Chapter 21

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Carrie's POV

I spend the rest of the weekend basically recovering from my time spent with Tyler. I catch myself daydreaming about our upcoming dinner. I'm even making a mental list of possible outfits to wear for Tuesday evening. Memories of our time spent together at Embarcadero, the conversations we shared, and the little intimate moments, dominate my thoughts all through Sunday. I smile to myself, Tuesday can't come soon enough.

Monday at work is busy as usual, but I'm wearing a carefree smile on my face. Nothing can disrupt my cheerful mood. After all, it's only one more day, and then it's time for the dinner at Tyler's house. At his house. Yes, it's definitely not just a dinner, it's the dinner. If I can get through it without dissolving into a blubbering mess, then I know our friendship stands a chance.

Samuel comes by my cubicle and gives me a couple of new projects. I happily get to work on writing some copy, and creating a storyboard.

My phone buzzes with a text message from Jonah.

*LA was fun. See you Wed! xo*

I stare at the text from my boyfriend, and feel....nothing. I can't even honestly say that I missed him. This is terrible. He's coming over on Wednesday for our usual weeknight date, and I am not even excited about it. The opposite, actually. The last few times I've hung out with Jonah, I've been feeling like he brings me down. He often makes unkind sarcastic remarks, criticises me, or is just too engrossed in his own needs to attend to mine. I can't even remember the last time we laughed together. An image of Tyler and me laughing over lunch flashes before me...

"Hey Carrie," I hear Leona's timid voice, and my head snaps up.

"Oh, hey," I say nervously.

"Do you have lunch plans today?" she asks.

"Um, I haven't really thought about it yet," I tell her, and fidget with the pencil in my hand.

"There's this new Mexican food truck everyone has been raving about. It's just off of Market street. Wanna check it out with me?"

"Sure," I say.

"I'll meet you in the lobby at noon," she says, and walks away.

What could Leona possibly want to talk to me about...other than her affair with our boss, that is. This is going to be awkward, and I'm already dreading it. Hopefully she's not going to divulge any more information about her and Kenneth. I'd much rather forget about the whole thing, and never be reminded of walking in on them. Even though I've never met her fiance, I can't help but feel bad for the guy. He probably has no idea. Just like Jonah, my subconscious is mocking me.

My phone rings and I see Alex's name light up on the screen.

I pick up.

"I'm at work," I tell him, trying to keep it down. I really don't like taking personal calls while I'm working.

"I know. Sorry. I just wanted to see how your Saturday went," he says, and I roll my eyes at him even though I know he can't see me.

"Fine," I say, and then I hear him chuckle. "What?"

"Did you and Tyler have a nice time?" he asks me, and that's when it clicks for me.

"You and Tiffany didn't come on purpose. Was this your attempt to set me up with Tyler?" I whisper, covering my mouth.

"I thought you'd be thanking me," he tells me.

"I don't need you to get involved in this," I chide him.

"Okay, okay. I'll stay out of it. But just so you know, Tiffany tells me that she thinks Tyler might really like you."

My heart skips a beat. "What? Did he tell her that? How does she know? What did she say exactly?"

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