28. Twelve

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Chain Pov

I will be honest. I am somewhat happy about the turn of events. I mean about Warm being pregnant.

I know, I know, there are a lot of downsides. But still, I want to think of it optimistically.

Truth be told, I never wanted Warm to be a sorceress. This has nothing to do with envy or jealousy, okay? It's just because I know Warm well.

Warm had always dreamed of having a mate and building a family when we were kids. I still remember him hiding away in his room and crying his heart out on the day he found that he didn't have a mate. It was his love for our pack that made him get over it and take on the responsibilities of a sorceress. He had fully dedicated himself to the training to be a sorceress since that day. 

I never really agreed with this decision of his. Him, having to spend his whole life alone, without a mate, as someone who was supposed to leave all the pleasures behind and serve the pack, ensuring the pack's and the packmen's safety and wellbeing... it wasn't something I wanted him to be doing for the rest of his life. 

But, I don't have a say in this right? It is his life, and it should be his choice.

Now, seeing him stand before me, with the little baby bump, I am thrilled. I really can't wait for my niece or nephew to come out. I would love it with all my heart and soul.

The only tiny bit of complaint I have in this situation is that I wish that the pup's father was an ordinary alpha rather than an enigma. Then, maybe Warm and he could have become mates and my niece or nephew would have had both parents.

As a kid, I have always wanted my biological father to be with me. Even though Dad (I mean Warm's dad) had given me the love and affection that I needed, I couldn't help but long to want my own father. I do hate that man for leaving me and my mom, but there is a part of me who wants to meet him.

I don't want Warm's child to feel the same way as I did while growing up. I don't want that child to be called a bastard and bullied like I was in the past when my mother was still alive. All those are distant memories for me now. Still, I wouldn't want that to happen to my niece and nephew.

I just hope that this enigma stays by Warm's side even after he gives birth, just the way he is doing now.

The enigma cares a lot about Warm and respects him a lot. And I seriously don't think all that is just because of the pregnancy like Warm claims it to be. I can see the enigma trying his best to be of his help and how Warm keeps pushing him away.

Warm is a shy and timid person. The enigma would have to make a lot of effort just to get close to him.

I have heard of this enigma before. The name 'Terk' is quite famous on the campus. It's just that nobody knows that he is an enigma. I think he conceals his identity from the public. 

He is a lowkey stud. Despite that, he does have a huge fan following in our university. 

From the things I have heard about him, he is a nice guy. But I will surely keep an eye out for Warm. After all, someone who has the ability to hide his identity as an enigma from everyone else, will surely have ways to keep a clean public image, right? 

I won't be lowering my guard against him. If he is not a nice guy like the rumors say, there is no way I am letting him stay beside Warm and his pup. I would do everything it takes to make sure of that.

My observations till now say that he is just as the rumors say but let's just wait and watch.

The enigma has been helping Warm in everything. Warm is cooking dinner for us and the enigma is helping them. They already look like an old couple to me.

And there is my enigma, sitting there and watching the two with look of envy.

"Why are you looking at them like that? Don't tell me that you want a pup as well," I joke and sit next to him.

I have to say that this man is really handsome. If we ignore the fact that he is an enigma and the little tyranny he tends to display at times, he is perfect.

"Can we?" His almost jumps up in excitement.

What the Fuck! He wants a pup? No way. I am not ready.

"In your dreams!" I push him away an get up.

"Why can't we have a pup as well?" He asks in a whiny voice as he follows me to my room.

Since m and dad are not back home, the two enigmas are staying with us. P' Gym was obviously staying here because he is already my mate and P' Terk insisted on staying for Warm. He said that Warm's body tends to emit pheromones more than usual as he is unmated and pregnant. If not for the shield that P' Terk had placed on him, the pheromones would spread and attract unnecessary trouble to us.

"Just because I don't want to have one now." I say firmly to extinguish any hope he had inside his heart.

"Then, shall we have a few after you graduate?" He asks.

I gasp in shock as I hear his question "A few? Are you out of your mind?" 

"Why not?" He whines again.

There is one more thing I learned about my enigma and that is that he is very impulsive. He never considers the aftereffects of his actions and does what he wants. What else could one expect from a pampered young master?

One such example of his impulsiveness is marking me. He knew full well that his family, especially his father, is an anti-omega. Isn't making me an act that was asking for a beating from his father?

"How many pups do you mean by 'few'?" I cross my hand across my chest.

He thinks for a minute and says "Twelve!"

"Twelve? Do you think that I am a baby making machine?" I freak out. "Why on earth would you want twelve pups? To make your own basketball team?"

"How did you know that?"

I am speechless. This enigma! When he said few, I thought it would be two or three, four to the maximum. Hearing that he wants twelve pups, and his purpose is to make a basketball team off his own, I really am starting to reconsider introducing him to dad and mom tomorrow.

All the discussions, confrontations and everything is left for tomorrow. Aunt Lita didn't say or ask anything. I am sure that she is waiting for mom and dad. Hope tomorrow will go well.

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