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The following day swiftly arrived,  Namjoon utterly drained, oblivious to the turmoil he unwittingly piled upon himself. With each passing moment lost to slumber, his troubles multiplied, a weight upon his weary body.

His painful slumber was interrupted by hot water, the temperature so high that it didn't even take a minute to turn his skin red. "Tsk, Tsk. See him sleeping like he is some king " Spoke Taehyung as he kicked Namjoon on his stomach and again spoke " Get up bitch. Who is going to cook for us"  

The pain from the kick was a lot for Namjoon to handle, it felt as if the hit broke his bones.  Gasping for breath, he stammered," Sorry ma-master , please give me 15 minutes I will make i-it" Stuttered Namjoon as Taehyung left giving him an unbothered look unaffected by his mate's suffering. He felt super sticky and dirty. He longed for a bath but was late to wake up and bathing after everyone was up was a big no, he didn't want to be punished more for the day. His limbs were hurting a lot, both because of Jin's punishment as well as the tiny room he had to accommodate himself. But without wasting much time he changed his clothes, it was a loose shirt so that he wouldn't feel more sticky, and then rushed off to the kitchen to make the breakfast. 

Much to Namjoon's surprise and relief, cooking breakfast was very peaceful . No one exchanged even a single word with him but maybe he just couldn't differentiate between peaceful silence and the silence before storm . Though the cooking went the same , he had many cuts and burn marks on his hands but as long as the calm faces of his mates were giving him peace and assurance he didn't mind it at all . He had go to any limit for their forgiveness!

After serving them breakfast, he obediently bought out the unwashed trays of yeontan from the cupboard and settled them on the floor, and then knelt beside it waiting for the food . As much as he hated eating from the tray, he was hungry and he knew that was the only option he had. But still, he wouldn't eat it the way he knew his mates wanted him to.

' I should be grateful that they are at least letting me eat, and not complain more' thought Namjoon , still patiently waiting for the food which never came instead came another humiliation on his face . 

" Look at him hyungs , sitting and waiting like an obedient pet for food ... Awww so cute ... Ha ha ! " Fake cooed Jungkook laughing at how eager and desperate  Namjoon looked for food. Namjoon could feel hot tears prickling in his eyes , were his mates now degrading him to a level of mere pet ? Did he break them so much ? But he is hurt too! He is affected by it the same way they are.

They all could hear the small sniffs coming out from Namjoon , yet no one showed any mercy and continued mocking him . " Aww is our bitch hungry , want food ?" This time it was Yoongi , someone Namjoon never expected it from . Out of everyone , he was closest to yoongi . Before his lover , his boyfriend , his mate Yoongi was his best friend, and now seeing him like this just broke Namjoon's heart even more . The alpha overlooked all those precious bonds built and strengthened over years.  He was now full-on crying in front of them , hands still over his knees , head down . Perfect submission ! 

Jin the quietest till now spoke " Too bad , you won't get food today so try not to waste your energy over cying , yeah?" Jin knew exactly what he was doing, he knew Namjoon was showing a bit of resilience by not eating from the tray the way they wanted and he would use exactly that to mold Namjoon into the way he want. He planned to starve Namjoon for days , so eventually even the leftovers around the tray's surface would appear tasty to Namjoon and he would beg to even lick it and get some food into his system and his plan started from today !

Plan to break their omega !

Hearing this , all of Namjoon's sobs stifled down in an instant. He was hungry , very hungry . The images of his lovers feeding him lovingly with their hands kept replaying in his mind making him feel even worse. He just hoped for all of it to end soon , it was just the start and he was already reaching his limits.

After the breakfast was over , he was asked to come to the living room and not having the privilege of walking anymore he crawled his way there  painfully . 

" Kneel " Ordered Taehyung , pointing towards the sheet of rice spread out on the floor . Namjoon slowly got on his limbs and then walked there , again sinking to his knees . " Elbows too "  Again ordered Taehyung, as Namjoon followed. The sting of the small rice was yet to kick in. "We have a few things to tell you" Spoke Hoseok as Namjoon could only nod in submission , finally feeling all those small rice piercing his skin, making scrathes .

" Just like you did with Jin hyung yesterday , each night you will spend with one of us except for Sunday's do whatever you want to " And then Hosoke paused , Namjoon understood the silence very well and spoke " Yes master , thank you so much" Hoseok nodded satisfied by the answer and continued " For now kneel here till lunch , for waking up late ."

Namjoon was scared , scared of the pain . The small, insistent stabs of discomfort seemed to multiply with each passing second, spreading like wildfire through his knees and elbows and the position wasn't a comfortable one too . He doubted he would even last for 10 minutes let alone till lunch , It felt as though every muscle and joint was being pushed to its limit, straining and aching with each passing breath. But again with determination to gain their forgiveness, he convinced himself to do it . To do it for his mates , for the mates who don't care about him!

" Don't think that's all . We have a surprise tonight for our baby, hmm !" The sudden change in the tone creeped Namjoon out he knew the gift meant no well to him and he could only shudder further in fear anticipating what the 'gift' must be . 

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