Chapter 77

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Carrie's POV

I couldn't get out of that car fast enough. I don't know what's wrong with me. Tyler seems to be saying and doing all the right things, but instead of listening and appreciating his well-intended suggestions, it makes me feel resentful. Why can't I be on his side when he's just being rational? Why can't I simply accept his help and thoughtfulness without feeling so out of control. It's almost as though accepting the fact that I need him, makes me feel even weaker, and I want to feel strong. Strong on my own, without anyone else.

When I get to my desk, I slump over my keyboard, and feel the tears of frustration coming on. I am frustrated with myself, with my own illogical reactions, and my inability to balance myself out. Yes, last night was definitely traumatic, and I still feel shaken up and discombobulated, but that doesn't mean I get an excuse to act like a bitch to those who care about me.

I take out my phone, and begin to type an apologetic text to Tyler, but before I can even get beyond typing 'I'm sorry', I hear Lucas' voice.

"Wow, I didn't expect you'd come in today," he says, and sits on the edge of my desk.

When I look up, he looks surprisingly refreshed and sprightly. His handsome face is a welcome sight, but even the slight stubble he's growing out can't masque the purple bruise on his jaw. God, why did Tyler have to snap at him like that?

"Yeah, I thought hiding out will only make it worse," I explain, and try to avoid looking at his injury.

"I would've done the same thing. You're one tough cookie, Carrie," he tells me, and leans in a little. "Makes me like ya even more," he adds with a wink.

"Lucas," I caution him with a raised index finger, but he puts up his hands like, he knows not to cross any lines right now.

"Just saying. I've always had a weak spot for brave women. Most girls would be hiding under a rock right now, but not you. You're back in the saddle just like that," he says, snapping his fingers. "I admire that. It takes courage to get back out there, and you didn't even spend a day moping around. Good for you."

I can't help but smile. This is exactly what I needed to hear. Not a bunch of fear mongering, and instructions on what I should be doing to compensate for my weakness. I needed to be lifted up, and empowered. I just never expected I'd be getting that from Lucas instead of my boyfriend.

"Thank you, Lucas. You have no idea how nice it is to hear someone being so supportive and positive."

"Hey, so I thought, maybe I'd invite you out for a drink after know, to celebrate our victory over evil. I promise to drive you home afterwards, and walk you to the door. Come on, it'll be fun. You and I, we are in some serious need of silliness after the shit we've gone through yesterday."

I immediately want to say 'yes', but then I remember Tyler's insistence that he come and pick me up.

"I can't tonight, but maybe tomorrow? And if we're going to go out for drinks, I am taking you's the least I can do after everything you've done for me."

"Why not tonight?"

I think about it, and then wonder...yeah, why the hell not tonight?

"You know what, you're on," I tell him, and Lucas beams at me.

I know Tyler will probably be less than thrilled with me going out with Lucas tonight, but I need to do what feels right for me, and not be worried about anything else.

I text Tyler and let him know that I don't need a ride home after work. Just as I expected, he calls me almost immediately, but I don't pick up. Not in the mood to hear a lecture right now.

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