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The silence of the peaceful morning was shattered as Taehyung stormed downstairs in anger, a wrinkled shirt clutched in his hand.

" You piece of shit, why didn't you iron my shirt? What will I wear to the meeting now ?" He spoke while yanking up the omega, from his hair who was sitting on his knees waiting for his masters to come and serve him what he deserved. A sign of obedience!

Namjoon's voice trembled, "I... I forgot, Master. If y-you allow, I will do it right now " Another mistake! He stuttered. Namjoon was shaking like a leaf, just yesterday Master Jin had shown a little mercy to him and he wanted to be a good slave for them to express his gratitude. Yet, here he was, starting the day with another blunder.

Taehyung's expression darkened as he glared at Namjoon, disappointment evident in his eyes. "Disobedient I see " He chuckled darkly " Go to the room," he commanded, referring to a small, isolated room in the mansion, something which Namjoon deeply feared. Every time he would go to that room, he would only come out with more emotional and physical wounds. The emotional ones were way more severe. Namjoon nodded, not daring to protest, and slowly made his way to the room. The door shut behind him, and he was left in dim light and silence.

Namjoon sat there waiting for his master to come and 'discipline ' him, tears streaming down his face. He felt trapped and overwhelmed by the mounting pressure. The weight of the expectations placed upon him, to please his masters, to gain their forgiveness. Coupled with the ever-looming threat of punishment, left him in a state of constant fear from his own mates.

Outside, Jin, having overheard the commotion, approached Taehyung. "He is getting out of line. Seems like someone needs to be taught a lesson " Evilly spoke Jin, thinking of all possible ways to torment their omega not realizing how badly it was affecting him. Taehyung made a quick call and then followed Jin to the room where their slave was awaiting them.

After 10 minutes, the room was spaced out by a big ice slab. Namjoon didn't understand what it was for as he stared at it with confusion lacing over his face. That was until he was asked to strip out of his clothes

"Strip Now !" Jin's command rang sharply in the room.

Namjoon hurriedly but with shaky hands tried to follow the command he was given. He was shaking so much that even removing the clothes was a difficult task, Taehyung scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Tsk, tsk can't even do any task properly and you want our forgiveness. I wonder how " spoke Taehyung as Namjoon even panicked more sinking down onto his knees " No master... I a-am sorry... Pl-please forgive this ungrateful slave ... I won't repeat it " The two alphas didn't say much just passing on the next order.

" Go and lay on it " Just the words brought a chill down Namjoon's spine, his masters were asking him to lay on an ice slab. But Why? Though the circumstances were different right now but at some point of time he was their beloved and spoiled mate, they must remember how sensitive his body is to cold and despite that, he is being asked to lay on the slab by them. Yet here they stood, expecting this of him.

But he had also promised them his complete submission, even if that meant taking his own life he would, just to show that he regretted what he did and would do anything to owe up to that. With hasty steps he slowly sat on the ice slab, his body shivering at the coldness at the same moment but his actions didn't stop as he continued laying down all naked on the chilling ice slab. The coldness from the ice had covered his body with goosebumps as his nipples stood perky. His face, especially his nose had already gotten a hue of pink despite his face not being in direct contact with the ice. That's how sensitive he was to cold.

His hands and legs were soon securely held by the tight rough ropes, almost stopping his blood flow and making his skin pale. Yet none of his miserable condition o was able to melt the hearts of his mates. Sometimes he felt as if their 7 years of love were fake. If not how did his alphas have the heart to see him like this and do nothing about it?

All the while there wasn't even a single word uttered out of his mouth in protest, eyes down in respect and submission waiting for the next command.

" What will you say if Bang PD asks why you didn't come to the meeting, huh ?" Spoke Taehyung, harshly gripping onto the omega's jaw who was tied up naked onto the big slab of ice with a pretty collar adorning his marked neck. The collar not only added beauty but bruises as well. Whimpering in pain the trembling omega spoke "Th-that my... my heat began."

" Good, you seem to learn a lot faster after punishment. Looks like, you don't like being talked nicely " Chuckled Taehyung, impressed by the answer of his omega. Namjoon shook his head a bit in fear and denial, he wanted them to be gentle with him despite how badly he wanted to reprimand his actions. " Enjoy your time here baby, see you probably at night " Spoke Jin, exiting the room and locking the door from outside. They didn't mean it, right? They won't leave me here all day in the cold right? Thought Namjoon with pure pain and hurt.

Even if the ice melted by the night, it was kept in a container so Namjoon would still have to be either in the cold water or stay up hanging in the air by the tight ropes and both sounded painful. Over two hours passed and no one came to even have a glance at Namjoon. Over the past three months, they had been way crueler than this to him but knowing how badly his body would always react to cold he didn't expect them to leave him for so long. Now he was fearing they would actually leave him here till night . Without food, without water just in the torturing embrace of the cold. As the hours passed he started reminiscing about the date, exactly three months back when his life turned from heaven to hell. 

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