Chapter 25

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Tyler's POV

The view from the terrace is great as always, but it's nothing compared to the sight of this beautiful woman in front of me. The wind is whipping around her dark hair, and she's staring off into the distance with her back towards me. She's probably cold, so I wrap the large blanket around my shoulders and approach her closely. I spread the blanket with my arms and wrap her up, bringing her closer to me so that we're both cloaked in the soft fabric. She leans into me, and I can't help but kiss the top of her head. This is where Carrie belongs, wrapped up in my arms.

Suddenly she breaks away, and walks back inside. For a second I wonder if she's too cold, but why wouldn't she say anything?

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asks after following her inside.

"The view is indeed stunning. But I have to go," she says, and takes out her phone.

"Did I miss something?" I ask.

"It's a weeknight, and I have to get up early for work," she answers. I can tell it's a bullshit excuse, and she just wants to get out of here.

"Well, can I at least drive you home?" I ask, hoping she agrees so I can figure this shit out.

"No, thanks. I'm just gonna Uber it," she says, avoiding eye contact.

I come up close to her, and tilt her face up so she's looking at me. I need to know if she's upset.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask, feeling nervous that she'll say I crossed a line when I held her on the terrace.

"No, it's just..." she trails off.

"Then why are you running away again?" I ask, calling her out. I don't want this to be like the last time when I was left standing alone on the curb confused as all hell. That was a pretty shitty feeling.

She ignores my question.

"Look at me," I tell her, and she obliges.

"Carrie, you know I care about you, don't you?" I hope she can tell that I am being sincere. I do care about her. It might not make sense, but I feel a connection with this girl that I haven't felt before.

"You don't even know me," she says, with an accusatory tone.

"I know enough to want to know more. I want to be with you," I tell her, and I can tell she's weighing the veracity of my words.

"Don't say that...remember, we're supposed to be friends," she reminds me, and I can't contain myself any longer.

"Fuck friends. You know you want more than that with me," I tell her, and brush her cheek with my thumb. "And you damn well know that I want more."

I take her by the waist and bring her flush against my body. I watch her expression for signs of protest, but I know desire when I see it. Her eyes are fixed on my mouth, and don't hesitate a moment longer. I kiss her...hungrily, possessively, with a blatant intention of making her as wet for me as I am hard for her.

She whimpers, mirroring my passion by kissing me back, and I groan, grabbing her ass in my hands. Damn she feels good. "I want you, Carrie," I whisper, leaving hot open mouthed kisses along her exposed neck.

The fucking phone goes off in her purse, and she pushes away from me.

Damn it all to hell. I don't want her to get distracted.

"Cancel it. I'll drive you home later," I tell her.

But I can see her wall is being put back up. "Tyler, I can't. You know I can't."

My erection is threatening to bust the zipper on my jeans, so I stick my hands into my pockets and hope it's not too fucking obvious. Actually, I don't give a fuck. I want her to see how strong of an effect she has on me.

"I am sorry," she tells me.

What can I say to this girl to make her stay? To make her as crazy for me as I am for her? Nothing. I've made my intentions clear. She knows where I stand. And she may play it off like she only wants friendship with me, but we both know that's bullshit. You don't kiss your friends like that.

"Come on, I'll walk you out," I tell her in a resigned tone.

I open the door, and then shut it immediately. "Don't go," I plead with her one last time.

"I have to. Jonah is back in town, and he's coming over tomorrow night, and I couldn't look him in the eye if I did anything..."

As soon as I hear his name I see red. Just the idea of her going home to him, and kissing him the way she kissed me, or letting him touch her, is enough to make me want to wipe that neglectful prick off the face of the earth.

"Don't say his name," I tell her, feeling my inner alpha rearing his head. "The only male name I want to hear fall from you lips in my presence is mine."

I know how ridiculous this may sound, how primitive, but I could give a fuck less.

Carrie opens the door. "I think you have a missed call on your phone," she says, and walks out.

What in the hell was that? I walk over to the kitchen and retrieve my phone. I see a text message from Nicole, and it's all slowly starting to come together for me. Carrie must have seen the text, which by its content implies that I have an intimate relationship with this whore, and it made her question my intentions. Clearly in her opinion I am only cruising for a piece of ass, and I just happen to fix my sights on her. Fucking Nicole. When is that crazy bitch going to leave me the fuck alone? And now she's making Carrie question my character. I'm going to fix this. I'm not sure how yet, but I will.

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