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It wasn't long after Percy surrendered to Annabeth. That he was being paraded through Athens, as the crowds booed him, throwing rotten fruit and stones at him. All he could do is look at Annabeth. Who was standing next to the leader of Athens, Frederick Chase.

Percy was shocked to his core... that Annabeth was a Princess just like him. Then he realized he just thought he was a princess, then decided to stick with it.

Annabeth looked at Percy, watched as the guards dragged him through the streets as people berated him, and threw things at him. A sickening twisting feeling in her gut started to rise, and get stronger. She wanted to stop this, she didn't want him to be treated like this, if she had known what would have happened... she would of... let him go.

The guards brought Percy to the large stair set Annabeth and the Leader were standing on. Made Percy kneel, his eyes locked onto Annabeth.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Greater Athens!" Fredrick said. "My daughter, Annabeth. Has captured the Spartan warrior, responsible for single handedly killing hundreds of your great Athenian husbands, sons, and brothers. Perseus Prince of Sparta!" the massive crowd of on lookers roared in celebrations. "Now, it is up to us to decide on what to do with him. Do we spare him? Or do we kill him?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" the crowd chanted.

"The people have spoken!" Fredrick said. "We shall execute Perseus!"

"Wait!" Annabeth said. Every eye was on her now, "I-if we kill Perc—Perseus. Then that makes us no better than the Spartans!" The crowd murmured, "At least, let us have a fair trial. Show Sparta how much better we are, then those curdles dogs!" the crowd erupted in cheers. Fredrick looked proud, but also angry.

Annabeth went down the steps, and picked Percy up to his feet. "Come on," She whispered to him. "I'm taking you to the prison!" the crowd erupted more.

Annabeth took Percy to a large prison, and threw him into a large empty cage that was at the back of a large stone room. He was stuck, inside a cage, that was inside another cage. No one else around Percy, he was alone in his own part of the prison. She locked the door, and he put his arm trough the bars, and looked at her. "Why didn't you kill me?"

"Cause..." she said. Truth is, she had no clue why. "It didn't feel right. Considering we are both the same."

"The same?" he said.

She looked at him, leaning on the bars too. Their faces closer than they've ever been. "Children of the gods."

He smirked, "So it's true."

"How did you know?" She said.

"When I first got here, I thought they had statues of you all over. I thought it was pretty great, until I realized it was actually Athena. So... that your mom?"

She nodded, "What do you mean great?"

He chuckled, "Well... you're different."

"Gee... thanks..." she said.

"I mean... I can't stop thinking about you, and I know you can't stop thinking about me," he said. "My heart starts to speed up when I see you, this floating feeling like I ate a hundred butterflies flap around in my stomach. And you are on my mind more than anything."

Annabeth's face was bright pink. It was the same for him, as it was for her. "I... feel..." she started to lean in without realizing. Their noses touched first, Annabeth nuzzling their noses together mindlessly. Her breathing was getting hard, their lips inches apart. Then...

Sounds of clanking metal from behind them got closer, Annabeth pulled away before kissing him. Her face dark pink, so was Percy's. Her heart felt heavy, and her body yearned for him. She wanted that kiss. She needed that kiss.

"I hope you find your new cell, comfy Prince Perseus," Fredrick said, walking into the double caged room Percy was kept in.

"It was getting there," Percy said, rubbing the back of his neck. His heart pounding for Annabeth, the smallest hint of her heat from her nose touching his was enough to make him crazy.

"Don't get to comfortable, were holding a trial for you tomorrow morning. I don't expect it to last long," he said coldly. "Annabeth are you coming home?"

"...y-yes father," she said sheepishly. Fredrick and Annabeth left together. Annabeth taking one last look at Percy, before the gate to the outer cell was locked, and she was dragged away by her father.

Just like that, all the light in Percy's cell vanished, he was sitting alone in a dark room, waiting to be picked up to die. After a few hours, he actually managed to get to sleep. Until the sounds of the gate opening startle him awake. His heart sank, realizing that this was it. He was getting picked up, to get taken to his execution. A small part of him felt sad, that this was how he was going to die. The biggest part of him was sad, his dream of running a vineyard with Annabeth would never come true.

"Seaweed brain get up!"

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