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Paris POV

Pulling up to the second house that we were scheduled to raid I pulled out my phone that I only talked to Jay on and texted him.

- Please don't post that video of me I'm sorry I got involved with this investigation. However I didn't plan of falling for you. After this I hope we can find a way to work this out. The person that y'all looking for is Deshawn Kennedy. 2300 W Jackson street.

After sending the text I got out and adjusted my gun and walked over to meet the rest of the team.

"It's no one in here right?" Mano asked the low ranked officers that has been keeping eyes on the house. Little did they know the house had been cleared out weeks ago because Jay told me they were changing things up. He didn't tell me why or how but I knew that it was just used as a meeting spot until their lease was up almost a week ago.

"Yes sir it's empty no one has been here since last week."

"Everyone get in place. Paris make sure we have the evidence team ready."

"They are I checked."

"On three!"

Getting in line behind the squad I waited until they busted the door down to enter.

"One two three!"

The loud noises that the team made going into the house made me jump. This about of force will never be normal to me no matter how may raid I went through.

Mano POV

"Move in." I yelled once the door was down.

If I didn't find anything in this place that could help me make my case then I'm screwed.

"I think we found something." CSI yelled from the up stairs.

Rushing to examine the scene Paris was right behind me.

"This is just weed not even enough to be considered a gram."

"Find me some useful shit. I got less than 24 to get some evidence to pick they ass up now search this bitch like your job depends on it."

Dior POV

Being nervous and uninformed are feelings that I know all to well. I hated it. Jayceon always trying to shield me from shit but he shouldn't put me or my child in harms way period. Stopping my life for him only made me be more thankful that we're no longer together. My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of my phone which Jay told me to turn off but I can't do that. I still have a business to run.

"Hello?" I answered my phone noticing it was my shop number.

"Dior the police are here asking if they could search the store." Jaz said with the sound of fear in her voice.

My heart jumped out my body. What the fuck did they want with my shop? I have no affiliation with Jayceon when it's comes to my business and I made sure of that.

"If they don't have a warrant tell them to step outside the shop and the owner is on the way."

Tossing my blue jean jacket on I grabbed my keys and headed towards the door.

"I'll be back!" Yelling to no one in particular.

No less than 15 minutes later I was pulling into my parking spot.

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