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"I'm not leaving without my sister!" Nico yelled.

"You are a brat!" Percy growled.

"Fuck you meat brain!" Nico snapped.

"What does that even mean!?" Percy shouted, pulling a limp Nico behind him. "Quit fighting me, you won't win."

"Save my sister!" Nico shouted, kicking his feet like a kid.

"You are a kid!" Percy shouted.

"I'm twenty!" Nico shouted.

"Doesn't look like it!" Percy shouted. "The deal was, I save one person, not two!"

"Who cares what your deal is!" Nico shouted. "Save my sister!"

"Ugh!" Percy grunted. "Fine! Where is she!?"

"She told me she was going to get milk," Nico said, standing up and dusting himself off. "That was a week ago."

Percy snorted, "Dude she totally ditched you, she is long gone away from this island. Now come on, I have better things than you to take care of." Percy snatched Nico's hand, but he pulled away quickly and pulled out a hidden dagger. "Really? Really!? Did you not see the dismantled men when I saved you?! You do not stand a chance against me kid!"

"Shut up, and give me your Drachma," Nico said. "I'll find her myself."

Percy sighed, "Now your robbing me. Thank you Poseidon! This is the last favor I do for the gods!"

Nico lunged his dagger at Percy's ribs. Percy swatted the knife away and smacked Nico across the face. Nico fell to the dirt, rubbing his cheek. "Your sister ditched you. There's no point in searching for her. People who abandoned you don't deserve the time of day. Do you hear me?"

"...but she's the only family I have," Nico said.

"Family still betray you," Percy said, holding out a hand. "Come on, we got to go."

A group of men ridding horses pass Percy and Nico.

"Hurry up," the leader said. "The Cyclops wants to see the girl off quickly. She's annoying him." They pass and disappear over a hill.

"That's Bianca!" Nico shouted.

"She's annoying, maybe it runs in the family," Percy said, Nico glared at him.

"I'm going to save her," Nico said, stomping off.

"Come on! We were about to leave! And he just said a girl was annoying! There is literally no way that's your sister!" Percy shouted.

"That's her!" Nico pointed to a cage from below the cliff they were hiding on. Inside the cage was an olive skinned girl with long brown hair, banging at the cage door. A large ocean side villa filled with armed guards patrolling around her.

"How about that..." Percy sighed. "It was her..."

"I told you," Nico said smugly. "No lets go—"

"No lets! Just me, I go, I save. You stay, I bring sister back to you. You stay," Percy said.

"No way, you can't fight a all those people," Nico said. "I can help."

"Stay!" Percy said standing up. "Stay, good boy."

Percy pulled the hair clip from his head, and clicked it. The Bronze Riptide erupted, and formed perfectly into his palm. Nico gasped, "How did you do that?!"

"Stay!" Percy said.

"I can help—"

"No! Bad dog!" Percy shouted, aiming his sword at Nico. "Stay!"

Percy made his way down the cliff, as Nico whimpered at the cliffs edge watching, and staying. Percy walked up to the Villa where a couple guards spotted him and ran at him. Percy cut them down in an instant, was a continuing on before they hit the ground. A horn blew, and a hoard of men came rushing out at Percy. "It's been awhile since I played soldier, let's see if I still got it," Percy smirked.

Two minutes after it started, it was over. Dozens of men dismembered, laying in pieces around Percy. Blood stained the sand around him, but was completely dry under him. Percy was unscathed, not even a bead of sweat could form on him.


Percy looked around for the source of the noise, then his eyes landed on the mouth of a large cave. Booms rattled the ground, getting closer. "Run!" Bianca screamed from her cage. Then a very large man walked out of the cave, ducking his head as to not hit it on the roof.

Over 15 feet tall, jagged yellow teeth formed in a nasty snarl, one giant brown eye locked onto Percy. Gnarled hands attached to a fat body. "Polyphemus get's a snack today!"

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