Chapter 63

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Carrie's POV

Susan and I just ordered lunch at a small french cafe which is down the block from Valent, and I am once again witnessing her work her magic...this time on our unsuspecting waiter. A sly smile, a wink, and a playful innuendo later, we have free bellinis and an appetizer on the house. I am really in awe of how expertly she uses her feminine wiles to get what she wants. It's something I never quite mastered myself, so watching Susan do it so effortlessly has me dumbfounded.

"You are the consummate flirt," I tell her, when our lovestruck waiter leaves.

Susan wriggles her eyebrows, and smiles a satisfied smile. "It doesn't take much, believe me," she explains. "When it comes to men, there is nothing more alluring than an unfulfilled promise."

"What do you mean?" I ask, completely intrigued.

"Well, we all know what they desire most, right? But we are the gatekeepers. If we make them believe that there is even the slightest of chances that our gate may open...well, then they'll do anything... But we're not obligated to do anything of course. My eyes may say, 'come and get it', but if I never pronounce those words aloud, it means nothing. And somehow it is enough to keep them coming back, again, and again....sometimes, even on their knees."

Susan looks very pleased with herself, like she just bestowed some unfathomable wisdom on me and I should be grateful. Instead, I am feeling....kind of disgusted.

"It sounds sort of manipulative," I tell her my honest thoughts.

"Honey, to play the game you have to be a player," she says, and shrugs her shoulders.

"Hmm, I guess I am not that good at game playing," I confess.

"It's never too late to learn," she encourages me, but I already know myself too well. This is not something I could ever do and feel good about. Making men feel desired only to use them for something seems wrong. Not just is.

Our hapless waiter returns bearing our entrees, and places them on the table, all the while gazing tenderly at Susan, who, now having lost all interest in him, is texting on her phone.

"Bon appetite," the waiter says, again casting a hopeful glance at Susan.

She completely ignores him, and starts to eat her salad.

"Merci beaucoup," I answer. He smiles a sad smile at me, and leaves.

"I didn't know you spoke french," Susan says, in between bites.

"Oh, that's pretty much the extent of what I know," I tell her. "Did you know that Lucas is fluent in french? And spanish too!"

Susan squints at me, and smiles strangely. "I think there's something between you two..."

"Trust me, there isn't," I'm quick to correct her.

She waves her fork around in mid air, and continues squinting at me. "I think there is. I totally have a radar for stuff like this, and I call bullshit. You guys take a lot of lunch breaks together, and he's always hanging out at your desk...making you laugh...bringing you muffins and coffee in the mornings. Don't think I haven't noticed how you look at him either."

"What? You're crazy. I don't look at him...I mean, not like that. I have a boyfriend who is crazy about me!"

"But are you crazy about him? Don't make me remind you of how long it took for you to supposedly get over him. Do you remember actually crying on my shoulder in the office about what a bastard he was?"

"Yes, but that was all just a big misunderstanding. Tyler and I are doing great. He's even asked me to move in with him."

"Oh, no. Don't do it, Carrie. From what you told me about him, it sounds like it's just another way to keep you on a 24/7 surveillance..." Then I see Susan's demeanor change. "Although, after seeing how you flirt with Lucas, maybe your boyfriend has a point."

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