27. Danger

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Lita Pov

I am really lost now. I don't know how to feel about the turn of events. The only thing I know is that I should be keeping my identity as the great sorceress of the pack and thing as normal parent in this situation.

In the beginning of the year, when I did the divination, I did see that our pack might encounter danger. I never expected the danger to come in the form of two enigmas.

Other than the fact that their presence here is going to invite a lot of trouble for our pack, their involvement in my two beloved child's lives is what I am more concerned about.

Warm getting pregnant with an engima's child and Chain being marked by another enigma against his will, I am trying my best to see the better side of the two things but I cannot. I cannot turn a blind eye to the problems these two incidents might bring on my kids.

Warm is an unmated omega. Between humans at least there is a small fraction of people who support unmarried mothers but in us werewolves that is not the case. If a werewolf, especially an omega gets pregnant without a mate, everyone would shun them. 

If the alpha and elders of our pack gets to know that Warm got pregnant without a mate, he would be kicked out of the pack immediately. They would be really furious, especially because he was the great sorceress candidate who was supposed to be my successor.

They would only consider him as a sign of shame and betrayal. If that happens, where will my child go?

Will the enigma take him in? Even if the enigma took him in, he would still have to be alone. Unlike Chain who is a dominant omega, Warm is just an ordinary omega without his sorceress powers. He can never be marked by the enigma.

No one else will be willing to be his mate either as he is going to be the mother of an enigma's child.

Surviving as an ordinary unmated omega is tough enough. Now he is with a child, it is going to be even tougher.

Warm is just too considerate. Despite all that has happened to him, that child is worried about our pack's safety. He has been crying and apologizing for getting himself contaminated and losing his powers because of that.

No matter how much I try to console him, he is not willing to listen. He is blaming himself despite knowing fully well that it was an accident and not his fault.

I know that it is the pregnancy hormones that are making his emotions out of control, but I don't want the child to feel guilty about what happened. I want him to understand that I support him wholeheartedly and will continue to do so in the future. 

My love for him didn't originate after he was decided to be my successor candidate. Even if he doesn't have his powers with him, he is still my child. I will love him the same as I did before.

I am thankful that the enigma is staying by his side. The enigma actually has no obligations to stay with Warm. He could have just left. Warm and the pup would be none of his concern. But he chose to stay. I appreciate it very much that he is with Warm during this period. Maybe without him by his side, Warm would have been in worse condition than he is now.

Chain's case is no less worrying than this.

Enigmas are known to be the kind that doesn't develop much attachment to anyone.

If Gym's love and interest in Chain wears off after a while, what will happen to my child? The spell that I cast... I don't know if it is strong enough to control an enigma's lust. 

I did my best and put a lot of my power into it. It was the strongest spell I had casted till date. I even lost my consciousness after the spell was cast. I hope it works even if I pass away someday.

The matter I am more afraid of about this marking is the changes the mark is bringing on Chain's body. After being marked by an enigma, every werewolf's body undergoes transformation. There would be tremendous improvement in their physical abilities. The degree of improvement would vary and depend up on the amount of time they mate with the enigma and the number pups they give birth for the enigma.

You must be confused on why I am worried about the improvement in Chain's abilities. The thing is that I am afraid that the traumatizing memories of his childhood that I had sealed in his brain would resurface. If it does, it would be no good for Chain. 

Many years ago, around the time when Nuch and Kawi brought Chain into to the pack and asked me to help them register him as their son. I still remember the blank, vacant look on the child's eyes. He was more like a puppet than someone who was alive.

He used to get frequent nightmares and scream all night. Kawi and Nuch were so worried about him that they brought him to me.

That day, I had taken a look at his memories that was causing the nightmares. Those memories, those things that he had witnesses, they are not something that me even as an adult would dare to watch. It was too horrifying.

I didn't have doubt on the matter that these memories are going to affect Chain's mental health. I was left with no choice but to seal all of them. I only left the bare minimum of the memories that too not so harmful ones so that he doesn't feel that his memory is sealed.

Warm and his parents had put in a lot of effort, love and care into making Chain become a normal child after having his memories sealed. The Chain that everyone knows now is the byproduct of the affection of the three people whom he calls family.

All their efforts will go down the drain if Chain's enhancements break my spell. In that case, he might not be able to bare the weight of the memories. He might get crushed by the trauma inflicted by them. He would lose his mind if that happens.

Please, Moon Goddess. Please help me. Please show me a way to protect my children. Please, I beg you.

 Even though I wasn't the one who birthed them, both Warm and Chain are like my own kids to me. I can't bare sit and watch their lives being taken up by the storm of events. 

I am waiting for Kawi and Nuch to come back so that we can discuss it together. My brain is not giving me any solution and I can't let this matter get out without making necessary arrangements. I can't put my children's lives in line by consulting someone else.

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