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After they watched their daughter sink into the ocean with Percy's father, Annabeth and Percy got their emotions into check, and returned to their villa. Annabeth helped strap Percy's old Spartan general armor on around his chest, hips and arms.

"Oof..." Percy sighed. "It's getting a little...tight... in the stomach."

"Want me to loosen it?" Annabeth asked as she tighten his greave to his shin. "You let yourself go a bit," Annabeth snickered from behind him.

"Careful girl," Percy scoffed. "I'm putting your armor on next." Annabeth laughed then stood up, and met his face.

"You look handsome. A real Spartan Warrior. Just like our days on the battlefield," Annabeth said, brushing off some dust from Percy's ab shaped chest piece.

"How longs it been? Since we faced on the battle field?" Percy said, as he slowly slid off Annabeth's day dress. It pilled in a circle around her ankles.

"Feels like centuries," Annabeth said, as Percy put her armor tunic on around her. "A young and stupid girl, fighting a war she didn't believe in, just for the attention of her...not even real parents."

Percy slipped her Athenian chest piece over her head, and set it on her chest and back. "And a young boy, who fought because that's all he knew." He strapped her straps tight against her body. Annabeth groaned in slight discomfort. "Seems like I'm not the only—"

"Watch your next words carefully Jackson," Annabeth glared. Percy chuckled as he tied her side straps. "They just...never hade to make mom armor...yeah."

"Sure love," Percy chuckled, and tied her greaves to her calf's. He then stood up and backed up to see Annabeth in her full Athenian gear. "It's just like we're trying to kill each other again." he smirked.

"Aww...." Annabeth said and cupped his cheek. "I do miss those days."

Percy held her hips, and pulled her close. "Me to. When I used to beat you in every battle, forcing you to think about me non stop for months, and forcing you to fall in love with me."

Annabeth scoffed and bumped his chest armor. "Just so you know. I totally beat you."

"How? When?" Percy said.

"Part of my long plan," Annabeth nodded. "Get you to fall in love with me, and give me a child. I win."

Percy laughed, and kissed her. She returned his kiss and held it for as long as they could until they heard the knocks on the front door. "Guess it's time," Percy said as he parted from Annabeth's mouth.

"I guess so..." Annabeth said looking up into his bright green eyes. "I love you Perseus Jackson."

"I love you too, Annabeth Jackson," Percy said, looking into her stormy gray eyes. Both of their favorite sights, each others eyes.

They went down stairs, and opened the door. Will was dressed up in full armor. Nothing identifying from another nation like Sparta or Athens. Just plain golden armor worn by someone who needed it. His face looked panicked, and when he saw Annabeth in Percy in their official Spartan and Athenian general armor, his mouth fell open.

"Whoa..." Will said. "I knew you guys where in the army and all... but damn, I feel like I want to follow orders from you two."

"Just listen to Annabeth, Will. And we might die later than sooner in this battle. I for one, plan to make Ares work for my death," Percy said with a hungry smirk. Will's eyes widened and stepped out of the doorway without thinking, to let Percy walk through.

"Are they here?" Annabeth said, following Percy through the door. They stepped onto a small cliff, overlooking the village on their small island. A large mass of dark monsters formed ranks on the beach, not a spec of sand was visible. Monsters Percy had no clue how to start describing them. And hundreds of soldiers, but something was off with them. Their armor wasn't clean, or shiny. No self respecting soldier would go into battle without the gleam of their armor ready. No. These soldiers were dead. But alive, and formed in ranks.

A large man stood behind the lines. Dark rust colored armor, cracked and scared from countless battles. A red helm atop the head, and glowing eyes like they were on fire. Hate and anger emanated from that man, he made Percy want to jump off the cliff and fight the army with his bare hands. Percy knew who this man was, he was no man. But god. Ares.

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