You never listen!

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Sinking to his knees, Namjoon rubbed his nose over each of their feet. They all could sense how warm Namjoon's touch felt; apparently, he had a fever. Despite that, they stood oblivious. They were enjoying the pleasure of Namjoon's misery.

"That made you a little better omega, now go and cook for us" Spoke Yoongi, kicking Namjoon off his leg. Namjoon, weakened by the fever, continued crawling toward the kitchen, determined to fulfill his duties and punishment despite the discomfort.

The heat of the kitchen, and the heat of his body together were just adding a lot more to his misery, which went ignored by his mates. 

Once the breakfast was made and served, he sat down beside Jin's legs, waiting for some food to come on 'his plate' but it never came, because as per Taehyung he deserved it for sleeping without permission and not waking up at the right time. 

Accepting all of it as destiny, he sat there sullen and hungry until all of them were done with their meal. He could feel pain running through each of his muscles, they were damn strained and needed some relaxation, but got none! Not only this, his body was already weak due to all the hormonal changes and he needed to eat his medicine. 

But how can I eat medicine empty stomach? Should I steal some food? Thought Namjoon, having a dilemma. 

"Maybe I could bear some more punishments, but Hyung told me not to miss the medicine at any cost... Yeah, I will just steal a little food" It was pretty ironic, he needed to steal the food that was bought with his money, cooked by him, in his house. Yet he had to steal and not eat!

Once he was sure, that nobody was in the kitchen or the living room, he quickly took an apple from the table and hid it in his shirt. Not knowing, someone was watching him do all of it. He sat under the table, to hide himself as he happily munched at the small apple with content, which appeared enough to him for his empty stomach. 

The other person smiled, seeing Namjoon being happy for a while. Not realizing, how much the boy was broken that even getting an apple to fill his empty stomach gave him this much happiness as if he didn't deserve any of it! When in reality, he deserved the world!

"Now I will eat my medicine... He he" Giggled Namjoon, he was happy and felt as if he won a battle because of how he sneaked the apple into his stomach without getting caught. The person watching him all the while, with a small smile got curious thinking about the medicine and followed Namjoon to where he was going. 

He was weirded out seeing Namjoon going to the store room, it was an old dusty store room. Which they didn't use anymore. 

But all the love and admiration he held for the boy just a minute ago, dissolved to anger the moment he saw the pills in his hands.

Without wasting even a second to process the situation. Yoongi snatched the bottle from Namjoon's grip and shouted " WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU EATING THOSE PILLS?"  his voice sharp and stern. 

Namjoon, visibly flinched because of the sudden shout as he instinctively covered his face, though Yoongi was sharp enough. Before Namjoon could react, his hands were already in Yoongi's in a tight bruising grip. As the older alpha wasted no time in hitting him harshly across the face " AH-ahh hyung" cried Namjoon due to the pain caused by the tight slap. 

Hearing the commotion everyone came into the room, as Yoongi again shouted. This time a shout of agony " WHY? JUST WHY?... Can't you see us happy , huh? First, you aborted our baby, our angel, our world without telling us... And now y-you keep taking these pills so that we can have none i-in the future as well? W-why Kim Namjoon? WHY?... Ju-just w-why are you so da-damn selfish?" 

This time it wasn't his anger speaking rather the pain, the pain of a father who lost his child

"Hy-hyung please listen t-to me " Sobbed Namjoon, his old wounds were reopened too. Something he buried deep inside his heart.

"WHAT'S LEFT TO LISTEN, HUH? YOU y-you killed my ch-child... Y-you are a selfish, bastard ki-killer hy-hyung... y-you are a killer..." Sobbed Taehyung as he sidehugged Yoongi, it was true. The child he was carrying was of Taehyung and that's why he was the most cruel towards Namjoon. The others stood there not knowing what exactly to do, they didn't feel angry anymore. They were just vulnerable, who were yearning for their child. 

"I-I didn't me-mean to... I-it just happened. I-I swear I would never d-do something like this..." Choked Namjoon in his defence, his words were just making their demeanor switch from vulnerability to anger. 

" JUST HAPPENED? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY JUST HAPPENED HYUNG? WE ARE TALKING ABOUT OUR CHILD HERE... It didn't happen like that, you yourself did, with your consent... It was your damn selfishness which made you do it... Just for some mere image in the human world, how could you kill our pup... JUST HOW? People consider you luna in our pack, but what they don't know is you are nothing but a freaking, emotionless, self centred bastard... Maybe that's why your parents abandoned you, you don't deserve a fa-"

"STOP PLEASE " Cried Namjoon, as he cut of Jungkook in between. He never expected the younger to bring up the topic of his parents... No it's not true right? His parents didn't abandon him, they would just have some problem right? He deserves to have a family of his own, right ? They all are lying , right? 

But unfortunately, it seemed as if he wouldn't be getting any assurance any time soon. 

" Pl-please let me explain what happened... YOU ALL NEVER LISTEN" SHouted Namjoon, as he could feel anger rising in him. Jungkook bought up his biggest insecurity as he just couldn't bear it anymore. However, all his protests were silenced as Jin came forward and started slapping him non stop, alternating between his each cheeks.

" You aren't even a little bit ashamed of your deeds right? Then you shouldn't be ashamed to get its consequences too..." Spoke Jin as he still kept slapping Namjoon continuously, while the latter cried in pain, asking JIn to stop. 

"Taehyung, call Kai hyung here " Spoke JIn

How's it? 

Do vote and comment, 55 votes and at least 15 big big comments, okiee? Idk why but I edited this chapter so many times. I hope you all will like it, and there is still a lot to be revealed. 

why do you think Namjoon would have done that?

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