29. Mark

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"Have you thought about what you are going to do now? " Terk sits next to me, handing me a cup of coffee.

"Since when did you start caring for me so much?" I take the cup of coffee he offered to me. 

It has been years since he talked to me; now, he is coming and talking to me as if nothing had happened.

Even when I congratulated him on his first pup, he had a constipated look on his face. I was trying to be friendly by taking the first step, forgetting that he had left me without any apparent reason. But he didn't reciprocate then.

He smirks and sips his coffee. "Chain is a nice kid na."

"I know. He is my omega," He has clearly dismissed my question. This arrogant jerk!

"How long do you plan to stay here?" 

Why on earth is he being so nosy? Through the years he hadn't minded if I was dead or alive. We go to the same university, and the apartments we live in aren't that far, still he never got in touch with me. He used to treat me as if I had some contagious disease and would always avoid me at all costs. What happened now?

"It's none of your business," I say.

He says nothing and silently sips his coffee. I was expecting him to say something but he is quiet. 

Well, this is awkward.

Chain had gone to pick up his parents. Their flight is landing at odd hours and he is worried that they won't be able to get a taxi back home. 

Warm, he is asleep, I think. As a pregnant omega, he needs a lot of rest.

That's why it's just me and Terk now. I am waiting for my omega to get back and he... I don't know why he hasn't gone to sleep. Is he also staying up to greet my in-laws? Maybe. After all, his pup is going to be their grandpup right?

He stands up all of a sudden. "Since you had gone ahead and marked an omega, you should take full responsibility for your actions. You have to protect him no matter what." He heads to the kitchen after his little speech.

What the hell? Who is he to make such comments?

"Coming from the person who hasn't taken responsibility for his actions yet," I scoff as I follow him to the kitchen.

He turns around and takes my empty coffee cup to wash. "What responsibility are you talking about? I am doing my best."

"Doing your best?" I sneer. "Then, why haven't you marked Warm yet? Isn't he carrying your pup? Do you seriously think you are taking responsibility by living here and helping him with the chores? That's funny."

I heard from Aunt Lita how this pregnancy could affect Warm's life if the news spread, and I personally think that it is best for him to mark Warm and own up to his mistakes. 

(Yes, his pregnancy is still a secret. So is the news that I had marked Chain. Aunt Lita said that we can't let anyone know until their parents get back. I do understand Warm's case but what about me and Chain? Why do we have to hide it? I asked this question to her, but she told me to be patient.)

When I asked Aunt Lita why an enigma shouldn't mark an omega, she had told me that an omega would die from the pain of having their marked mates mating with someone else. 

But, I don't think it would be a problem in Terk's case. He lives like a partially like a monk. He rarely hooks up and mostly isolates himself during rut. Warm wouldn't have to worried about being in pain. Then, there wouldn't be any problem, right? 

He calmly picks up a towel and starts wiping of the water droplets from the newly washed cups. "I can't."

"Why? Because he is an omega?" 

He puts the cup back on the rack and turns to me. "Not just that, Gym. I don't want to force him."

"How does you marking him be forcing him? You guys can get marked for the sake of your pup, right?" I think that as a mother, Warm would be willing to give in.

"That's exactly where the problem lies, Gym." He leans against the kitchen counter. "I don't want him to let me mark him because he is pregnant with my pup."

"What else do you want? Don't tell me you want him to fall in love with you?" I laugh. 

'Love' is a funny concept to us enigmas. As we live a thousand years on average, at least five generations of other varieties of werewolves come and go in our lives. Falling in love is like a taboo for us. 

He sighs "Warm is not like Chain, Gym. He was very pure."

"Are you saying that my omega is impure?"

"That's not what I meant. What I meant was that Warm was the next great sorceress candidate. He had kept himself pure till that day. No booze, no smoke, no men, nothing! He was fully dedicated to take on the position."

"Oh?" That's a surprise. Does people who does not indulge themselves in any of these still exist?

"But him mating with me... even though it was an accident, it had ruined his dream, Gym. I practically snatched the dream he had been working hard for. He tries his best not to show how affected he is about this, but I know he is."

I lean on the kitchen counter as well. I can't believe I am inside the kitchen, that too talking to Gym. "What happened has happened, right? You can't go to the past and change it. Why don't you two work up a solution?"

"It might be a solution for me, Gym. But for him, it would be an insult."

"Insult? Why does getting marked become an insult to him? I marked Chain too. He doesn't think of it as an insult," My omega is indeed mad at me for not asking his consent, but he doesn't consider the mark as an insult.

"Your and Chain's relationship is different, Gym. Chain and you are obviously attracted to each other. That's why you spend his whole heat together. But that's not the case with me and Warm. I raped him, Gym." He looks desperate and guilty. "I know I was in rut and my enigma had been the one who was controlling my body, but that doesn't justify what I did to him."

This is the first time I am seeing him look so emotional. It is kind of weird seeing him express himself without filter to me.

"Haven't you noticed how he always tries to keep a distance from me?" He points at himself. "He doesn't even want to see me, Gym."

"But he still lets you stay here na!" Why is he making a big deal out of this?

"That's because he is pregnant with my pup, and he needs my scent to calm the fetus inside him down or else he would have long kicked me out." He looks so defeated that I don't know how to comfort him.

 I hug him and pat his back, just like how we used to do when we were kids. Hope that helps.


Have you guys seen the new teaser for vampire project? They had even renamed it as 'Revamp The undead story'.

Personally, if you ask me, it should have been named a disaster. I am not talking about the series, but about the teaser.

The mysterious air that the original teaser had is completely gone. I don't know who the hell made the teaser, but it's too childish. I hope that they don't do the same for the series.

The change in cast killed me. I had been so looking forward to Boun-Boss collaboration and here it is, cancelled. I really wanted to see Boss as a vampire. They are going to lose a lot of audience because of that.

They also removed Pineare and Art's characters. I am really disappointed at GMMTV. The show seemed to have lost its charm.

I think there are a lot of changes in the plotline as well, in order to accommodate so many new artists.

It kind of lost its charm for me.

Anyway, did you see the tease of P' Boun's new project in GMMTV, Friendshit forever? Doesn't have much hope from a straight series. Still, I think I would watch that for P' Boun.

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