34. Brothers argument

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Terk Pov

I know eavesdropping is not a good habit, but my hands are tied. I want to know what is happening. I want to know if my Nong is all right. It's pretty cute to see him and Warm interact. 

Thankfully my hearing ability is high, so I don't have to go near them to hear what they were talking about.

"So, basically you are saying that it is my fault in the end?" I can hear Chain's voice coming from inside and he sounds angry.

"I didn't say that. It's just that you shouldn't have said it like that to him. Enigmas are very possessive about their mates, In. You shouldn't have praised Khun Terk while putting him down," Warm says in a calmer voice.

Why am I being mentioned? Don't tell me Chain said something to Gym about me and I was the reason for their fight! No wonder my asshole cousin was glaring at me when I tried to calm him down!

I need to know what's going on. I walk closer to In's room and stay in a position such that I can see them, but they can't see me.

Chain is on the bed, sitting with his back against the headboard and Warm is treating his wounds. The scene looks more harmonious than it sounds. 

"Are you seriously taking his side on this, Warm?" Chain grits his teeth.

"I am not taking his side. I am just saying that his reacting like that was something normal. You provoked him," Warm replies while dressing the wound.

"His reaction was normal? I provoked him?" Chain scoffs. "Care to explain how exactly did I do to get that 'normal' reaction? Was it just that one sentence I said?"

Warm sighs "In, it's not about the sentence. It's about the things you have been doing these days." He starts packing the first aid kit. "P' Gym had come here and had been staying here so that you two can work on your relationship."

"I didn't ask him to do that, Warm. I didn't ask for this relationship either." Chain retorts.

"Really, In? You never wanted this relationship? If he had been an ordinary alpha instead of an enigma, wouldn't you have wanted him to be your mate?"

"'If', Warm, 'if'. 'If' he was not an enigma. 'If' he was just an alpha. But it is a fact that he 'is' an enigma and not an alpha."

"It is also a fact that he had marked you and he is your mate. It would be better if you accept the fact as soon as possible and start acting accordingly. Don't try to ruin your relationship with your own bare hands. P' Gym is trying his best to mend things between you two. So, appreciate his efforts and reciprocate. Spend some time with him as well."

"What do you mean spend some time with him as well? Who else am I spending my time with?"

"With Khun Terk. You spend most of your time with Khun Terk. Is it abnormal for P' Gym to feel upset and jealous?"

Why didn't I realize this? Have I been taking up too much of Chain's time? I just wanted to know my Nong better. Even though I do have my worries about him getting close to Gym would result in him getting hurt, I do want him to be with the person he loves.

I didn't know that his spending time with me would spark conflicts between him and Gym.

"I spend time with P' Terk because I like it. I feel comfortable around him, and I know he is a nice guy. And why do you think that you have a right to tell me to spend time with my mate? You are not spending time with P' Terk either, right?"

"That's because I don't have to, In. He is not my mate and I have no relationship with him. Our matter is different."

"Okay, I admit that he is not your mate, but he is the father of the pup inside you. You two are having a pup together!"

It feels so nice to see that my nong is taking my side. I am happy that he understands me.

"Exactly! He is just the father of my pup! His relationship is with the pup and not with me, In! It is different in your and P' Gym's case!"

"Wait a minute. What did you just call him? Phi? Don't you call P' Terk Khun? And you are calling him Phi?"

"What else am I supposed to call him, In? He is your mate. Khun Terk is just a stranger."

This topic sucks. Why does Warm always have to remind me that I actually have nothing to do with him? Why does he always have to emphasize that I am just an outsider? Is he really not going to accept that I am going to be a part of his life once the pup is here?

"He is my mate, Warm. Mine!" Chain says pointing at himself. "He is not your mate. So, stop trying to get all chummy with him."

"What the heck are you talking about?" Warm looks shocked. "I didn't try to get chummy with him."

"Don't lie, Warm. I know you went to the market with him yesterday." Chain says accusingly.

"I didn't go to the market with him. I went by myself. But he followed me because he was worried about~"

"You let him follow you, right? I saw him carrying your things when you came back."

"First of all, I don't know what you mean by I let him follow me. But yes, he did help me carry my things back. That was because I couldn't get a taxi and had to take the bus. The things I bought were too heavy for me to carry alone. So, when he offered to help, I accepted it. That's all."

What? Gym actually helped Warm carry his things? That too while traveling in a bus? As long as I have known him, he had been the Young Master who never lifted a single finger, and now... Wow! He really is trying to win Chain's family over.

"If you had so many things to buy, why didn't you tell me to get it for you? I would have done the shopping for you!"

"I am only pregnant, In. I am not disabled. I can do my own shopping. Moreover, it's not like I didn't tell you. I have been asking you to get my things for over two weeks, but you always forgot!"

"Isn't it the things for your stupid crocheting? What's the big deal if you have to wait a few more days to get them? Would you die without crocheting?" Chain's pitch is going higher and higher.

"Why are you shouting at me, In?" 

"What else am I supposed to do, Warm? Give a hug and appreciate you for trying to seduce my mate?" Chain screams.

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