Battle for Salt

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Months of war ravaged the Greek world. Percy has become even more of a legend in battle. Fear washes over every enemy soldier as soon as the see him on the battle field.

Annabeth has gained fear too, Spartan who feared nothing, started to fear if she was leading the Athenians into battle.

As the war waged on, battles started to spread around the Greek world. It was rare to see either of those two in battle, they were often on some other island fighting. It was even rarer for them to end up at the same battle, it had been months since they last saw each other on the battle field. Percy was getting bored and antsy. Annabeth was getting antsy too, constantly making plans for battle, and making separate plans if he showed. Which he rarely ever, since the Greek world was large, and the war was larger.

But Annabeth caught word, that the Spartans were getting ready to claim Lokris. Greece's main provider of Salt. It was a small sea sided town, but had massive field of pure white salt, that was farmed and harvested. It was a massive intake of money for whoever controlled Lokris, and the Spartans were making a move.

Annabeth and her Athenians landed on the shores of Lokris, and quickly set up a camp. Not even a day later, the Spartans showed up. The battlefield was set.

The battle field was on a large stretch of white salted grown. It was hard, and cracked like glass as you stepped on it. When dark red blood spilled on the pure white ground, it looked almost like a beautiful piece of art Annabeth thought. Over the battles of wanting to fight Perseus, and not seeing a sign of him. She lost her will to fight. She started to stay back, and command her troops from behind, until she saw him. Percy was in the middle of a large group of Athenians, cutting them down with ease. A fire erupted in her, and she charged through the battlefield.

Their eyes met, and they both readied their swords. A circle seemed to form around them, every soldier on both sides knew, they were no match to those two.

"Hello," Annabeth said, they started to circle each other like hungry sharks around their prey. "You are the one they call Perseus?"

"I am," He said. "I like Percy better, only my friends can call me that. But for you, I'll make an exception," He winked under his helmet.

Percy had no clue why he did that. He had plenty of chances with other girls, in fact their fathers often try to bribe him into marrying their daughters. He had no interest in any girl before, but there was something about that Athenian girl that lit a fire in him.

Same goes for Annabeth, tall, and beautiful. She had plenty of suitors, which turned them all down. But when Percy winked at her, she felt her cheeks start to burn. She never felt something like this before, and that made her mad. She charged in, and Percy easily swatted away her attack.

"So, you're the Wise Girl, with the impossible to beat strategies. It's rumors that you are Athena herself," he shrugged. "I don't see it."

Percy never played with his prey before, he just cut them down without a second thought. But right now, he didn't want to kill her.

Annabeth grew red, "Shut it you Spartan dog!" She charged again, their sword swung so swiftly all you could see were bronze blurs cutting through the air.

The battle continued to wage, each sides numbers dwindling quickly. Annabeth and Percy continued to fight, not yet laying a scratch on each other. Annabeth kicked, Percy sidestepped, spun her around and pressed her back to his chest while holding his sword to her neck.

"You smell good," He said. "Do you yield to me?"

"You smell like salt," Annabeth said, struggling against his iron grip around her waist.

"We are fighting in a salt field," he said. She dug her elbow into his chest armor so hard, it knocked some breath out of him. He stumbled back, gasping for air.

"I waited a long time to kill you!" She growled.

"Been thinking of me for that long?" He smirked.

She charged again, jumping off a large dead Spartan corpse and launching into the air. Percy planted his foot square in her chest, making her slam to her back. All air escaping her lips in an instant. He kicked her sword away and stood over her. A Spartan soldier came screaming at them, aiming a spear right at the defenseless Annabeth. Percy caught the spear, ripped it from the soldiers hands, and snapped it over his knee. He sent a look to the soldier that would put fear into Ares. Annabeth gasping for air, pointed behind him. A volley of arrows was coming right at them both. He covered her with his body, as the thwacks of arrows landed all around him. His face was close to hers, then blood came from his mouth.

Percy fell, managing to fall next to Annabeth. The sting of multiple arrows embedded in his back. He had no clue why he protected her, but he would do it again in a heartbeat. The battle raged one, and Annabeth stood over him, protecting him from harm until the battle ended.

"Stay alive," She said before, ordering her men to start collecting her fallen soldiers. The Spartans were collecting too, Annabeth even signaled that Percy was alive to the Spartans. Who then rushed to get him, he blacked out after catching a glimpse of the Athenian girl watching him get taken away.

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