Chapter 26

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Carrie's POV

I arrive home, change into my pj's, wash my face, brush teeth, and jump in the bed. Lying in the darkness, I am resisting the urge to check my phone to see if I have any missed messages from Tyler. I am not sure if leaving the way I did was a mistake. Maybe I should have talked to him more, found out who this Nicole person is. It doesn't matter anyway. I shouldn't be with someone like Tyler. He's too good at this game, and I am way too weak to play it.

My phone buzzes on the bedside table, and I leap up to grab it. Could it be Tyler?

I see Alex's name.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, you asleep?"

"No, just got home."

"From Tyler's?"

Not knowing whether or not I should share the evening's events with Alex, I bite my lip and stay silent.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, I don't know. I'm so confused. Tyler and's complicated."

"Look. You know I'm not a fan of Jonah's. In fact, I pretty much despise your boyfriend. But even he doesn't deserve this."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean, you should end it with him before you begin something else. You're an honest person, Carrie. That is one of the qualities I've always admired about you. So if your heart is not in it any more, he needs to know. No guy deserves to be cheated on."

"Woah, I am not cheating on Jonah! It's not like I'm sleeping with Tyler!" I raise my voice defensively.

"Did you kiss him tonight?"

"I...well...he...we just... Yes, I did. Okay? Does that mean I am a lying cheating whore in your opinion?"

"No. But I think your mind is made up about who it is your really want. You just need the courage to find the words to actually say it aloud."

Alex knows me too well. And he is right. I know he is.

"Carrie, I am not trying to--"

I interrupt him. "I'll do it. I'll break up with Jonah tomorrow. But that doesn't mean that I want to be with Tyler. He's not exactly boyfriend material, and I know I am not a casual sex type of person, so I don't think it would work anyway."

"How do you know he's not boyfriend material?"

"I just know, okay? Trust me. He's got many girls vying for his attention. And besides, I am not ending things with Jonah because of Tyler. It's just been a long time coming, and I need to pull the trigger already."

I feel grateful to have a good friend like Alex to confide in. He's always looking out for me, and I have complete trust in him.

"Is that why you called me? To ask about my time with Tyler?"

"Well, actually, I called you to let you know that I will be asking Tiffany to move in with me."

"What?! Really? You don't think it's a little too fast? You guys haven't even been together a month."

"I know. But, it just feels right. She spends almost every night here anyway. And tonight before she left for work, she told me she's falling in love with me."

"Wow. That's amazing. And do you feel the same way?"

"Yeah, I told her I love her too, and I swear if I had a ring nearby I would've gotten on one knee right then and there."

"Holy moly! Are you serious?" I am in total shock, and also smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm telling you, it sounds crazy, but when you find someone who's right, you just know it. I have zero reservations about it. I know we are meant to be together."

"I am so happy you found someone to make you feel this way," I tell him.

"Anyway, I just wanted to tell you, cause I know how you like to be in the loop and all."

"Well, I think you guys make a great couple. When are you going to ask her to move in?"

"Tonight, after she gets off work."

"I'm so excited for you. Let me know how it goes tomorrow."

"I will. Good night, Carrie."


I cannot believe Alex and Tiffany are moving in together after knowing each other for such a short period of time. It would make me a little anxious for sure. But no one has ever asked me to move in with them. Even though Jonah and I have been dating for two years, he has never even brought up the subject. And now, being faced with having to end our relationship I am relieved that we don't share living space. The idea of having to divide our belongings, and split up sentimental mementos is even more sad than the torturous task of having a break up conversation.

I fall asleep clutching the phone in my hand, hoping that it will ring again...with Tyler's name lighting up the screen.

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