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Percy woke up, laying next to a sleeping Annabeth. Her skin gleamed in the morning sun as she gently snored. Percy kissed her cheek, and her eyes flickered slowly open. "...morning..." Annabeth grumbled sleepily.

"Morning beautiful," Percy said, tracing his fingers along her bare back. Goosebumps rose on her skin. He kissed the birds nest of blonde hair on her head, it was partly that way because of him. Annabeth sighed, watching him, and feeling his rough callused fingers glide over her skin.

"Percy..." Annabeth said softly. "I love—"

Suddenly the door to the bedroom burst into splinters, and three Spartan soldiers charged in. Percy grabbed Annabeth's waist and flung her over him, since she was closest to the door. Doing so, a sword slashed his back, scarlet blood sprouted onto the bed. Percy growled, not in pain, but with rage. He kicked the closest Spartan in the face so hard, his bronze helmet dented in and crunched into his face. Another one ran at Percy, but her quickly rolled off the bed, and the Spartans slash hit only bedding. From the ground, Percy punched upwards as hard as he could, reaching under the second Spartans tunic, and uppercutting his testicles to his brain. The mans feet left the ground as Percy hit him. Then Percy kicked the foot out of the last man, making him fall to the floor. Annabeth ran over and jumped on his back, peeled his armor away and dug her dagger into his spine. Blood spurted out from his back, splashing on Annabeth's chest. Percy felt conflicted on why the sight of Annabeth nude and covered in blood was extremely hot.

"Percy your back!" Annabeth said, getting off of the dead spartan and rushing to him.

"I'm ok," Percy said quickly. "Lets get dressed quickly and get to the others."

Annabeth and Percy quickly threw on their clothes, and threw on the chest armors from two of the dead Spartans in their bedroom. They ran out of their room, the house they were staying in was engulfed in flames, and black smoke was quickly filling up the air inside. "Get outside! I'll look for the others."

"But Percy—"

"Go Annabeth," Percy said, looking to her eyes. "Go."

Annabeth nodded, and ran outside, Percy watched her burst out from the smoke filling room and out to the sunlight. Percy went to the first room, kicked the door down and Will and Nico jumped awake. "Come on we have to go!"

They quickly grabbed their clothes and ran out, Percy ran to Clarisse and Chris room. But the door was already open, and when he checked inside, Chris was dead in the bed with a sword embedded in his chest, and Clarisse was sitting against the wall, four dead Spartans at her feet. "Clarisse we have to get out!" Percy said.

"No," Clarisse said. "I'm not leaving."

"Come on Clarisse! Don't be stupid we have to go!" Percy said, pulling her arm.

"Percy!" Clarisse yelled. "I'm not making it out." she moved her hand, a large slash in her stomach, spitting blood out profusely.

"Clarisse..." Percy said softly. He'd seen enough death and battle to know, she was not going to live.

"Please, Percy... move me to the bed...with Chris," She asked.

"Ok," Percy said, picking Clarise up gently, and laying her next to Chris's lifeless body. She adjusted herself under his arm, and nestled her head onto his chest.

"Percy..." Clarisse spoke, her voice weakening. "Please...take care... of each.....other—"

Her face dropped, and her body went slack. One final breath escaped her lips, and a single tears escaped her eye and slide onto Chris's chest. Percy closed her eyes, and kissed her temple. "Thank you for taking care of Annabeth..." he whispered.

The was started to rumble and shake, getting ready to collapse any second. Percy took one last look at the couples final embrace then ran through the house and dove through an open window, landing in a roll onto the beach. The house fully collapsed seconds after he escaped, sealing Chris and Clarisse together for eternity.

As Percy tried to get up, "Percy run!" Annabeth screamed. He looked up and saw an army of Spartans, holding Annabeth, Will, and Nico on their knees by their hair, holding swords to their throats. King Luke and King Gabe were sitting on horses smirking at Percy.

Percy stood, reached to his hair and pulled the hair clip free from his black shaggy hair, and clicked.

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