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Percy emerged from the ocean, just off one of Sparta's beaches. He didn't really understand why he knew exactly where he was, but he was glad to be back. Once he got to shore, he walked until he found a near by fishing village, where he convinced one of the fishermen to take him to Sparta.

Percy made it back to the large building where the two kings ruled from, he still had yet the learn the name of. He walked in, and entered the throne room, where gasps filled the air.

Luke turned, a large smile washed from his face and formed into a frown the second he saw Percy. King Paul lighted up the second he saw him. King Gabe looked annoyed, and Clarisse looked somewhat impressed.

"Son! Where have you been?" King Paul said, walking over to Percy, then looking him over. "What in gods name happened to you?"

Percy then informed the court on everything that had happened to him. From Annabeth sinking his ship, to being found on an island and thrown into Athens's biggest prison, and before being executed, he told them how he heroically broke out of prison.

Of course, leaving the bits about being the son of Poseidon, confessing his love to Annabeth and kissing her after she helped him escape.

The court applauded at his bravery, and heroicness. "Percy, please, you must be dead tired. Sit on my throne while you tell us more about your journey," Paul said.

Hesitantly, Percy sat on the throne, and everyone clapped again. King Paul held out his hands to show how good Percy looked on the throne. Percy caught Luke's glare, before he stormed out making a scene.

"That kid is going to be the death of me," Paul sighed. "Anyway, my boy! You look...terrible," Paul and Percy laughed.

Truth is, even though Percy is near starved, sun kissed and the makings of a nappy beard. The only thing that hurt was his heart. It longed for Annabeth, and the only thing he could really think of, was her. He even hoped that she longed for him as much as he did for her. Then he shook that out of his mind, wanting her to feel better than him, always. He'd gladly take another dozen arrows to the back to protect her. It was killing him, he couldn't see her.

"Listen my boy," Paul said, sitting on the arm rest of his throne. "The Olympics is in about a year, how do you feel about resting, and training to win Gold for Sparta?"

"The Olympics?!" Percy asked. Besides training with swords, and fighting. Percy loved the Olympics. He'd watch the athletes train for hours, wishing to join them. "I'd love to win Gold for Sparta!"

"Exelent!" Paul said. "Which event do you want to win?"

"All of them!" Percy said.

"Spoken like a true Spartan!" Paul said, hugging Percy.

For the next year, Percy rested, got his body back to Greek God status and trained in every event. Running, Swimming, Wrestling, Throwing, the works. His warm-ups for some of the events shattered the current records. At first the other athletes didn't like Percy swooping in and taking all of their events. But once they saw him, they turned into his cheer squad.

Then a year later, it was time for the Olympics. The war was put on pause from Athens and Sparta, to participate in the Olympics, and for two weeks. No lives had to be lost, as the whole Greek world converged in one place to watch each nations best compete.

Percy took a boat to Elis home of the Olympics and signed up for every event in the games. On the first day, Percy threw a spear, 100 meters past the man in second. Threw a stone ball, so far, it left the actual field. Then for swimming, he won easily, even though it was a guarantee for him in the water. He tried his hardest, and won before the others could make the turn.

Then night fell, and Percy waited until it was really late. Then he went into the Bathhouse to find it empty, just the way he liked it. He found a nice spot, in the far back, steam covered him so is anyone looked in, they wouldn't notice him. After a about thirty minutes, he heard a noise. A figure had walked in to, then he heard the unmistakable sound of a knife leaving it's scabbard. He watched the figure come closer, until it emerged from the mist.

"Annabeth?!" He said, both of them looking at each other in total shock. Over the year, he thought about her non stop, the only time when he wasn't thinking about her was when he trained. And it hurt to think about her, so he trained constantly. She dropped her knife in the bucket of water they used to pour over to hot stones to make it steam. She looked at him, he looked at her. She looked down at his body, her face blushing. He realized that he took off his towel to soak in the steam. He quickly tried to cover up, but she put out her hand to stop him.

"Percy... I'm so glad you are ok," she said softly. "I haven't stopped thinking about you since the kiss... I don't know if it's the steam or if I've gone mad but..." her towel fell to the floor. Revealing her toned body to him. She came closer and sat on his lap, their eyes never breaking. "... I thought about what you said. "We make our own ending." I decided you were right, I want an ending with you, but right now. I want the beginning," she said, leaning in to kiss him. Their hands explored each others bodies, moans flying out from both of them, as they wrestled for control. For the fist time, they gave into each other, accepting that they belong to each other.

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