Chapter 72

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Carrie's POV

Lucas stops dead in his tracks, and his eyes lock with mine. He's completely still, hovering just a couple of steps above me.

I make a move to walk around him, but he blocks my way, and looks at me imploringly.
"Please don't run away again," he pleads. "Carrie, please. You've totally avoided me since... Since that evening," he says cautiously, as if having to say the actual words aloud is another sin in and of itself.

I look up at him, and feel the guilt squeeze my heart with full force once more.

"What happened was a mistake," I tell him earnestly. "It was a major fuck up on my part, and I don't even want to acknowledge that it exists. Do you understand? I never want to talk or think about it again."

"Well, that's about the only damn thing I am able to think about, Carrie."

I walk up close to Lucas, and stare into his deep blue eyes. "Erase it from your memory," I tell him coldly. "If you care about me at all, you will never bring it up again."

Lucas casts his eyes down, and nods his head slowly. "If that's what you really want," he says in a bare whisper.

"Yes, that's exactly what I want. I am happy with Tyler, okay?...and you need to just leave it alone."

Lucas sticks his hands into his pockets, and gives me a wistful smile. "Well, I would never want to stand in the way of your happiness, Carrie." He moves out of my way, and continues his descent down the stairs without looking back.

I exhale a sigh of relief, and walk up to my office.

The day at work is filled with unexciting tasks, but I am happy to be doing busy work instead of constantly thinking about my confrontation with Lucas.

Before lunch, Martin calls Susan, Lucas, and myself into his office.

This is the meeting I've dreaded since our return from Chicago.

The truth is that after what transpired with Lucas, I felt completely derailed. Needless to say, my presentation to the clients did not go as planned. I put a lot of preparation into that pitch, but the emotional turmoil I was experiencing completely eclipsed my focus. The result-- I was off my game, and it may have resulted in us losing this major client.

We all take seats across from Martin's desk, and he gives us a squinty glare, balancing his prominent chin on his steepled fingers.

"Well," he utters, after a needlessly drawn out and dramatic silence.

We all stare at him, waiting to be berated, or worse... I suddenly wonder if I could actually be fired on the spot.

"Well, give it to us, already," Susan blurts out, unable to take the suspense.

Martin's face transforms from a frown, to a goofy grin.

"You did it again!" he irrupts, clapping his hands. "I've just heard back from the 'big fish', and they were so impressed with you, that they're ready to come on board immediately! This is a major revenue boost for the firm, and I can personally guarantee you will see a reflection of that in your bonuses at the end of the year."

"Hell, yes!" Lucas celebrates, shooting up his arm in the air and doing a fist pump.

Susan relaxes back into the chair, and smiles, as though she knew it all along.

I am the only one who seems to be shocked by this news. Of course I am glad, but given my performance level during the presentation I am absolutely taken by surprise.

"I may have to move Brent off of the Nestle account, and put Carrie as the lead instead," states Martin, and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, no, I could never take Brent's place," I protest.

"Don't worry about office politics, Carrie, you are a great team leader, and you should take every opportunity that comes your way," Susan reassures me.

"I just don't want to step on anybody's toes," I explain.

"Don't worry about being proper, and just go after what you want," Lucas chimes in, and I can't help but notice a little glint in his eyes.

I square my shoulders and address my boss. "Martin, I want to assure you that it was a group effort. Susan made an amazing powerpoint, and Lucas' creative had them in stitches."

"But you are the one who came up with the entire rebranding strategy, Carrie. You are the main reason this deal went through," Lucas continues, looking at me with sincere eyes.

I feel myself blush under so much praise, and try to redirect the attention.

"I better get to work on doing a follow up then," I say, and after Martin dismisses us, I quickly make my way back to my cubicle and start writing some emails.

"We should all go out after work and celebrate," Susan says, coming up behind me.

Lucas wheels over on his chair. "All, as in, the three of us?" he asks, smiling at Susan.

Susan rolls her eyes. "Yes, obviously. The three of us deserve a little treat. Let's go to Bourbon and Branch, and get some drinks. I'll make the rezos," she suggests, winking at me.

"I don't think I can," I say immediately.

"Oh? What, you can't spend one evening without your boyfriend?" Susan teases me.

"No, it's not about that. In fact, Tyler is busy tonight anyway, so" Crap! I just realized that I painted myself into a corner. I can't think fast enough to fabricate an excuse, and Susan is staring me down.

"All right, all right," I give up. "I'll join you for a drink."

"Oh, how big of you," Susan makes a grimace, and then gives Lucas a fake smile. "See you 'lovers' there."

"We're not lov--" I begin.

"Don't bother with her," Lucas interjects. "In fact, the more you get defensive, the more suspicious she gets."

"I know, I just really hate how she...just...I don't' know."

"Calls it like it is?" Lucas finishes my thoughts, and I glare at him.

"No, because that's not how it is," I hiss at him, and turn back to face my computer. After a moment, I hear his chair wheel back to his cubicle. 

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