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Terk Pov

This is the first time I am using my enigma skills on so many people. Have I told you that we enigmas have special skills? Yes other than the extraordinary physical abilities, we have many special skills.   

I had been practising it behind my family's back, well, behind my uncle's back because he would feel threatened if I were to get more powerful than him. And I am. 

My skills are a tier better than his. He still has the advantage of having lived longer than me and has more experience. If I were to go head-on-head with him, I would still have a hard time defeating him.

That is my ultimate dream, to take down my uncle and make him pay for everything he has done in the past.

As for the reason why I want to take him done, that is the story for another time.

I am currently controlling all the humans and taking them to safety. I had frozen the hijackers for a while so that I could take the humans out of the bus.

Controlling humans and controlling werewolves are two different things. This is my first time using my skills on humans and I figured out that it is easier. They were literally like puppets all I had to was give them a command and they would follow, unlike the werewolves. With the werewolves, I will have to use much more of my power and energy to control them.

I didn't use my power to control Safe and Eve. They would follow my instructions willingly and I don't mind if they find out about the level of my skills. I know they wouldn't backstab me. I trust them.

I let the bunch of humans sit in a shed-like place and spread a shield over them so that those hijackers who might have gotten unfroze now, couldn't smell them and trace them here.

Only now did I realise that there is one human missing. The little guy who sat next to me on the bus.

"Guys, I need to go back" I declare. I am really worried about the little guy.

"Are you mad, Terk? There are so many of them. You won't be able to fight them all off by yourself!" Eve says holding my hand.

"That kid, the one that sat next to me isn't here, Eve. If I don't go back, those hijackers will kill him!" I can't believe that I made such a rookie mistake. How could I miss out on one person? I was so sure that I was controlling all humans.

He must be terrified right now. I will have to erase his memory first.

"If you are going, we are coming with you" Safe says stubbornly "We aren't going to let you  go there and face the whole bunch by yourself" 

I suddenly feel grateful for having found real friends in my life. "But if you come with me, then who is going to guard the humans"

"Why do we need to guard them? Haven't you already cast the shield?" 

What Eve said makes sense but I am still a little worried. So I cast another two layers of shield on the humans before leaving with my friends to find the little guy.

I also cast a shield on us so that the hijackers can't sense our presence until we reach near them.

Halfway there, we hear the howling of the hijackers. They have been unfrozen. We speed up and get to the bus.

But the sight in front of us makes us stop in our tracks. We see the little human kid being surrounded by the hijackers. The kid has a toddler hiding behind him.

"God, this is bad!" Safe exclaims next to me.

All the hijackers are howling as if they are in pain. The toddler faints and falls to the ground but the human kid is standing with an expressionless face watching the hijackers. He doesn't look scared at all.

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