Daughter of a Goddes

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It had been a month since Annabeth watched Percy fall to the ocean. A month since she last seen him, a month since the world had last seen him. She was so distraught, she lost a battle. That's when she decided to take a leave, and go home back to Athens.

When she arrived in port, no one was there to greet her. Not even her adoptive parents, who were off being politicians instead of her parents. She knew it was selfish to want her parents to be her parents instead of important politicians. But she want to be selfish just this one time.

Annabeth had never felt this pain before. She couldn't understand it, she wanted to kill Percy. He was her biggest thorn in her side in this war. And yet... she felt this overwhelming crushing feeling in her heart. She wished she could have warned him better, maybe even... take his place.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize where she was. She ended up in the hills of Athens, looking down at the massive city. There was a spring in front of her, and a large olive tree. She had never seen this place before, and never heard people talk about it. Curios, Annabeth knelt down, cup some water in her palm, and drank. She spit it out immediately, it was a salt water spring.

The olive tree was bigger than she'd ever seen. She had traveled the Greek world, and seen a lot of vineyards, and olive orchards. Non had any near the size of this tree. She walked under it, picked an olive from a branch, and popped it in her mouth. It was the best tasting thing she had ever tasted in her life! She popped a few more in her mouth before finishing the first.

"Don't eat so fast, or you might choke young one," a voice came out from the darkness, startling Annabeth. She spit out her olives and held up her fists.

"Who's there?" Annabeth said.

"So quick to fight," the female voice said. Then a woman, walked out from behind the olive tree. She was tall, beautiful, and had a white flowing dress. She also looked familiar, but Annabeth couldn't place it. "Your thoughts rest on a Spartan boy, yes?"

"H-how'd you know?" Annabeth said, lowering her hands. For some reason, she felt like she could trust this woman.

"Would you like to know why you can't beat him?" the lady said, looking out to the lights of Athens. Annabeth nodded, which she figured the lady couldn't see. But just as she was about to agree, the lady spoke. "The reason you can't beat him... is because you care for him. You let him into your mind, and now, the thought of harming him, is foreign to you."

"C-care for him?" Annabeth said. "I d-don't care for him!"

"And yet, he's printed on your mind, so much so. You walked out of town, up a mountain and ended up here," the lady chuckled. Annabeth blushed. "I can sense you worry for him, worry for him deeply. I'll give you one thing to rest your mind. Perseus lives."

The words rattled in Annabeth's brain. Percy was alive! She nearly leapt for joy, but contained herself. Her mind started to clear up, and started to work normally.

"Who are you? How do you know all this?" Annabeth finally asked. Making the lady chuckle.

"You already know, don't you Annabeth?" The lady turned her head, and a feint smile on her lips. Then it hit Annabeth, she slowly turned to the city. The massive statue of Athena standing proud in the center of Athens was facing them. The moon just bright enough to make out the facial features. She had seen that face, every single day of her childhood.

"Athena?" Annabeth asked.

"For you Annabeth, you can call me... mother," Athena said. "As you already suspected long ago, you are my daughter. Then a blue glow formed over Annabeth, she slowly looked up to see a glowing blue owl over her head.

"So... it's true..." Annabeth said, her mind racing at all the times she'd wished Athena was her mother.

"Indeed," Athena said, looking at Annabeth proudly. "I had wanted to do this sooner, but that stupid salty beard beat me too it."

"Salty beard? Poseidon?" Annabeth asked.

"That does not matter at the moment," Athena said. "As you now know, you are a Daughter of Athena. And it is my job to warn you. Being a child of a god, as you can already tell, is something extraordinary. You're stronger, faster, smarter than everyone. But not ever child of a god is the same, some don't have attributes like yours. Some are stronger than you. And being a child of a god is dangerous. Monsters and greedy mortals hunt you everyday. Don't let anyone know you are a Daughter of Athena, monsters are already hunting you. And if you tell people about your mother, greedy mortals will hunt you to."

"Is there anyone I can tell?" Annabeth asked, hoping she could tell a certain boy. In reality, she just wanted to see him.

Athena smiled, "Think Annabeth. You seen that boy fight, he beat you easily, the first person to ever beat you. Why do you think that is?"

Annabeth's mind raced, her thoughts once again filled of Percy. Then she gasped, "He's like me... a son of...Poseidon?" Athena smiled.

"Your mind is truly a wonder, I wish your dreams do come true, and you live long enough to live them," Athena said. A chill ran down Annabeth's back. "A Demigods life is the most dangerous here in the Greek world. You would think being a lowly foot soldier in times of war is dangerous. That's walk on the beach compared to your life," Athena walked up to Annabeth. The goddess was a foot taller than her, she reached out her arms and held Annabeth close. "I truly wish you didn't have to live a life full of dangers." Athena continued to hold Annabeth, slowly stroking her silky blonde hair. "Hail, Annabeth! Child of Athena!" She spoke loudly, Annabeth felt a surge of power form in her spine. "I truly love you."

"I... love you too... mom."

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