Chapter 14

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Tyler's POV

What  the fuck. She did not just leave me alone standing on the curb watching  as she's being driven away from me. The fuck did I just miss? One  minute she's kissing me, and the next it's like she can't get away from  me fast enough. Damn it. I knew I took it way too far with the dirty  talk, and she probably thinks that all I want to do is fuck her. Do I  want more? My mind is racing. I know it's not just about sex. Getting  laid is a text message away for me. There are plenty of girls to choose  from, include fucking Shelly. But that's not what I want. Why am I being  pulled in by this girl?

The phone vibrates in my pocket. It's Tiffany.

"On my way," I answer.

"Where are you guys? We're in line getting tickets, but we all wanna try to sit together," she whines.

"I'll be there in a minute, just get a ticket for me," I say.

"What about Carrie?"

"She's not coming. She said she didn't feel well, so she just went home," I lie.

"Oh, ok. Well, hurry up and get over here, the movie is about to start," says Tiffany.

"Bye," I end the call, and place the phone in my pocket. Before I take two steps it rings again.

"What!" I bark into the phone.


I stop dead in my tracks.

Fucking hell. It's Nicole.

"You there?" she asks. "Please don't hang up, Tyler. I need to talk to you...we need to talk to each other."

I breathe evenly, trying to calm my accelerating heartbeat.

"There is nothing left to talk about. I already said everything I wanted to back in New York," I say.

"You  didn't give me a chance to explain... Look, I thought about it, and you  were right. I made a mistake. I was wrong, and you were  usual..."

I stay silent.

"I miss you," she purrs into the phone, and I close my eyes. Damn her. She fucked everything up.

"What do you want, Nicole?" I ask, trying to keep a cool tone. I can't let her get to me.

"You," she says without hesitation.

"Well, it's a little too late for that now," I say, and start walking.

"Don't say that," she pleads. "I know you miss me too," she adds.

"I have to go. Don't want to keep my date waiting," I say, and hang up.

I  know that wasn't the most  way to handle it, but I just can't  bring myself to really talk to her. Not after what she did.

When  I met her she seemed to be such a sweet girl. So honest, and fun to be  around. Then she caught the acting bug, and that's when the shit hit the  fan. I was supportive. Taking her to auditions, driving down to L.A.,  even networking with producers for her. That's when she met fucking  Robert—the director. I should have suspected something when he asked  her to accompany him to that film festival in New York. Of course she  brushed my jealousy off as unreasonable and childish, but deep down, I  know I was right the whole time. Robert may have been an influential  connection in the film industry, but I sensed he had ulterior motives  when it came to Nicole. He was clearly smitten with her, and she must  have known. She even told me openly she'd use his attraction to her for  her own advantage. I just never suspected she'd actually whore herself  out. I don't know what kind of starring role he promised her, but  obviously it was enough for her to get on her fucking knees. Fucking  slag.

I reach the movie theater and take the ticket Tiffany is handing to me.

"Thanks," I say.

"Took you long enough," she complains.

We  all walk in, somehow managing to sit all together in one row, and I am  grateful for the darkness of the theater because I don't want to have to  explain the angry fucking scowl on my face.

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