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A few weeks later, they learned that the Gladiator named Death would be fighting again. Annabeth and Clarise got tickets, and found a spot near the edge of the circular arena. The arena grounds was about 20 feet below them, pure sand and dirt, with large puddles of blood and blood stains on the walls, ground, and decorations. There were spiked poles that rose from the ground and spun, trap doors that fell a few feet down into a pit of spikes, and spikes along the walls of the arena. Everything soaked in blood.

The smell of blood iron filled the arena, reminding Annabeth and Clarisse of their past bloody battles. Suddenly, a metal grated door was pulled open, and a tall nude man, in nothing but a large metal skull helmet walked out. The crowed cheered wildly. From the tan skin and scars along his body, and from the size of the weapon between his legs, Annabeth knew it was Percy.

"Holy shit," Clarisse said. "He fights like a demon while hauling that hog around!?" Annabeth glared at her.

"Are you ready!" a voice echoed around the arena. "To watch Death fight his most challenging challenge to date!" Again the crowd erupted in cheers. "Today, Death will fight.... Sally the Man eating Tiger!" the crowd erupted in more cheers.

"Perseus!" Annabeth yelled, waving at Percy. He didn't notice her over the deafening screaming. Found a small stone near her feet, and flung it at Percy, clanking his helmet. He snapped his head over to her, but didn't do anything. A roar rang out, and Percy turned his head to the Tiger.

It sprinted at him, Percy dodged, as the tiger skidded past. He wrapped his arms around the tigers neck, it's large claws swiped his stomach, leaving four deep scratch marks across his chest, blood already oozing out. Percy picked the tiger up, over his head, and held it there for the crowd to see. Then he threw it into the spike pit, a pitiful roar came out then sank to quietness.

"Wow!" the announcer said. "That was quick... uh... put your hands together for Death!" But instead of cheers, the crowd booed. Not getting enough bloodshed. "Surprise! There is more that Death must fight. 10 of the most dangerous mercenaries in the Greek world have come together to kill Death!" Another cage opened up, and 10 of the biggest and scariest men Annabeth had ever seen walked out. Percy didn't have a weapon, but these 10 men did. Suddenly, another 10 men came out of a door behind Percy, without him noticing.

"Percy behind you!" Annabeth shouted. But he didn't hear her.

"Is this the end of Death?!" the announce shouted.

Without hesitation, Annabeth jumped in. Spraining her ankle on the landing, her body was weak from being to nervous to eat. Clarisse jumped in after her, "Are you stupid!?" A mercenary swung at Clarisse, she grabbed his arm and kicked his crotch. She tossed the mans sword to Annabeth who got to her feet. Clarise threw the man into the spiked pit. Annabeth cut down another man, and tossed his spear to Clarise. Annabeth spotted Percy, fighting the other group but he was hurt, and slowing down.

"What's this! crazy fans jumped in to help Death. Kill them!"

Clarise and Annabeth cut their way through to Percy, and together they killed the res of the mercenaries. Panting, Annabeth hugged the wounded Percy who pushed her off. "Percy what are you doing?!" Annabeth shouted. He then swung a sword at her, but Clarise blocked it, spun and hit his feet out from under him. His head hit the ground hard, and his helmet rolled away.

Percy's hair was long and ratty, a unkempt beard on his chin and a wild look in his eyes. "He's not right!" Clarise yelled. "We need to leave!"

"NO!" Annabeth said getting on top of Percy. He tried to buck her off but she tightened her legs around him and slapped him across the face. "Percy look at me!" she shouted. He kept fighting, and she kept slapping him. "Snap out of it seaweed brain!" she punched him hard, then desperate. She kissed him. He tensed up, and tried to fight her off. But he relaxed, Annabeth pulled away. Percy's wild look in his eyes fading away.

"A-Annabeth?" he asked.

"Yes!" she laughed tears in her eyes. "It's me!" She kissed him again.

"Uh, we need to run... now!" Clarise said, as all the gate of the arena were opening at once. Dozens of large men with weapons and anger coursing in them started coming at them.

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