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All the alphas were seated in the room, forming a circle discussing over whatever they did in the past three months, be it good or bad.
Though there were barely any good things that they did.

Right now, it wasn't exactly the guilt or realisation of hurting their mate, but rather the fear of what Sehun and Kai would do if they got to know the truth.

"Umm hyung..." Jungkook was the first one to speak up and break the silence getting eveyone's attention. Feeling a little awakard under the gazes he fumbled " Wh-what if he tells Sehun hy-hyung" hands shaking in fear.
"But what w-we did... Was wrong t-too" Spoke Jimin, all while Taehyung kept staring at the ceiling. It was his blood after all!
After this the room fell into complete silence before Taehyung started sobbing, throwing himself into Yoongi's arms " Hy-hyung... m-my baby... H-he killed her... m-my angel..." They all felt bad for the poor boy, even though they were a pack and the pup would be all of their's child but the fact that Taehyung was the biological father couldn't be changed.

"Shh, tae... It's okay... We can't change the past now, can we? We don't know why he did that, but we were impulsive too... I know we all lost our baby, you lost your baby but... But he did too" Spoke Yoongi, soothing Taehyung, but it appeared as if he was trying to convince himself over whatever he did with his bestfriend, his mate, his omega.

Their conversation started because of fear, but the guilt was slowly making it's place.
All six of them sat there devasted recalling each and every thing they did to their mate, the one whom the vowed to protect till their last breathe.

"W-we can still amend it ri-right?... H-he will forgive us ri-right?" Hopefully asked Hoseok, he couldn't believe he let something like this happen to his omega, his world.

"Isn't it a little too late for it now?" Chuckled Taehyung sarcastically, not on hoseok but on himself. He felt ashamed for being so impulsive and arrogant. How could he even think, his innocent pure mate would kill their child. All the harsh words he spoke, all the pain he gave to namjoon.
After all this, he didn't think he deserved forgiveness.
"Do we even deserve it?" Again spoke Taehyung, laughing like a maniac. Seeing Taehyung being like this, Jungkook got scared and hid himself behind Jin.

"I fucking even forced Jungkook to not help him... I freaking snatched his every comfort... I-I am s-so bad hy-hyung... So bad " His screams soon stifled down to sobs as the others just looked at him with empathetic eyes.

"N-no Taehyung... I was the worst... I made him lick my feet... I-I left him to suffer i-in his heat... I-I made my baby, my Joonie lick off from those dirty pl-plates... I am the worst alpha ... H-how could I-I... " Sobbed Jin, covering his face from his hands in an attempt to not show his so 'vulenerable' sight in front of others .
For the next half an hour, they kept crying and weeping in each other's arms. Confessing all the things they did to their omega, and all of them were very cruel and inhuman.
"I-I even punched him... All he did w-was love us selflessly and... a-and is this how we repayed h-his love for us... We don't deserve to b-be his alphas..." Sobbed Yoongi, recalling how Namjoon looked up at him everytime with so much hopes in those innocent eyes and everytime he crushed those tiny flickers of hopes.
"NOOO," screamed Jungkook as the attention shifted from Yoongi to him.
" H-he is just my omega... JUST MINE. You get that, no one will take him away from ME" screamed Jungkook at everyone. Seeing it Taehyung felt more guilty, maybe if he didn't threaten Jungkook at least Jungkook would have been there for Namjoon and things would be better between them or maybe he would have succeeded in convincing them and things would never escalte this much.
But now was not the time to regret, regretting their actions wouldn't get them their broken omega back. They had to work hard for it.
"Wh-what if he le-leaves us..." Questioned Jimin. Taehyung painfully looked at him and spoke "Then we deserve it jimin-ah... I-I am really sorry for provoking you all to do that, if not we would have been in a better place with our omega... It's better if I-I... leave the pa-"
He however didn't get to complete the sentence as Jin harshly smacked him accross his face.
"SHUT UP TAEHYUNG, It's not the time to be so stupid... Get this out of your head that it's your fault... We all are equally at fault... Do you think if you leave the pack , Namjoon will come running into our arms?"
"No, he won't. We have to put efforts to fix what we destroyed... As far as I-I know my baby... He still had hopes from us, but I-I am sure today we broke him completely... I could clearly see it in his eyes... W-we broke our om-omega, our baby..."

"Let's start slow... We should change the things one by one... So that he also don't get overwhelmed and once he is a little better, we will apologise to him" Spoke Hosoek as everyone nodded to what he said.

It was dinner time right now, Namjoon had already prepared the meal and set it up on the table.
He was kneeling beside Jin's chair, his head low hands over his knees and eyes gazing over the dirty dog trays.

He was fine with either, them giving him food or them not giving. at this point he was fine with anything they did to him, he just had to ensure his baby's safety.

Soon all of them settled down, when Jin spoke
" Keep the trays back in the cupboard"
Hearing this, Namjoon scoffed harshly knowing they still didn't change even a bit, and started licking Jin's feet

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60 votes, and ummmmm 25 comments!!!
Can we complete 300 followers by Yoongi's birthday tho? We are pretty close !
Love ya !

Complete the target on this one, else no update!

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