Chapter 75

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Tyler's POV

No. Fucking. Way.

I look at my girlfriend, and see her eyes grow wide with panic. She steps toward me, but I back away.

"Carrie, what in the fuck?!" I yell, barely able to control my anger. "And after all the times you denied that anything was going on..." I tug at the roots of my hair, trying to hang on to a shred of sanity in this un-fucking-believable situation. "How long have you been fucking him?" I ask her bluntly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lucas smirking, and shaking his head. Oh, nah.... This fool has it coming. And it's long over-fucking due.

I move toward him, ready to clock him right in his smug fucking face, but Carrie grabs my arm, and pulls at me.

"Tyler, don't--" she pleads, but it's too fucking late. I'm already in rage mode. "It's not what you think--"

Lucas keeps giving me some kind of glare that I guess is supposed to intimidate me, but it only adds fuel to the fire. I shrug Carrie's hand off, and get in Lucas' face. We're eye level, and he's got his arms crossed, staring me down. I'm inches away from him when he speaks:

"In about 10 seconds, you're going to feel like such an asshole," he tells me, grinning his too white teeth at me.

"Oh yeah? Is that after I lay you out, and have you begging for me to stop hurting you?" I bark back, giving him a shove.

He stumbles back two steps, and then looks at me like he's going to murder me, but before he can retaliate, Carrie steps in between us.

"Stop it! Both of you!" she screams. "Lucas, don't bait him....and Tyler, if you would just stop and listen, I will explain everything."

"You better start talking fast," I tell her, already feeling my adrenaline spiking.

"Lucas basically saved my life tonight!"


"Yes. He prevented something horrible from happening. Daniel. He came back, and he tried--"

"Daniel!? No. That fucker," I begin to pace the room. "I should have killed him when I had the chance. What happened? Did he hurt you?" I lower my voice, afraid to hear the answer.

Carrie wrapps her robe tighter around herself, and looks away. "He wanted to...but Lucas intervened... He beat the shit out of him, and then the cops came, and took Daniel away. I had to go to the police station and everything. And Lucas stayed with me through it all," she says, and gives him such an adoring fucking gaze that I feel bile rise up in my throat.

I approach Carrie, and wrap my arms around her. "Baby, I am so sorry you had to go through that. And I am sorry I wasn't here when you needed me--"

Suddenly, Carrie's phone goes off, and when she answers it, it's the police, calling to confirm some information. Carrie goes to the kitchen for some privacy, leaving Lucas and me alone.

"No, you weren't there, were you.... But I was," Lucas says, and I force myself to look at him. "Also, it was interesting to find out why this crazy asshole was after Carrie in the first place..." he continues boldly. "Yeah, I heard all about your little 'trust game'--"

"You better shut the fuck up," I warn him, but he doesn't seem to hear me.

"Carrie kept crying, as she had to explain the entire fucking mess to the psychologist...why her boyfriend would do something so fucking awful to the woman he supposedly loves..."

"I said, shut the fuck up," I repeat myself, balling my hands into fists.

Lucas comes up close to me... too fucking close, and whispers: "Hit me. Go ahead. I know you want to... I'll let you too. I'll let you hit me and won't even fight back... you know why? Because I want Carrie to see what a piece of shit you are. I am her hero now...I am the man who saved her! I am the man who was there when you weren't."

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