Disney with Takashi Mitsuya

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Word count: 777

Summary: It's a rare night where you and Mitsuya get to relax, so you spend it watching movies. The night ends with a cute little duet.

Paring: Takashi Mitsuya x gender neutral reader

A/n: Thank you for requesting. I know It's short but I couldn't think of much, but listening to my Disney playlist gave me this idea. I hope you enjoy, remember to hydrate or diedrate, and enjoy your night.

It was a rare night that both me and Takashi were completely free to do whatever we wanted. Normally we would either have a Toman meeting or Takashi would have to watch his sisters. But today was one of the few nights his mom was able to watch the young girls, giving us a night to finally relax. We decided to spend the evening at my house because my parents were out of town and it limited the chance of interruptions.

We just wanted to enjoy the night so we decided on a relaxing movie night. Taking turns picking the movies made for some interesting genre changes. He picked first and we ended up watching the first Star Wars movie, directly following that I picked Moana. It was a back and forth of Star Wars and random Disney movies. We are about five movies in and it's my turn to pick the sixth movie. And I have the best one in mind.

"Ok it's your turn, what movie this time?" He asked, handing me the remote. "And I swear if you play Frozen I'm leaving and taking the pizza with me." He said with a straight face as I opened the search feature on the tv. As I finally found the movie I was looking for, I heard him groan slightly. "I take it back, Frozen is great, please I'm not singing along with you." I couldn't help but smile, he knew me too well sometimes.

"Come on, but you fit the part so well. You're a delinquent who showed me the world and I helped to soften your tough exterior." I said explaining my thought process. "Plus I love Tangled, and it's this or The Nightmare before Christmas, and since it's nearly February I dare say it's not the best time for the pumpkin king." I said playing the movie.

He sighed and begrudgingly agreed, though I could see he was happy seeing me happy. I set the remote down on the coffee table and then leaned back to cuddle up to him.

As the movie went on I sang along with all of the songs, while Takashi just watched me enjoying the fact that I was having fun. I couldn't help but get excited as my favorite song from the film started to play. I stood up ready to sing my heart out, I was surprised to see Taka join me in front of the tv.

And so as Repunzel started singing, I sang along.

"All those days watching from the windows

All those years outside looking in

All that time never even knowing

Just how blind I've been

Now I'm here blinking in the starlight

Now I'm here suddenly I see

Standing here it's all so clear

I'm where I'm meant to be

And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted

And at last I see the light

And it's like the sky is new

And it's warm and real and bright

And the world has somehow shifted

All at once everything looks different

Now that I see you"

There was a pause in the song and Takashi grabbed my hands, before his part started.

"All those days chasing down a daydream

All those years living in a blur

All that time never truly seeing

Things, the way they were

Now she's here shining in the starlight

Now she's here suddenly I know

If she's here it's crystal clear

I'm where I'm meant to go"

I couldn't contain my smile as I joined back in for the rest of the song.

"And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted

And at last I see the light

And it's like the sky is new

And it's warm and real and bright

And the world has somehow shifted

All at once everything is different

Now that I see you

Now that I see you"

As the song ended we leaned in to give each other a gentle kiss. We moved back to the couch to finish the movie, unable to wipe the smiles off our faces. Even if he acted like he didn't like Disney movies, I know he enjoyed watching them with me.

"Thank you Takashi, it means a lot that you did that with me." I said cuddling closer to his side.

He pulled me as close to him as possible before kissing the crown of my head. "OfCourse, I'd do anything for you, love. I love you so much."

I smiled, looking up at him. "I love you too." I said before letting out a small yawn, falling asleep against his side.

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