He The Man

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Picking my baby up from next to him I stood as far back as I could so the doctors wouldn't notice me and make me leave like they did last time when I thought he was waking up.

"Jayceon do you understand me?" The doctor asked attempting to get his attention.

He replied by moving his head up and down. They did a quick check up and soon they were done.

I slowly walked over to the bed and we made eye contact as the tears being to pour down my face.

"Why you crying ma?" He asked in a raspy voice.

"I'm just excited your woke." I said moving a sleeping Xyla onto my other shoulder.

"Damn look how big my baby is. How long I been down?"

"It's almost been a year. Do you remember anything?"

"Shit not much just we was getting robbed and then I got shot."

"Pretty much that's what happen." Sitting down in the chair next to his bed I attempted to wake Xyla up. That was a bad idea. She being crying like somebody hurt her really bad. Sitting up she looked up at me then at her dad and stopped crying.

We sat for the next couple hours as doctors came in and out running test after test. He played with Xyla for a while and although I didn't want to leave I need to lay my baby down. Plus his mom was coming to spend a night.

On my way home I decided to call Tia and tell her the good news since I haven't had a chance.

Me- Hello.

Tia- Wassup bestfriend?

Me- Girl nothing on my way home from the hospital.

Tia- Yo voice sound different.

Me- Like how?

Tia- Bitch I know you didn't have sex with that man while he sleep!

Me- Your a dumb whore. Hell naw I didn't do no shit like that. That's creepy as hell. But come the next day I will be getting some.

Tia- From who bitch?

Me- Jayceon! He woke up.

Tia- Omg sis I'm so happy for you. When did he wake up?

Me- Like and hour after I got there. I was just hoping he wake up before stink birthday and look what happen. I'm so happy.

Tia- I know you is. Twan just walked in. I'm gone call you tomorrow we gone come see yall. Love ya.

Me- Okay love you too.

Seconds after getting off the phone I was home. I kept thinking about how this would be the last time I would have to come home alone and struggling with getting a sleeping Xyla out the car. Things have been tough but I made it through and I'm thankful.

I peeled off her clothes and put her on some strawberry shortcake pj's and laid her in my bed. Within seconds she was gone back to sleep.

While she was sleep this was a perfect time to take me a warm bath and think about the future.

After tuning my water I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a huge glass of red wine.

As I made my way back to the bathroom I heard my phone ring. I noticed it was the hospital number. I instantly got a weird feeling in stomach. I hoped nothing was wrong. I pulled it togather and answered.

"Hello?" I said with an uneasy feeling that quickly went away when I noticed the voice.

"You sleep?"

"Naw about to get in the tub."

"I wish I was there."

"Come tomorrow you will be."

"Aye my phone here?"

"Naw everything you had with you that day is here at the house."

"Speaking of house. What you do with the house in Florida?"

"It's still ours. I had a lot of Xyla things shipped back."

"I can't wait to really sit down with my baby and play with her."

"You see she wasn't scared to go to you because I reminded her everyday who you were. Some days she would just lay on the bed next to you and watch cartoons."

"I picked the right person to be my child mother. I love you."

"I love you too." I said putting the phone on speaker and sitting down in the warm water.

"So Twan been making sure you and Xyla good?"

"Yeah. Tee and I even started Blood Money. I'm glad your woke now you can be apart of the photo shoot we got lined up."

"Damn yall been putting in work huh?"

"Mostly Tia I been at the hospital everyday waiting on my baby daddy to wake up. Bae why Tia though I fucked to while you was in a coma!"

"She funny as hell."

"I do need some though."

"You ain't even gotta worry daddy ready to lay the pipe down anyway."

"U so nasty. Ain't yo mama right there?"

"She sleep."

"No I'm not. But I'm ready for another grand baby anyway." I heard her say in the background and we both started laughing.

After a few more mintues on the phone we finally said our good byes and hung up the phones.

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