3. Alpha

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Did I ever tell you that it feels amazing to have an alpha cum so hard inside you? Well if I haven't, I am telling you now. It's awesome.

Normally, I don't go bareback with anyone. But today is day three of my heat and we ran out of condoms.

Can't blame me, because I am being fucked day in and day out and I am totally loving it. I really wish I had met this alpha earlier. Other than being amazing in bed he is so handsome and hot—a total catch.

And God! His scent! His scent is so intoxicating that I can't get enough of it. 

I have been trying to control myself these past days but he manages to bring out the slut in me. I literally hear myself screaming like a pig every time he ramps into me.

It is my first time spending my whole heat with an alpha. Typically, I would take suppressants and stay away from intercourse during my heat. But this time, I am glad that I didn't. If I had, I would have missed out on this hottie.

Don't think that I am an innocent little virgin like my cousin. I have played more games than you can ever imagine. And from all the experience that I have gathered through the years, I can say that the alpha in front of me is a bigger player than I am.

Why else would he keep a whole box of condoms inside his nightstand? I think there were more than fifty of them.

I suggested going raw after the last few ones tore apart from the force he was applying in me and spilt his cum all over my insides.

If the predator has so much to offer, I don't mind being the prey.

"Hey, eyes on me!" He demands grabbing my chin as he slid his monster cock into me.

"Arghhh" Damn this is so painful. He is so big that despite loosening up, it still feels tight.

His hips are moving vigorously as he pumps into me.

I know I am a werewolf as well. But this one in front of me is a total beast. He shows no mercy to me. I have lost count of the rounds I have been fucked front and back.

I wonder what he eats to get so much stamina. He seems to never get tired.

I must also comment on the ones who designed the furniture in this room. They did a very nice job. Be it the bed, the couch or simply the dressing table, all of them are very strong. You know what I mean right?

I never knew there were so many positions to do this. I would like to thank this alpha for imparting his knowledge to me and taking me on these wonderful rides. 

Mr Alpha, you have just raised my standards to another level.

Of course, I wouldn't say this out loud. Hehe

The air conditioner is blasting above us but that couldn't lower how heated I am feeling now. I am sweating and panting... and here I go again, splattering my cum all over his face. Yes, his face. 

He sticks his tongue out and licks it all up with a smirk. I swear that smirk is enough to get me hard for the second time.

I just realised that it is a weird kink of his. I mean me cumming on his face part. He seems to enjoy it. 

That's so odd because no one likes to drink an omega's cum. After all, it is just fluid without seeds unlike alphas' or betas'.

Maybe he is just the facial kind.

But seeing him drink it makes me feel so good, you know. I don't mind cumming for him for my whole life.

Hey, don't think that I have fallen for him. It's just that... if he asks me if he could have me even after my heat is over, I won't say no. Who would say no to a good fuck?

Fuck! He just climaxed. He is unloading himself inside me! This feels so good!

I am damn sure that I will have to take pills this time or else, I am gonna get pregnant for sure.

I purr as he pulls himself out of me and starts licking me clean.

Woah! I love this aftercare. It's fantastic and the fact that he keeps eye contact while doing so is such a turn-on.

Stupid alpha! It's not like I am his mate or anything that he is behaving like this. How am I going to find another alpha who would do all this for me when I get my heat next time?

He isn't much of a talker. The words coming out of his lips are commands that I follow like a good boy.

Before I knew it, he had licked clean every inch of me. I am practically coated in his saliva. As a werewolf, I don't mind it. It is considered a way to express affection.

A part of me, can't help but wonder if he did this for other people he slept with. The thought itself is making my heart burn. It's not like he is my alpha or anything that I should feel bad or jealous about him being serviceful to others.

But it kind of irks me to think about a scenario in which he treats all his bedmates just the way he is treating me now.

I know it is dumb of me to think that he is doing it, especially for me. I mean, I can't be special to him, right? Or maybe... just maybe... no leave it. The more I think more complicated things are getting.

"What are you thinking about so deeply?" I hear his voice right next to my ears. My twitch my ears feeling tickly. My ears are a very sensitive area for me, especially when I am in heat.

I think he had figured it out already because he kept whispering dirty things to me every now and then making me all heated up.

He put me down on the floor and turned on the showerhead. He is washing me up.

I lean onto him as my legs are still weak. He hadn't shown any mercy to me in the bed for the past three days.

I can see his signature smile decorating his lips as he looks at me leaning over. He seems really proud of being the cause of my condition. I am not complaining thou. I like it. 

It just helps me intake his scent more. That sexy, stimulating smell of dark chocolate combined with cinnamon. My throat is getting all dry as I take sniffs of his smell.

He lifts my chin up and claims my lips. His tongue is dominating mine but I have no will to let him dominate the kiss. I fight back with equal enthusiasm.

He clench my ass cheeks, which made me hiss in pain. He is lathering my hole now like he did the other two days before applying medicine in the area for the bruise.

But when his fingers touch me down there I get even more aroused. Call me sadistic but I want another round.

"Calm down, Darling. I will let you have your fill after we have some real food. We are already late for lunch." he whispers.

I whine in protest. I want it and I want it now!

He grabs my cock and starts stroking it while kissing me. This works like magic and I climax so quickly that I myself feel ashamed of it.



If BounPrem was put in a love triangle, which actor would you prefer opposite Prem other than Boun?

Note:- The actor must be someone who can be imagined in the negative role {preferably a top}

This question is not related to any of the ongoing novels.

Let me know your answers in the comments. 

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