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Back in the tent, Annabeth's head was clean from blood. Her wound was wrapped up with medicine and cloth. Her ankle was wrapped as well, but she was still asleep. "How long until she wakes up?" Percy asked, kneeling beside her cot.

"I don't know," Will said. "But she'll be ok."

"Clarisse, can I asked a favor?" Percy said standing up.

"What?" Clarisse growled.

"Can you watch over Annabeth until I return, stay with her and if she wakes up tell her I'll be back for her. Can you do that please?" Percy said looking to Clarisse.

"I...guess," Clarisse said. "Where do I say your going?"

"Kephallonia," Percy said. "On a favor from my father."

"Your father, but he's—oh," Clarisse said with wide eyes. "What did he ask?"

"He asked me to save someone like me and Annabeth," Percy said.

"Oh...another one?" Clarisse asked. "Ok... I'll stay with her."

"Will, what island is this?" Percy asked.

"Shouldn't you know, since your on it?" Will said. "It's Samos."

"Samos to Kephallonia?!" Clarisse shouted. "That will be months, or longer through occupied waters!"

"Relax Clarisse," Percy said. "It won't be that long, few days max."

"That's not possible," Will said. "Even without war and perfect wind all the way, it'll take you a month to get there."

"Couple days," Percy said. He then turned to the sleeping Annabeth. "I'll be back soon, I love you." he kissed her forehead, next to the bandaged gash and kissed her hand. Percy stood up, and walked out of the tent. He walked up to the lake again with Will and Clarisse following.

"The oceans the other way!" Will said. "I mean you could keep going this way, you'll reach it eventually but it's quicker that way."

Percy reached the water. "I'm ready to go," he said to the clear water. Then he stepped in, almost like he stepped off a cliff. Percy fell, and was encased by bubbles.

"What the fuck—" Will shout was cut off.

The bubbles dissolved and Percy was standing on some stone boulder high above the small Island. "What...the hell..." he said He peered over the edge, and 300 feet down was a small pond. "Are you kidding me...." He sighed then jumped, an eagle screeched as he did. Percy fell for a long time before getting close to the pond. Instead of the hard impact of the water he braced for, it felt soft and warm. He surfaced and climbed out of the pond. A woman looked at him with an eagle on her shoulder, her eyes wide.

"How did you do that?" she asked, her eagle chirped. Percy shrugged.

"Just jumped," he said, then walked away.

A bit later he turned around to see what he was standing on and jumped from. It was a large stone statue of Zeus holding a lightning bolt like a spear. Then his eyes went to the statues waist with his statue penis and balls. "No wonder Zeus is such a dick in the stories..." Percy muttered. "He doesn't have one," Percy laughed to himself, looking at the small statue penis. Laughing harder, he turned away and left.

Percy reached the town, and asked around for someone that needs help. But the people he asked either tried to fight him or ignored him. Then he saw something. A large group of men chasing after someone. Percy ran, and caught up with them just outside of the village.

"Stop!" a man shouted. "We have your sister, you can't run from us!"

"Let Bianca Go!" the small kid said trying to punch one of the larger men, but failing and getting punched back. The smaller person fell, and the group of men pulled out swords. Percy took the hairclip from his head and clicked it, Riptide erupted in his hands with a full CGI animation... forming into a gleaming razor sharp bronze sword. Percy ran and quickly got rid of the group. The kid was shaking in the tall grass covering his face.

"Hey kid, you alright?" Percy asked. "You the one I gotta save?"

"I'm not a kid!" he shouted, got to his feet and punched Percy in the stomach. "OW! What are you?!" A statue!?" the kid clutched his hand. Then he noticed the men who chassed him cut to pieces. "Who...are you?"

"Percy Jackson, I've been told by my father to come save you. What's your name kid?" Percy said.

"Nico De Angilo," Nico said. "And I'm not a kid! I'm 20!" Percy looked Nico over. He was short, very skinny, messed up black hair and olive skin.

"You look like a kid," Percy said.

"I'm 20!" Nico shouted. "A man!" his voice cracked.

"Right..." Percy said. "What's this about your sister?"

"You can't have her you beast!" Nico shouted.

"Wh- I don't want your sister!" Percy shouted.

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