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Annabeth was a girl born to a rich family in Athens. It was quickly discovered that she was smarter than all the other kids. At five, she could read and right, better than most adults. She spoke clearly and easily, with more conviction and a certain proudness of her words.

When she started schooling, she was immediately cast aside by the other kids. Not only was she smarter than all of them combined, but she was also stronger. At ten, she could beat even all the boys in wrestling. She was no match for anyone, All the other kids hated that. They hide her school supplies, broke her things, and even tried to attack her. She didn't mind though, she was skilled with her hands, that she could remake all her supplies herself. And those who attacked her, always hit the ground bloody.

She decided she wanted to be an Architect when she was older. She wanted to build something great and amazing like the Parthenon she saw everyday walking to school. She wanted to build something that would stand forever through time.

Since Annabeth was smarter than everyone, she quickly realized. That she was adopted. She looked nothing like her Father and Mother. Her skin was lighter than there's, her hair was blonde and curly. And her eyes were stormy gray, like her favorite weather, rainstorms. She believed to be a daughter of the Athens god, the great Athena.

Athena was know for being smarter than everyone, and being able to win any battle using just her brain. From the status of Athena along every street, and paintings of Athena in every temple. Annabeth realized she was the identical image of Athena herself.

She never fit in with the people who adopted her. They were famous politicians, and often tried to marry her off for money, or more power. She hated politics, and she hated the ideal of marriage. She also hated every single boy who tried to force her to marry them. She beat every single one of them in a fight.

So, she was often alone, no friends, and no real family. She often wondered the streets, looking at all the beautiful architecture Athens had. She often wrote poems about the beautiful columns of the Parthenon, and how she wished she could be a daughter of Athena. Her poem could rival the god know for poems, Apollo. But she never showed them to anyone. She was too embarrassed.

At sixteen, she was recruited to become a Commander in the Athenian army. Since she was unrivaled in battle strategy, and often won mock battles. She turned them all down, until she was 20. When war broke out. They pleaded for her to join, Sparta was too strong, and were sailing right as they spoke.

She agreed under one condition. That she would fight along side the men she commanded. Hesitantly, they agreed, and she became a Commander of over 5,000 troops. Many of the men who served under her protested, saying that they would not die for some girl leader. Annabeth wasn't a normal looking Athenian girl. She was taller than most men, muscle form over her body, and her blonder hair often held up with string. Something she thought kinda looked like a horse tail. She never bothered with makeup, or any sort of beauty care like the other girls. She took her baths, and mostly dried off with a run around the Parthenon. She never sweated from the run of course. Yet she had a beaty about her, only rivaled by Aphrodite herself.

Annabeth became annoyed. She struck up a deal with all her men. "Anyone that wants me gone! Beat me in single combat to the death!"

A line of over 4,000 men formed. Each one waiting to kill her. As she beat each challenger within seconds, and not killing them. Men standing in the line started changing their minds. Soon the line dissipated, with Annabeth only fighting 25. Winning each fight withing 5 seconds, no scratches on her, not a single drop of sweat, and not a single drop of blood spilt from her or her challengers. After all, you can't have an army if they are all dead.

Then Sparta came. Annabeth told Athenian ships to hold the waters, sending thousands of them to patrol. She instantly gained water superiority. Then some Spartan ships started to land on the shores just outside of Athens. Which she planned on, of course.

Annabeth, armed with a helmet with a bright blue horse haired plumed helmet, golden chest plate and sword. Fought against Sparta out side of the great Athenian city walls. Athens won the battle with overwhelming success and tactics, thanks to Annabeth. But...

During the battle, she caught glimpses of a tall man, taller than everyone on the battle field. Golden helmet with red plume, a golden chest plate, leg armor and a golden sword that seemed to glow. She saw dozens of her men, easily cut down by him. By the time Annabeth was able to make her way to him, Sparta had retreated. She stood in the spot that man stood. A circle formed with bodies of Athenian soldiers wrapped around her. Blood soaked the sand around her, but the spot where she stood. The spot that man stood, was dry. Not a single scratch on the man she saw. All her soldiers who she trained rigorously, died like dogs when they fought that man.

When she was 21, Athens was winning the war. Mostly thanks to Annabeth. She won battle after battle, fighting along side her men each time. Seeing that Spartan man every single battle, easily cutting her men down. She never managed to get to him in the heat of battle. A name started running around the Greek world. Of a Spartan warrior, born of the gods. No one had ever been a challenge to Annabeth, but she knew that man would giver her the challenge she longed for. She now knew the name of the man she most wanted to fight.

The man they called, Perseus the Demigod.

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