay with him. Since I am planning to live with Chain, it's impossible for me to stay at my place. My dad has complete access to that place and everyone working there including the maidservants are dad's people. I won't be at ease taking Chain to live there.

It had completely caught me off guard when Terk offered to let us live with him and Warm. I think it might most probably be because of Warm. (I am sure that there might not have been much progress on their part)  

Anyway, his offer was timely and after talking to Chain, I decided to agree with him. I am sure that Chain misses his twin too. 

"There are some snacks and stuff that we want to send to Warm. Would you mind bringing it along with you when you go?" Mom looks at us expectedly.

"Of course, Mom," Chain agrees instantly.

"In, these snacks need to reach him. Don't eat it on the way there," Mom gives him a semi-serious warning.

Chains pouted "My Mom doesn't love me anymore." He laments playfully.

"You brat," Dad pinches his ear. "Your mom had made your share as well. Do you think we will forget about you?"

Chain grins widely seeing his share of the snacks. Such a foodie. Thanks to him, in the past few days I had been here, I had been to almost every restaurant and cafe nearby, eating many things that I never thought I would for company sake (He has a crazy ass devotion to finding new eateries and trying weird new menus.)

"Mom, why are you crying?" Chain asks in shock, noticing the tears welling in his mother's eyes. 

Mom quickly wipes them away, but she is so emotional. "I just can't believe that both my babies are going away."

"Mom," Chain puts his snacks aside and hugs her. "Neither of us is going away, Mom. We will always be together. Plus, the distances wouldn't change the closeness in our hearts. We will always be your babies."

It is not often that I get to see the soft side of Chain as he always tries to act tough. 

Dad joins them in the hug. It is a heartwarming sight, something I would never get to see in my family.

"Gym, son, join us. You are now part of our family too." Dad invites me to the group hug and I gladly accept.

I am so happy that I managed to win over Chain's family. They love me as a family member too. I am not going to let their confidence in me down. I am going to prove to them that an enigma can also be a good mate.

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