33. Growl

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Terk Pov

Most of the time I was talking to Chain, he was asking me about Gym, and I was asking him about Warm.

The exchange didn't seem to feel awkward at all and I got to connect with him a lot.

 One thing I figured out after interacting with him for so long was that my baby Nong was in love with his mate. His actions were subtle and barely recognizable. But I spotted them. My Nong is head over heels for my asshole cousin.

The only thing that stopped him from accepting Gym as his mate completely was his fear. The fear of being abandoned and hurt in the future like his mother. He has a lot of reservations towards Gym because he is an enigma rooted in all the misunderstandings he has about our dad.

I think the only reason he let me close to him despite being an enigma was that I am the father of the pup in Warm's belly.

I wish I could tell him that I am his Phi chaai and tell him that whatever he has heard about Dad is wrong, that Dad loved him as much as he loved me, and that Dad had always longed to see him, hold him, play with him and raise him.

But I can't. I really can't. If I do so I might end up putting his life in threat.

In the past few days, I have observed Gym as well. He had been putting in a lot of effort to win Chain's heart. He is no longer acting all high and mighty like he usually does. I can see that he does have affection for Chain as well.

I can't determine the depth of his affection. I would never trust the affection of an enigma. Even as an enigma myself, I wouldn't trust his feelings.

I am not being critical of him, just precautious. I can't trust his feelings to be strong enough to protect my Nong. I just found Chain and there is no way that I am not taking cautions here.

Gym had never disobeyed his father. I don't know if his feelings have the strength to stand against his father for Chain.

If my uncle ever learns that Chain is the pup of my dad and Khun Athiti, he will never let my Nong live.

That was why I stayed silent when Khun Kawi brought up the matter of blood oath. If Gym volunteers to take the blood oath, Chain's safety would automatically be his responsibility and he would have to pay with his whole life if he ever made a mistake with that. 

Or else, I will have Gym unmark Chain. No matter what it costs me. I will make him leave Chain's life. I can't let that sword hang right off my Nong's head like that.

Even if that means me having to reveal the fact that Gym is the son of the person who killed both of Chain's parents. I won't hesitate. Of course, that would be my last resort. 

I don't want my Nong to split ways with the person who he is in love with.

"Didn't you say that you will be staying here for the whole summer break?" Warm asks as soon as he spots me coming over. He must have been waiting for me to come out of the meeting with his parents.

This is the first time he has initiated a conversation with me and to be honest, I like it. In normal circumstances, he would be avoiding me at all costs. It's such a torture given the amount of the pheromones his body emits towards me. 

 "Something happened in my pack and I will have to cut this trip short," I answer him. He has a frown on his little forehead. It just makes him look cuter. "We need to leave as early as possible."

"We?" He asks in shock, as if he wasn't expecting going to take him with me.

"Yes. You and me. Didn't you hear me telling your parents earlier?"  I am sure he did. He is trying to avoid the topic.

I want to take Chain with me as well. Since Gym has already reached here, it won't be long until his father finds out about Chain. It is not safe for him to stay here any longer. This pack is too weak to protect him from my uncle. He would be much safer with me.

"B- But why do I have to come with you?" This little omega is going to be the death of me.

"Because you need my shield, Warm. Your pheromones might cause you trouble without my shield," I explain. "Plus, you need my scent throughout the pregnancy. You~"


We hear a growl from Chain's room. I know this growl! Only an enigma can growl that loud. It's Gym's enigma!

Something is wrong. He sounds angry.

We rush to his room.

Chain is being pinned down by Gym or Gym's enigma to be more accurate. Gym is in half-human-half-wolf form, clearly looking enraged.

He is trying to forcefully mate with Chain. Chain is trying to push him away but an omega's strength is nothing compared to an angry enigma's strength.

I have to intervene. No one can touch my Nong if he is unwilling to be touched, even if the other party is his mate.

I lung at Gym's Enigma and get him off Chain.

Chain is in tears and his whole body is trembling in fear. Warm rushes to check on him. He is injured. I see blood. This bastard made my Nong bleed.

Gym's enigma growls at me in anger, irritated that I stopped him from mating with my Nong. I growl back.

He injured my Nong. Nobody is allowed to injure my Nong. Not when I am around.

Gym's enigma tries to fight me, but I don't want to make a mess here. Now that Warm's parents are here, creating a scene here would leave a bad impression both about me and about Gym.

I can see from the corner of my eye that Warm is supporting Chain to get up and is taking him out of the room.

Now, it's just me and Gym left in this room.

I grab him by his neck and drag him out of the house through the window. We head to the open grass field not far from the house.

Thankfully, there is no one near the grass field or it would have been difficult as I wouldn't be able to ensure their safety. When two enigmas fight, it is better to have no one around to prevent causalities.

Gym growls at me in hatred and anger and attacks me with all his might. He has never been formally trained as an enigma. So, his fighting skills are close to none. All his attacks are purely instinctual.

It only took me a few moves to knock him down. I have a lot of experience fighting unlike him.

He groans and passes out. Great! I need to carry him back now!

I take him to our rented house. I don't trust him enough to bring him back to Warm's house. 

I need to talk to Chain and ask him what happening before doing anything else. 

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