32. Imprint

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Terk Pov

As soon as I had mentioned my pack's name, his parents had immediately asked him, Chain, and Gym to go out of the room.

I am sure that neither Chain nor Gym had noticed anything odd there. But I don't know if my omega had noticed it. 

Oh, sorry. I shouldn't be addressing him as my omega not yet at least.

Hearing my pack's name, his parents and Aunt Lita had figured out who I was and my father's identity. I purposely used the pack's name to let them know.

I am actually registered as a member of the Crimson Heart pack. But I will soon be taking over my dad's old position of leader of the pack in Shadow Flame pack which my grandfather is currently holding.

You must be wondering why everyone was so shocked knowing my identity, right?

It is because I am the son of Auan Narang Karntip, Chain's father. Yes, Chain is my Nong. The Nong I had been searching for, for years.

Figuring out that Chain was my brother was a serendipity.

Let me tell you how it happened.

After I found out that Warm was pregnant with my pup, I wanted to know about him. I know Warm and his family are good people but I can't say the same about everyone around them.

I had my men look into Warm's information. I also had my men to gather information from the hospital where Warm was born. I wanted to know if his mother had any complications during delivery. 

The doctor said that such complications could be inherited. I just wanted to be prepared in case Warm experiences something similar during his delivery.

What caught me off guard was that the information found showed that Khun Nuch had only given birth to one baby and not twins. I had my men recheck the information and they confirmed that the information was true.

They also found that the Kawi-Nuch couple had only one son, Warm until the day they returned to Thailand. In just a few days they had another son who was the same age as their own son and even had him registered in their family registry as their son's twin.

It was kind of messed up here. Initially, I assumed that Chain might be their adopted son but the striking resemblance he has with Khun Nuch is something else.

Thus I dug further, into both Khun Nuch and Khun Kawi. That was how I found that Khun Nuch's maternal pack was the Wind Crown Pack, the pack to which my dad's beta belonged, the pack that my uncle had wiped out from the face of the earth.

When I found that Khun Nuch and Khun Athiti (Dad's beta) were biological phi-nong, everything fell into place.

The disappearance of Khun Athiti's child during the attack and Khun Nuch suddenly having another child around the same time, everything was explained.

You don't know how happy I was when I found out that Chain is actually my Nong. It was so overwhelming to see my baby Nong all grown up to be a proud and strong omega.

I should thank Warm for everything. Even though he hadn't done anything, if not for him I might not have found my Nong this fast.

Now that I know that Chain is my Nong, I have been spending a lot of time with him. 

I know that the Siralets had never treated him badly and had raised him with a lot of love and care, but that can't stop me from wanting to spoil him.

He is entitled to everything that I own and I am happy to give it to him.

Khun Nuch was furious when I admitted that I was Chain's phi. She grabbed me by the collar and started questioning me where my dad was and why he left her nong.

I had to explain everything from the beginning. Starting from the part where my parent's union was more like an arranged marriage than out of love and how my dad had unmarked my mom, his only mate till then after he fell in love with Khun Athiti.

My Dad and Khun Athiti had imprinted each other.

I know some of you might mix up imprinting with forced marking. But both are not the same.

Imprinting is more like getting a tattoo. Not just on the body but on the soul as well. 

When two mateless werewolves imprint on each other, their body and soul get connected. This would mean that neither of them could take in another mate.

This would also mean that they share everything, starting from powers to the lifespan. The amount of power that each of them holds will of course depend on what variety of werewolf they are. But they will be stronger than the normal werewolves of the same variety due to the bond.

Imprinting is the only way in which an enigma can be marked by another werewolf. It does put enigmas at a disadvantage as they stand almost no gain from it other than having a partner for the long run. Their powers won't be enhanced or there would be change in life spans.

The one at an advantage would be the other werewolf. They would get powers from the enigma and have a longer life span as the enigma's mate.

These are the reasons why most of the enigmas are unwilling to get imprinted. 

The fact that my Dad was willing to get imprinted by Khun Athiti was enough to show how much he loved her.

Wondering why he left her side if he loved her so much, right? Actually, it was to protect her.

My mom heard that Dad unmarked her to be imprinted by someone else, and mom wreaked havoc in her pack. My uncle pampered my mom more than anything and would do anything for her. He was furious when he heard that Dad chose someone else over my mom.

Then, my Dad had turned weaker due to the after-effect of imprinting. He needed a few years to recover himself.

My uncle took advantage of this fact and threatened my Dad to return to my mom's side. He promised my dad that as long as he came back to live with my mom, he wouldn't hurt Khun Athiti. 

In order to ensure her safety, my dad came back to my mom's side. But they were never like mates. He was my dad and she was only his pup's mom for him. Nothing else.

This distant behavior of my dad often triggered my mom. She made uncle go back on his words and kill Khun Athiti.

Of course, I didn't say all these to Khun Nuch and others. If I did I am sure that they wouldn't let me get close to my Nong. I only told them till the part where my dad and Khun Athiti imprinted each other and how my father died the moment Khun Athiti breathed her last.

Due to the imprinting mark, their souls left their bodies together.

That's why I said that my mom and uncle were the ones who killed my dad by killing Khun Athiti.

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