Chapter 44

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Carrie's POV

Daniel opens the passenger door to his Honda, and I get in.

"Thanks for giving me a ride," I say when he starts the engine.

He looks at me, and smiles, his dimples deepening. "It's my pleasure," he says, and pulls away from the curb.

Daniel turns on the radio, and switches the dial until it lands on John Legend. He turns up the volume a little, and sings along with the love song. I would never have guessed it, but Daniel actually has a decent voice.

"You're a good singer," I tell him. "Ever think of auditioning for American Idol?"

"I did. Twice," he says, his face totally straight.

"Oh, my god! Are you serious? Did you get to the Hollywood round?"

Daniel laughs, and shakes his head. "Carrie, I'm fucking with you."

"Oh," I giggle myself at how gullible I am.

"But it's really adorable how trusting you are," he tells me.

Soon enough we park in front of my building.

"Well, thanks again," I say, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Aren't you going to invite me up?" Daniel asks. "I thought you were going to to show me your movie collection."

I chew on my lip for a moment, thinking that Tyler would probably not approve, but wasn't he the one suggesting that Daniel and I go to the Film Festival together? Daniel coming up for just a few minutes is not a big deal at all.

"Well, if you want, sure," I tell him, and get out of the car.

We enter my apartment, and I give Daniel a quick tour.

"I'm just going to change out of the work clothes, and I'll show you the DVDs," I tell him. "There's some ginger ale in the fridge if you're thirsty. Help yourself."

"Do you have anything harder?" he asks.

"No, sorry. I'm not a big drinker," I answer from the closet.

I swap my starched button down for an old Guns 'N Roses t-shirt, and throw on some sweatpants. So much more comfortable. When I come out of my closet, Daniel is sitting on the couch, sipping on ginger ale. I sit next to him, and he gives me another bottle of the drink.

"Hey, thanks," I say, and take a sip of the soda.

Daniel's brown eyes travel up and down my body. "Wow, you look smoking hot," he says, and I actually spit out the ginger ale that was in my mouth.

"W-what?" I ask, half-laughing, and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

"You do. I'm sorry," he says, holding my gaze. "I know I'm not supposed to say stuff like that to you....but it's true."

"Well, thanks...I guess," I say, and get off the couch. Somehow, I don't feel quite so comfortable being this close to him now.

"So, anyway," he says, and gets up to stand next to me. "Are you going to show me your DVDs?"

"Yeah, sure. They're just here," I say, and point to the stack of the movies next to the TV.

Daniel leans down and starts inspecting the various movie titles.

"You have great taste in film," he compliments. "I mean, my collection at home is basically identical to yours. Great minds think alike, am I right?"

"I guess so," I say, not knowing how to read Daniel's intense stare.

"I bet if we were to spend more time together, we'd find that we have a lot more stuff in common," he says, and comes closer to me. Then he does the most unexpected thing. He reaches over, and slowly brushes his thumb across my chin.

I back away from him. "Whoa, whatcha doing?" I ask, feeling seriously confused.

"You just had some ginger ale on your face," he says, and tucks his hands into his pockets.

Okay, I am beginning to think that Tyler might not be so crazy after all. Daniel is definitely overstepping some boundaries, and I am starting to feel a bit uneasy.

"I think you better go," I tell him, and fold my arms across my chest.

"Why, what's the matter?" he asks, like he doesn't know exactly what he's doing.

"Nothing,'s just getting late, and I don't want to keep you," I say, trying to be polite.

"Believe me, there isn't anywhere else I'd rather be," he says, and gives me a crooked smile.

Okay. This is actually happening. I guess being polite isn't going to work. A direct approach is best.

"Daniel, you're a great guy, but you know I'm with Tyler," I tell him, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Tyler, right...the alpha dog that won't let you out of his sight. How's that going, Carrie? Do you like being treated like a possession?"

"Whoa, what? Where the hell is that coming from?"

Daniel runs his fingers through his spiky hair, and stares at me like I'm the crazy one right now.

"You're so caught up in his web, you don't even see what it looks like from the outside. He's so controlling, and domineering. I mean, I never took you for a girl who's a submissive, but hey, if that's your thing."

"It's not my thing, and Tyler doesn't treat me like that," I say, appalled at Daniel's accusations.

"Oh yeah? I know for a fact he told you to stay away from me, and there must have been a good reason for him to say that..." Daniel approaches me close, and actually tries to pull me into his embrace. "Come on, Carrie, you and I have a connection, and you know it..."

I am pushing away at him with as much strength as I can. "Get. Your. Hands. Off!" I yell at him, but he won't budge.

He's too strong for me, and I can't fight him off even as I feel his hands start roaming down to my backside.

"Daniel, let go of me!" I scream at him again.

"Don't fight it, Carrie. I know you want the same thing, you're just afraid of Tyler. I won't tell him, don't worry," he says, and continues to grope me.

"If you stop right now and walk away, I swear I won't say anything," I say, desperation cracking through my voice. "But if you don't....."

"Then what?" Daniel asks, his hands squeezing me, and pressing me to him.

"I'll tell him everything....and..." I say, my voice trembling.

"That's where you miscalculated, Carrie... Tyler doesn't trust you as much as you fact... I hold all the cards right now, and if you don't get down on your knees, and give me a blow job, I will tell your possessive boyfriend that you threw yourself at me..."

I am completely terrified right now. I can't even bring myself to speak, as I feel tears stinging my eyes.

"Please...Daniel, please..." I beg, as I wriggle in his arms. "Don't do this."

Daniel has an evil smirk on his face as he's pushing down on my shoulders.

I decide that screaming for help as loud as I can is my only option. I open my mouth and scream, but Daniel quickly clamps his hand over my mouth, and twists my arm behind my back until it hurts.

I am paralyzed with fear. There is nothing I can do. I am trapped, and he is in control. I close my eyes, and silently pray that Tyler comes and saves me. I keep my eyes squeezed shut, as tears streak my cheeks.

"Now, don't be stupid, and do as you're told," he says in a threatening tone.

And just when I think I have run out of options... I hear the sound of the front door lock turn.

The door flies open, and Tyler runs inside, his eyes wild and frantic, as he calls my name. 

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