Chapter 13

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Carrie's POV

I  get out of the car, and ignore Tyler's outstretched hand. I look at  him, and suddenly I know I need to get as far away from him as possible.  My hand is still on the car door, when I say, "I'm sorry," to him, and  climb back inside, shutting the door behind me. I quickly tell the  driver to start driving, and I don't dare look out the window as the car  pulls away.

I  say my address aloud and slump back into the leather car seat,  exhaling. When I take a deep breath in I swear I can still smell Tyler's  scent in the car.

What  the hell did just happen? I kissed Tyler. Again. I bring my fingertips  to my lips recalling the sensation. I can still taste him on my tongue. I  can't believe how weak my resolve is. Just having him near me again,  whispering those sexy words into my ear, and touching me through my  shirt...made me feel so, so alive. A shiver runs through me as I replay  his words.."...the things I want to do to you..."  What would he do? I find myself wondering. If I were his, completely,  in every way, what would he do? My heartbeat races at the thought. This  is insane. I need to calm myself down and call it what it is. Pure lust.  That's all it is. A physiological reaction. Nothing more. I am not so  basic that I will give in to my primal needs and toss all caution to the  wind. I'm sure getting in bed with Tyler would be satisfying, or more  like mind-blowing... but I am not going to sabotage my relationship with  Jonah for a hot one night stand. What if it's more than that? My  subconscious is prodding me. No. I know guys like him. Super attractive,  and out on the prowl. They're used to sleeping with a different girl  every night, and then tossing them aside. It's all about the chace, the  conquest, and I'll be damned if I'm going to end up being just another  notch on his belt. This line of thinking is really working. I find  myself calming down, as my rational mind is making a belated appearance  to the party.

My phone buzzes and I take it out of my purse. I'm relieved to see Jonah's name.

"Hey," I answer, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Hey, what are you up to?" he asks, and I bite my lip, feeling the guilt swell up inside me.

"Nothing, just went out for a drink with Alex and Tiffany," I say the half-truth, and shut my eyes.

"Look,  I hate it when we don't talk. I'm sorry if I was a jerk talking about  your friends like that. You know how I get sometimes," he continues.

"Yeah,  I know, and I don't like it," I say, remembering his callous remarks  about Tiffany and Alex. "You need to be more sensitive, and show regard  for others."

"Okay, okay. I don't need a lecture. I just want to make up with you. Can I come over?" he asks.

"Sure,"  I say, thinking that being with my boyfriend is just what I need to  wipe my memory clean. "I'll be home in like ten minutes."

"Love you," he says.

For some reason I can't bring myself to say the words back, so I just mumble, "See you soon," and end the call.

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