Chapter 80

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Tyler's POV

I blink open my eyes, and look around an unfamiliar bedroom. The shades are drawn, but there is enough morning light for me to see the sleeping woman next to me. Her blond hair a tangled mess of curls, her lips curved slightly in a satisfied smile. What was her name? Great. Nice going, Tyler. Another one night stand, and you're going to be in the Guinness Book of World Records. What is wrong with me lately? I haven't been this bad since college, but somehow the high seems to wear off a lot quicker than I remember. As soon as I come, I just want to get the fuck away from them.

I quietly get up, and get dressed. Yes, sneaking out is a shitty thing to do, but hey, she knew what she was in for when she invited me up at 3am. Also, I couldn't give a fuck less about what she'll think of me. I am not planning on thinking about her ever again anyway.

When I get into my car, I check my phone and see a bunch of missed calls from Tiffany, and a text: *Baby coming right now! I need you*


Alex had a last minute consulting gig come up in LA, and even though it's around the baby's due date, Tiffany insisted that he go. It's only a short plane flight away anyway, and he's supposed to be back in just a few hours. What are the chances that she goes into labour right freaking now?

I call Tiffany, but she doesn't answer. Damn it. I knew this would happen! Tiffany is probably in labour, all alone, and I'm not even reachable! With Alex away, I am the only family she has, and I'm too busy getting my dick wet instead of being there for her. I feel like such an irresponsible, selfish asshole.

I slam on the gas, and rush to the hospital.

When I arrive, I frantically search for the labour and delivery department in the directory, but I'm too frazzled to find it. Finally, I literally grab the passing nurse, who's understandably startled, and scream at her that my sister is in labour. "Eighth floor," she says, and points me in the direction of the elevators.

I rush to the elevators and see the doors are about to close. "Wait!" I yell.

I grab hold of the metal doors, pulling them apart before they shut completely, and rush inside.

When I look up, I feel the wind being totally knocked out of me as I come face to face with Carrie.

My heart was already beating unbearably fast, but now it feels as though I'm about to go into cardiac arrest.

"Tyler," she says softly, looking just as surprised as I am. "You're here--"

"Yes, I...uh...I'm here for Tiff. She's in labour," I explain, still not fully comprehending that I am looking at her. She looks a little different...her hair is longer. She's somehow even more beautiful than I is that even possible? I suppose it's because the last image of her in my memory is of her face smeared with tears...

"I know. I drove her," she explains, and I have to remind myself not to stare at her like a ravenous beast who's been deprived of all sustenance.

"You did? Man, I am so glad she could get a hold of someone..I know it should've been me...but I just... I was kind"

Carrie casts a curious glance at me. "Busy?" she finishes for me.

"Yeah," I say, and look away feeling even more guilty for some reason.

"It was Alex actually, who called me," she informs me. "He said Tiffany was unable to reach you, and he's already on the plane to get here, but she needed someone to drive her to the hospital. I am glad I was free... She almost called 911, but I got there just in time. She was pretty freaked out..."

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