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Amidst the precious memories, his heart seemed to melt with the ice. It was just cold water now, but his body was already numb and so was his heart—wrinkles adorning at different places due to the coldness. 

He could feel exhaustion overpowering him, due to constant crying and cold. As he lay there shivering, not having enough energy to endure the torture and wait for another couple of hours for his mates. Bubbles of anger welled up inside him for forgetting to iron Taehyung's shirt. 
How could he?
It was his duty as their omega!
But what about them?

When it was past 9 in the night, which calculates to Namjoon being there for over 12 hours now Jungkook entered the room only to coo at the sight in front of him as his eyes softened. 

Namjoon slept there adorably. Though he was tied, still the little scrunch he did to feel a little warmer made him look like an adorable pup. The pink hue on his cheeks made them appear more squishy and not to forget the pout he had on his plump lips. However, just to contrast all of it, his cheeks stood there; tear-stained. 

Taehyung hadn't given him any particular order of what or what not to do with Namjoon and just said "Go and bring Namjoon from the room"

Without the influence of Taehyung's fear, Jungkook still had the heart to help his hyung as he carried him to the tiny room they gave him and laid him down there on the cold unforgiving floor. As soon as Namjoon's body came in contact with the floor, he curled up into a ball, in an attempt to protect himself.

While Jungkook stood there conflicted, he never actually tried to analyze the whole situation. He felt as if they all were still in denial about the whole situation and were acting recklessly.

However, with a new day rolled new thoughts. Jungkook the first one to wake up straight away went to where Namjoon was. This time he didn't feel conflicted, he didn't feel like having an inner battle within himself. Rather he felt angry!

Angry at his omega, for ruining their life. 

'Ohh just how peacefully he is sleeping, after snatching the peace of our life' Thought Jungkook to himself, as he stood there for a good 10 minutes, observing the oblivious omega.

Despite being in slumber, Namjoon could sense the angry pheromones being released which made him feel weak and intimidated, making him slowly stir in sleep. The smell only got stronger, as his other mates joined Jungkook, and were angry thinking Namjoon slept without cooking the dinner neither did he take their permission. 

Once Namjoon completely stirred up from his short moment of peace and senses their presence he quickly jumps out and kneels on the floor. Too scared of the looks and pheromones his mates were giving out. He knew he was in grave mistake, his body was really weak right now he couldn't bear any of their punishment right now, but at the same time, he didn't have any option. 

He had to take what he was given. 

Not to mention, he was too sensitive right now. Not just because of cold, but also because of the emptiness of his mate's warmth in his dull life. 

Shivering out of fear and exhaustion, he kept kneeling there thinking how his life turned upside down in mere 3 months. His once so happy life, now came crumbling down to pure pain. His mates, who were his world were now the ones ruining his life. The ones who promised to stay didn't!

Nothing was going the way he wished for it to go. His body was weak and needed love and care, but all it got was pain!

His thoughts were however broken when he could feel someone's warm fingers over his cold face, leaning into the warm touch he purred, only to realize his mistake a moment later as he messily started fumbling out apologies. He just didn't want more punishments,  but a little rest and he would do anything for that.

"Ma-master I-I sorry... N-no punishment... pl-please... really so-sorry... Forgive th-this ungrateful sl-slave... I-I know I don't de-deserve your apology b-but please ju-just this time... Pl-please forgive th-this pathetic om-omega ma-master..." 

Jin was the one who held Namjoon's face after noticing how pale and blue it looked. The way Namjoon reacted did hurt some part of him but he was too arrogant to admit it.  

"So you know you made a mistake?" Questioned Jin, masking off all the other things he felt, in response Namjoon nodded.

"Ahh here goes another mistake... First sleeping without permission and now not giving verbal answers, hmm? You still didn't learn?" Spoke Jin, while Namjoon shuddered in fear falling over to their legs and muttering thousands of apologies. 

Seeing Namjoon like that, Yoongi peeped in and spoke "See hyung! How shamelessly he is accepting! He still didn't learn any lesson. If he was being a proper slave to earn our forgiveness then he would have begged by rubbing his nose at his  every  master's feet" 

Hearing the commotion, Namjoon looked up with betrayed eyes. He never imagined a day when he would have to listen to Yoongi say something so cruel, that too about him. 

But isn't life just too unpredictable? You never know, what god has in store for you, but at last you just gotta have faith in his planning and live with hope. 

Jungkook smiled cruelly as he told no one that he was the one who put Namjoon to sleep and Namjoon also accepted it, as he didn't remember what happened after he slept or who brought him here from the cold unforgiving room. 

Seeing Namjoon not move, and deeply lost in his thoughts, Jungkook came forward and grabbed the poor boy's hair tightly in his fist. The pain was so immense that a small moan escaped his mouth "AHHH MA-MASTER" Jungkook though, hearing the scream pushed Namjoon down with his leg and let Jin handle the matter for now. 

For a moment Namjoon liked the floor. It was so nice and welcoming. Namjoon just wanted to close his eyes and rest for some days leaving behind his miseries and pain! Then it strikes him pain! His mates! He has to get up or his mates will give him more pain. Namjoon thought worse that he had been worse by letting his mates wait. But in reality, it's only one minute. And the even harsher reality was the fact that the poor omega who always remembered his mates by the words like care, gentleness, and love was now remembering the same mates by the word pain. Namjoon knelt again with lots of difficulty. And kept his head down in shame thinking he made his mates more upset. "Didn't you hear what  yoongi  hyung said? Huh?" Spoke Taehyung, kicking Namjoon again. 

Leaving Namjoon with no option but to do what he was asked to do 

" WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU EATING THESE PILLS?" Shouted Yoongi as he smacked Namjoon across his face, hard!

How's it?

Can I please get 55 votes and a tiny bit more comments on this? The truth will be revealed in the next chapter!

And thankyou @torturelover  for helping me with this chapter 

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