Chapter 73

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Carrie's POV

Sitting at a dimly lit small table at Bourbon and Branch and listening to Susan prattle on about her latest online dating conquest is mildly amusing. But I'm still nursing the first whiskey drink I ordered, and I am not planning on getting another one. Lucas is sitting opposite me, and swaps dating horror stories with Susan, making some pretty gross revelations.

"Don't you just love this place?" Susan asks me, as she makes another drink order.

"It's a little pretentious for my taste," I say candidly.

Susan looks aghast. "What?! What do you mean?"

"You need a password to even get in. Come on, it's a little much. I mean, I get the whole 'speakeasy' vibe, but still. I think I liked the bar Lucas took me to in Boston way better," I admit.

Susan squints at me, as she's sipping her gimlet through a straw. "I bet you did," she says, like I'm supposed to decipher her cryptic message.

I don't take her bait, and turn my attention to Lucas for the first time since we sat down.

"Have you talked to James lately?" I ask.

"Yeah, actually. He may come out here for a visit some time next month," Lucas shares.

"It was good meeting him."

"Yeah, he's a good time," Lucas says, and gives me a crooked smile.

Suddenly, Susan takes out her phone, and looks at the screen. "Shit. Guys, I gotta go," she tells us, without offering any further explanation, and quickly downs the remainder of her drink.

"What? Wait, this was your idea to come out and celebrate," I remind her, but Susan is already throwing some cash on the table, and getting ready to leave.

"You need a ride?" Lucas offers. "I mean, you can't drive, so I could..."

"No, no. I'm gonna Uber it. Or should I do Lyft? Hmm. First world problems. I'll figure it out," she says, and waves 'bye' to us.

After we're left alone, an awkward silence ensues.

"I think I should take off too," I say, and grab my jacket, and purse.

"At least let me give you a ride," Lucas asks.

"I'll just take Uber too."

Lucas reaches over, and places his hand on mine. "Carrie, let me give you a ride. If we have any hopes of keeping our professional relationship functional, I need to know that you don't fucking despise me, okay? If you can't even tolerate such a simple friendly gesture as me giving you a ride home, then I know this shit is eating away at you more than you're letting on."

"Nothing is eating away at me, okay! Fine, give me a ride, Lucas. I just didn't want you to have to go out of your way," I tell him. I am not some freaked out ninny who can't hold her shit together. It's just a ride. Who does he think he is?!

During the drive we don't talk except for the times I give him navigating directions. It's starting to drizzle, and I think I hear some thunder rumble through the dark grey clouds.

Lucas switches on the windshield wipers, and keeps his eyes on the road. His shirtsleeves are rolled up, and I can see a sliver of the Captain America shield tattoo on his forearm. His forearms are thick, and lightly dusted with golden hair, tendons flexing when he shifts gears.

I turn away and stare out the window, watching the raindrops making trails on the glass.

"I'm sorry, Carrie. I behaved like a fucking tool in Chicago," he speaks suddenly. "I know you're not the type to just fuck around, and that makes me like you even more. And I just, I can't fucking help it."

"Lucas, please..."

"No, I've thought about what and how to say this to you, ever since you ditched me at the hotel bar...after we kissed."

"I asked you to not talk about it," I remind him, but I know it's a pointless request.

"I have to...I'm sorry if it's hard to hear, but I just need to get this out before I fucking explode. I like you, okay? I like you so damn much it's taking over everything else I do. Sad I know, but it's the truth. I think you're freaking brilliant, and funny, and quirky...and I don't know. I've just never met a girl like you before. And what kills me, it's like you're not even aware of how strong of an effect you have on me. To you, it's effortless. You're just being you...and I'm helpless...totally and completely fucking spellbound by you. I know this is probably coming off a little desperate, especially in light of the fact that you basically told me you want nothing to do with me, but I can't pretend it doesn't matter to me. You matter to me. That's all I know."

I am completely speechless. I'm trying to process what is happening, and I can't think of any response that will make Lucas feel any better. If I am honest with myself, I would admit that I like him as well. That there is something undeniably attractive about him, and if left alone with him for a prolonged amount of time...I would probably be weak again. But I have more than just myself to worry about. I have Tyler--a man who's trusted me with his heart, and I can't afford to be reckless with it. I have to be a rational adult, not an irrational adulteress.

"Lucas, you're a nice guy...and maybe, if circumstances were different, we could... I mean, with things being as they are, there is no way anything can happen between us. I love Tyler, and while I do find, I am not going to do anything about it. I actually want to build a life with this man."

"You mean the man who never wants to marry you?"

Ouch. Hard to keep defending that one.

"Pull over here," I instruct, as my apartment building comes into view.

Lucas veers his Acura to the curb, and shuts off the engine. The rain is coming down even harder now, drumming on the roof, and hood. The cabin of the car feels hot, and stuffy, the windows getting steamed up from all the tension we've created.

I glance at Lucas, who looks directly at me with his ocean blue eyes, fringed with golden eyelashes, and I know that I have to get out this very moment .

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," I tell him, and quickly open the car door, and step out into the rain.

I run toward my building, even as I hear Lucas' car start again, and drive off with a screech. When I reach the gate, I frantically search in my bag for the keys, as my hair and face are getting soaked. It's dark, and the street lamp is barely giving enough illumination for me see inside the bottomless pit that is my purse.

All of a sudden, I feel a hand clamp over my mouth from behind, and a sharp blade being pressed to the base of my throat.

"Don't you move, bitch," I hear an angry slur close to my ear. "And if you try to scream, or fight, I will slice you."

My heart has stopped, and I'm paralyzed with fear. All my senses are on high alert, as I feel the tight grip around my body, and the rancid breath of my assailant close to my face. I don't dare move, and can't think of anything I can do to call for help. I am completely at this man's mercy, and I am terrified.

"Now take your key out, and open the door, like a good girl," he hisses in my ear, slowly moving the knife away from my throat, and to my side.

I reach into my purse, and begin digging for the keys, feeling the lump growing in my throat. Why didn't I listen to my mom, and actually buy Mace, or any other thing meant for a situation like this!

"Hurry up, Carrie," he speaks again, and I am startled to learn that he knows my name. "And don't worry, Tyler won't be interrupting us this time."

Suddenly a shiver runs through me, as my blood turns to ice in my veins. Daniel. He's back. And he's out to hurt me. Only now, there's isn't anyone to stop him. 

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