26. Meet

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Terk Pov

The omega looks like a cooked shrimp right now. It was really awkward after hearing all the stuff that the doctor had 'advised' us to do for our pup.

Especially the thing about us getting intimate. I can't believe that the doctor was even willing to the extent of explaining everything.

Warm might have been clueless about the process, but I am not! I am very much experienced in that aspect! I don't need a detailed explanation about this!

We are already halfway to his place, and he has yet to talk to me. I don't like this. It just keeps reminding me that I would never be anything to him even though he is carrying my child.

Being an omega, he can never be my mate. This sucks.

Before this, I have never wanted a child of my own, much less a mate. After watching what had happened to my parents I didn't believe in things like mating, love, having kids, or building a family. I have always preferred to stay away from all these.

Yet now that I have found out that this little omega is pregnant with my pup, I don't know how my thought process started changing. I am actually looking forward to the pup's arrival.

I really wish I was an ordinary alpha. Then, I could have made this omega my mate and there wouldn't have been any problem.

I don't know if Warm feels the same as me. There is a high chance that he doesn't. After all, what happened between us is not something that he wanted to happen. I have already seen several signs of regret in him. He might not even want me here. 

I want to talk things out, but I honestly don't know where to start. 

'"Ahem!"  I cleared my throat to get his attention and I successfully got it. Even though he is not looking at me, I know that he is paying attention to me now.

"You are going to be a sophomore when the university reopens, right?" I ask. Obviously, I know the answer. I have long gotten every information I want about him. But I have to use something to start a conversation, right? 

"Khrab," He answers softly.

Shit! I asked the wrong question. He is even more upset now.

"Would you like to have some tender coconut juice?" I quickly change the topic upon noticing the vendor selling tender coconuts on the roadside. 

He nods in agreement, and I stop the car not far from the vendor. We both get out of the car and head towards the vendor.

There is a bit of a crowd around the vendor. The weather is so hot that a lot of people crave to drink something refreshing. Plus, the fact that the vendor was standing near the bridge of the lake to sell these coconuts. The people who brought the coconut could go to the concrete benches and enjoy the drink while sitting under the shade of the trees and relaxing with the lake view. Overall, it is an amazing location.

"I will get the coconut for you. You can go and sit there," I tell the omega, pointing at the benches. He wordlessly obeys and walks away.

I get tender coconuts for both of us and look around. But I can't find him. I sniffed the air to find the smell of the shield I placed on him to prevent his pheromones from leaking. I follow the scent and find him sitting on a bench that is isolated and a bit far away from the rest of the benches.

The view from the bench is absolutely serene. As the bench has bushes and trees separating it from the rest of the area, no one will be noticing this place that easily.

The little omega is sitting there, watching the calm lake. I guess he wanted to be alone.

"Here you go," I take a seat on the concrete bench next to him and hand over one of the coconuts to him.

He accepts it and takes a sip of it. 

I have to admit, this omega is really cute. No matter what he does, he makes it look so adorable.

He looks at me sensing my gaze on him. Flustered I look away.

Dammit! Why am I acting as if I was caught doing something wrong? I was just looking at the mother of my child. What's wrong with that? Awkward!

"When are you going back?" I hear him ask.

This is the first time that he had initiated the conversation and honestly, I am surprised.

"I am planning to stay here till the summer vacation ends," I answer him. "And when I go back, I would like to take you along with me," I add.

He looks at me in shock. 

"I mean, I would like you to move in with me in Bangkok. I have a five-bedroom apartment across our university. It is not far from your faculty as well." I go straight to the point instead of taking a roundabout way.

"I-I don't understand what you mean," The omega stutters.

"What I mean to say is that I want to be part of pup's life too. I hope that we can raise him together." I say earnestly. 

He looks speechless. Guess I brought up the topic too quickly. 

"We can discuss this later when we get back home as well," I say trying to ease things up. I don't want to pressure him into doing anything.

The omega quietly drinks the rest of the coconut juice and so do I. Once we are done, we head back to the car and drive back to his home.

Just like the earlier half of the journey, the omega is quiet. Gosh, this is suffocating. I don't know how to talk to him without touching a raw nerve. 

As we near his home, we realize that the lock on the gate is gone. I am pretty sure that I locked the gate before leaving. I park the car and we get out.

I can smell at least three different scents here.

I pull the omega closer to me cautiously. I am not sure if that is someone from his family. When he talked to his parents last night, they told him that they would need another two days to come back. 

"What are you doing?" The omega questions.

"Someone's in there," I answer.

He sniffs the air. His sense of smell is weaker than mine, hence he hadn't noticed it. I see his face lit up for a second before dimming.

He nervously walks into the house. I follow him closely behind.

As we enter the house, I notice three people. One of them is a person I am very familiar with but haven't met for years, my cousin, Gym. The other one is his omega, Chain, and the last one is the older female omega, I assume she is the great sorceress, Lita.

All of them have varying expressions on their faces at the sight of me and the little omega.

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