Girl from Athens

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It had been a month since Annabeth was saved in battle by her one true rival. He had bested her easily in a fight, but given plenty of chance for him to kill her. He instead threw himself over her, and took a dozen arrows in his back, saving her life. She wracked her brain for hours, days, and weeks, on why Perseus saved her.

She had gotten hurt too, an arrow missed Perseus, and landed right into her right side. Just on the edge of her hip, luckily missing everything that could have made it worse. Yet she was healing slower than she would have liked. Annabeth was taken back to Athens, so she could heal quickly and return to duty.

But her restless mind about that Spartan boy Perseus, seemed to mess with her healing process. "Why had he saved me? Why not kill me? Why wont he leave my head?" she asked herself constantly.

She was often home alone, her parents being politicians during war, rarely made it home. She didn't mind though, it gave her more time to think. But each time she tried, that stupid Spartan boys smirk always flashed in her brain. Every time she started to think about him, her chest would hurt. Her face flushed, and her heart beat faster than a humming bird, yet she did not know why. And she hated not knowing anything.

A month had passed, and her wound was healed enough to go back to war. She sailed out, and when fitted with her armor again. She groaned in pain, as it was tightened around her wound. She still wasn't at 100 percent, but she could not wait any longer. Sparta had started to gain the upper hand in the war, and that boy would never leave her mind. The final straw was when she was home alone, thinking about the boy. Her heart raced, and the thought of him taking her filled her mind. Just as she reached down, she realized what was happening, and quickly threw herself into the cold ocean.

She had no idea where those thoughts came from, she had never thought about a boy like this before. And it was driving her mad. She had seen this boy cut down her soldiers like they were nothing, but he saved her. She couldn't get this out of her head, and anger soon replaced her...other feelings.

Her ship was sailing to Lesbos, and half way through came across a Spartan ship. Letting her anger get the better of her, and needing to blow off steam. She ordered the ship to attack the Spartan ship.

Annabeth's ship started sailing straight at the Spartan ship, she gave the order for the archers to fire. A thick volley of arrows streaking across the sky with smoke trails behind them. Littering the Spartan ship in fire, the sails quickly caught on fire.

The oars on the Spartan ship came out from the hull, and started paddling fast at Annabeth's ship. In her anger, she didn't realize. That her broadside hull was open, and the Spartan ship's giant ram was coming at them fast.

"Brace—" She screamed, just as the Spartan ship rammed into the side of hers. The wooden hull screaming as it started to rip apart beneath her crews feet. Luckily, her ship held together enough for her to order a turn. "Ram them!" She barked.

The oars on the Athenian ship sprouted out, and paddled. Annabeth held onto a railing as the ship lurched with pure power. Her metal coated ram slammed into the side of the Spartan ship, ripping it completely in half.

Her crew started to cheer, but Annabeth gasped as she saw something. A man, running up the sinking ship and launching himself through the air, landing on her deck with a roll. Cutting down a dozen men before she could even pull her sword. The man just had a loin cloth on, and a Spartan helmet with red plume. No armor on his body. He spotted her, and charge though a group of men, cutting them down before they even knew to die.

"Wise Girl!" Perseus said with that smirk Annabeth had been dreading seeing again. His smile just peaking out of his helmet openings.

"So you're alive?" she said, pulling her sword out. He took off his helmet and tossed it to the deck. He turned his back to her, a litter of scars on his back showed how much he had been shot. Annbeth knew she should have killed him right there, after all his back was turned to her, but...she froze.

"Check this out, pretty nasty right?" he said thumbing to his back. He turned back to face her, "I heard that the Athenian girl commander was hurt too, is that right?" He looked at her with genuine concern. Percy didn't know why he felt concerned for her, or why he risked his life to save her. All he did know was that she was constantly in his dreams. He dreamt about her, and him, owning a vineyard, with little Spartan and Athenian mixed children running around. His dreams about this girl were always warm and happy. Before her, he had nightmares, and were always cold and horrible. "I do not know your name. May I be blessed with your voice saying your name?"

She wanted to say no, but, "Annabeth c-Chase," she said.

"Annabeth Chase," he repeated in a smile. "I shall remember it until my dying day."

"So just for a few minutes," Annabeth smirked and slashed at him. He swiped her sword away and jumped onto the railing.

"That's cute that you think you can last more than 30 seconds with me," he smirked, easily balancing on the railing. Annabeth spotted a fleet of Athenian ships and Spartan ships coming right to them. A Spartan ship sped forward coming right at their ship.

"Uh... Perseus," she said as the ship got closer, she grabbed onto a near by pole. She didn't know why she was warning him. "Perseus..."

"Come on Wise Girl, I told you. You can call me Percy," he smirked, oblivious the ship coming at him.

"Percy!" She screamed, as the Spartan ship rammed into her Athenian ship. Percy flew over her head and crashed into the ocean. Her mast cracking and falling right in the same exact spot Percy hit the water in. The mast slowly sank, and she waited. An Athenian ship came to fight off the Spartan ship that rammed them, her whole focus on Percy. A minute passed, then another, and another. A sickening feeling churned in her stomach. "!"

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