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After meeting her true mother, Annabeth didn't return to Athens that night. She knew her parents wouldn't be home, so no one was looking for her. She spent a week on that hill, with the Saltwater spring and the olive tree. Doing nothing but think.

The gods were real, and she was a child of Athena. The real Athena. And she was pretty sure Percy was a son of Poseidon. And Percy was alive... somewhere.

Her mind went to nothing but him, thinking on where he could be. She had talked to Spartan prisoners at a near by Athenian base. But each one said that no one knew where he was.

Then something inside her clicked. She was going to find him, and she was going to kis—kill him. She stood up, and marched back into the city, went home grabbed her armor and went to the docks. Her ship was still there, and her crew were sitting idle, waiting for her return. Once they saw her in full gear, they erupted into cheers.

They hit the open waters, sailing for the to the last time she saw him. Her eyes kept trailing down to the ocean below her ship, she could have sworn dolphins were leading her. A feeling in her gut told her to follow them. At first she tried to fight the feeling, but in the end she gave in.

"Follow the dolphins!" she ordered.

The crew looked confused, but listened. They sailed for a week straight, following the dolphins non stop. Until they came upon a forgotten tiny island. A massive 300-foot statue of Poseidon looking to the ocean, and clutching his trident. A single plume of smoke, streaking into the air near the center of the small island. By the time they reached the shore, it was night time. Annabeth sent out scouts to find him, and in the meantime, set up a small war camp.

A scout retuned and gave her a quickly drawn up map of the small island. Another scout retuned and marked where he saw a sleeping man near a fire.

"I want half of you, to go around the beach, and the other half to go around the opposite side. We will circle around him and trap him. He's extremely dangerous, so be careful.

As soon as Annabeth left her tent, she herd something behind her. She quickly turned to see a nude Percy, looking over the table. He was thinner, had the makings of a beard on his face, and longer unkept hair.

"Oh man... you really are a master planner," he said.

She quickly went back into the tent, and closed the flaps. "What are you doing here?!"

"I saw the ship pull up, and I kinda wanted off the island," He said, taking no shame in standing nude in front of her. Her face was pink, and quickly found a tunic and tossed it to him.

"I should kill you!" She quietly growled.

"...then do it," he said, taking her aback. He put the tunic on, and turned to face her. "Kill me."

"W-why?" she said.

"I'm your enemy, right? Your leaders would want you to kill me, right now. My leaders would probably kill me anyway if they knew I was talking to you, and not trying to kill you," he chuckled.

"Miss Annabeth, are you ok?" A soldier called from outside the tent.

"Yeah give me a second," She called back. Then looked at Percy. He looked tiered, and worn out. Scatches all over his body like he was in an endless fight. "What happened to you?"

He chuckled, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I can barely believe it."

The tent flap opened suddenly, a soldier saw Percy and drew his weapon, then all the soldiers did the same.

"Looks like times up... What's it going to be Annabeth, Kill me or Capture me. Either way, I'll die," he held up his hands, Annabeth drew her sword, and stuck the tip to the center of his chest. She pressed in, the tip digging into his skin, not even a wince of pain in his face. Once she saw blood staining his new tunic, she pulled out. A soft smile grew on his face. "I surrender to Annabeth."

Annabeth had been shot on her side by an arrow, a small scar on her torso shows it. From when Percy protected her with his own body.

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